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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


abs(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Absolute value.
abs(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Absolute value.
abs(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Absolute value.
abs(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Absolute value.
abs(Apint) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Absolute value.
abs(Aprational) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Absolute value.
absCeil() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
absCeil() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
absCeil() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
absCeil() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
absCeil() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Returns this ApfloatImpl rounded away from zero.
absFloor() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
absFloor() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
absFloor() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
absFloor() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
absFloor() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Returns this ApfloatImpl rounded towards zero.
AbstractConvolutionBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Abstract base class for creating convolutions of suitable type for the specified length.
AbstractConvolutionBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractConvolutionBuilder
Subclass constructor.
AbstractDataStorageBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Abstract base class for a data storage creation strategy.
AbstractDataStorageBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractDataStorageBuilder
Subclass constructor.
AbstractIterator(int, long, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
Construct a new iterator.
AbstractNTTBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Abstract base class for creating Number Theoretic Transforms suitable for the specified length, based on available memory configured in the ApfloatContext.
AbstractNTTBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractNTTBuilder
Subclass constructor.
AbstractStepFNTStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Abstract superclass for step-based FNT strategies.
AbstractStepFNTStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractStepFNTStrategy
Subclass constructor.
acos(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Inverse cosine.
acos(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Arc cosine.
acos(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Inverse cosine.
acos(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Arc cosine.
acosh(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Inverse hyperbolic cosine.
acosh(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Hyperbolic arc cosine.
acosh(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Inverse hyperbolic cosine.
acosh(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Hyperbolic arc cosine.
add(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleCRTMath
Adds three words.
add(float[], float[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatCRTMath
Adds three words.
add(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntCRTMath
Adds three words.
add(long[], long[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongCRTMath
Adds three words.
add(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Adds two apcomplex numbers.
add(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
add(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Adds two apfloats.
add(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
add(Apint) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Adds two apints.
add(Aprational) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Adds two aprational numbers.
add(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, Double, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleAdditionStrategy
add(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, Float, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatAdditionStrategy
add(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, Integer, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntAdditionStrategy
add(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, Long, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongAdditionStrategy
add(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, T, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.AdditionStrategy
Addition in some base.
AdditionBuilder<T> - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Interface of a factory for creating addition strategies.
AdditionStrategy<T> - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Generic addition strategy.
addOrSubtract(ApfloatImpl, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
addOrSubtract(ApfloatImpl, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
addOrSubtract(ApfloatImpl, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
addOrSubtract(ApfloatImpl, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
addOrSubtract(ApfloatImpl, boolean) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Add or subtract an ApfloatImpl to this object.
agm(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Arithmetic-geometric mean.
agm(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Arithmetic-geometric mean.
agm(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Arithmetic-geometric mean.
agm(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Arithmetic-geometric mean.
allRoots(Apcomplex, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
All values of the positive integer root.
allRoots(Apcomplex, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
All branches of a root.
Apcomplex - Class in org.apfloat
Arbitrary precision complex number class.
Apcomplex() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Default constructor.
Apcomplex(PushbackReader) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Reads an apcomplex from a reader.
Apcomplex(String) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Constructs an apcomplex from a string.
Apcomplex(Apfloat) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Construct a real apcomplex whose imaginary part is zero.
Apcomplex(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Construct an apcomplex with the specified real and imaginary part.
ApcomplexMath - Class in org.apfloat
Various mathematical functions for arbitrary precision complex numbers.
Apfloat - Class in org.apfloat
Arbitrary precision floating-point number class.
Apfloat() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Default constructor.
Apfloat(double) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Constructs an apfloat from the specified double.
Apfloat(double, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Constructs an apfloat from the specified double and precision.
Apfloat(double, long, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Constructs an apfloat from the specified double, precision and radix.
Apfloat(float) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Constructs an apfloat from the specified float.
Apfloat(float, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Constructs an apfloat from the specified float and precision.
Apfloat(float, long, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Constructs an apfloat from the specified float, precision and radix.
Apfloat(long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Constructs an apfloat from the specified long.
Apfloat(long, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Constructs an apfloat from the specified long and precision.
Apfloat(long, long, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Constructs an apfloat from the specified long, precision and radix.
Apfloat(PushbackReader) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Reads an apfloat from a stream using default precision and radix.
Apfloat(PushbackReader, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Reads an apfloat from a stream using the specified precision.
Apfloat(PushbackReader, long, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Reads an apfloat from a stream using the specified precision and radix.
Apfloat(String) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Constructs an apfloat from the specified string.
Apfloat(String, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Constructs an apfloat from the specified string and precision.
Apfloat(String, long, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Constructs an apfloat from the specified string, precision and radix.
Apfloat(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Creates an apfloat from a BigDecimal.
Apfloat(BigDecimal, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Creates an apfloat from a BigDecimal.
Apfloat(BigInteger) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Constructs an apfloat from a BigInteger.
Apfloat(BigInteger, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Constructs an apfloat from a BigInteger with the specified precision.
Apfloat(BigInteger, long, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Constructs an apfloat from a BigInteger with the specified precision and radix.
Apfloat(ApfloatImpl) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Constructs an apfloat that is backed by the specified ApfloatImpl object.
ApfloatBuilder - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
An ApfloatBuilder contains factory methods to create new instances of ApfloatImpl implementations.
ApfloatConfigurationException - Exception Class in org.apfloat
Exception indicating an error in the apfloat configuration.
ApfloatConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.ApfloatConfigurationException
Constructs a new apfloat configuration exception with an empty detail message.
ApfloatConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.ApfloatConfigurationException
Constructs a new apfloat configuration exception with the specified detail message.
ApfloatConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.ApfloatConfigurationException
Constructs a new apfloat configuration exception with the specified detail message and cause.
ApfloatContext - Class in org.apfloat
This class encapsulates the information needed by the apfloat implementation to perform computations.
ApfloatContext(Properties) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Create a new ApfloatContext using the specified properties.
ApfloatImpl - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Interface for apfloat implementations.
ApfloatInternalException - Exception Class in org.apfloat.internal
Exception indicating some unexpected apfloat implementation specific error situation.
ApfloatInternalException() - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.internal.ApfloatInternalException
Constructs a new apfloat internal exception with an empty detail message.
ApfloatInternalException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.internal.ApfloatInternalException
Constructs a new apfloat internal exception with the specified detail message.
ApfloatInternalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.internal.ApfloatInternalException
Constructs a new apfloat internal exception with the specified detail message and cause.
ApfloatMath - Class in org.apfloat
Various mathematical functions for arbitrary precision floating-point numbers.
ApfloatRuntimeException - Exception Class in org.apfloat
Exception indicating some unexpected error situation.
ApfloatRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.ApfloatRuntimeException
Constructs a new apfloat runtime exception with an empty detail message.
ApfloatRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.ApfloatRuntimeException
Constructs a new apfloat runtime exception with the specified detail message.
ApfloatRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.ApfloatRuntimeException
Constructs a new apfloat runtime exception with the specified detail message and cause.
Apint - Class in org.apfloat
Arbitrary precision integer class.
Apint() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apint
Default constructor.
Apint(long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apint
Constructs an apfloat from the specified long.
Apint(long, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apint
Constructs an apfloat from the specified long and radix.
Apint(PushbackReader) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apint
Reads an apint from a stream using the default radix.
Apint(PushbackReader, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apint
Reads an apint from a stream using the specified radix.
Apint(String) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apint
Constructs an apfloat from the specified string.
Apint(String, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apint
Constructs an apfloat from the specified string and radix.
Apint(BigInteger) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apint
Constructs an apint from a BigInteger.
Apint(BigInteger, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Apint
Constructs an apint from a BigInteger using the specified radix.
ApintMath - Class in org.apfloat
Various mathematical functions for arbitrary precision integers.
Aprational - Class in org.apfloat
Arbitrary precision rational number class.
Aprational() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Aprational
Default constructor.
Aprational(double) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Aprational
Constructs an aprational from a double.
Aprational(double, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Aprational
Constructs an aprational from a double using the specified radix.
Aprational(PushbackReader) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Aprational
Reads an aprational from a reader.
Aprational(PushbackReader, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Aprational
Reads an aprational from a reader.
Aprational(String) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Aprational
Constructs an aprational from a string.
Aprational(String, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Aprational
Constructs an aprational from a string with the specified radix.
Aprational(BigInteger) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Aprational
Constructs an aprational from a BigInteger.
Aprational(BigInteger, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Aprational
Constructs an aprational from a BigInteger using the specified radix.
Aprational(Apint) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Aprational
Construct an integer aprational whose denominator is one.
Aprational(Apint, Apint) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.Aprational
Construct an aprational with the specified numerator and denominator.
AprationalMath - Class in org.apfloat
Various mathematical functions for arbitrary precision rational numbers.
arg(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Angle of the complex vector in the complex plane.
arg(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Complex angle.
ArrayAccess - Class in org.apfloat.spi
The ArrayAccess class simulates a C language pointer.
ArrayAccess(int, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.spi.ArrayAccess
Create an array access.
asin(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Inverse sine.
asin(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Arc sine.
asin(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Inverse sine.
asin(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Arc sine.
asinh(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Inverse hyperbolic sine.
asinh(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Hyperbolic arc sine.
asinh(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Inverse hyperbolic sine.
asinh(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Hyperbolic arc sine.
atan(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Inverse tangent.
atan(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Arc tangent.
atan(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Inverse tangent.
atan(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Arc tangent.
atan2(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Converts cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates.
atan2(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Angle of point.
atanh(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Inverse hyperbolic tangent.
atanh(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Hyperbolic arc tangent.
atanh(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Inverse hyperbolic tangent.
atanh(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Hyperbolic arc tangent.
autoConvolute(DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy
Convolutes a data set with itself.
autoConvoluteOne(DataStorage, long, int, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy
Performs an autoconvolution modulo one modulus, of the specified transform length.


BackingStorageException - Exception Class in org.apfloat.internal
Exception indicating a backing storage failure.
BackingStorageException() - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.internal.BackingStorageException
Constructs a new apfloat backing storage exception with an empty detail message.
BackingStorageException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.internal.BackingStorageException
Constructs a new apfloat backing storage exception with the specified detail message.
BackingStorageException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.internal.BackingStorageException
Constructs a new apfloat backing storage exception with the specified detail message and cause.
BASE - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.DoubleRadixConstants
Bases for radixes 2, ..., 36.
BASE - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.FloatRadixConstants
Bases for radixes 2, ..., 36.
BASE - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.IntRadixConstants
Bases for radixes 2, ..., 36.
BASE - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.LongRadixConstants
Bases for radixes 2, ..., 36.
BASE_DIGITS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.DoubleRadixConstants
The power of the radix in each base.
BASE_DIGITS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.FloatRadixConstants
The power of the radix in each base.
BASE_DIGITS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.IntRadixConstants
The power of the radix in each base.
BASE_DIGITS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.LongRadixConstants
The power of the radix in each base.
baseAdd(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, double, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBaseMath
Addition in some base.
baseAdd(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, float, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBaseMath
Addition in some base.
baseAdd(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, int, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBaseMath
Addition in some base.
baseAdd(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, long, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBaseMath
Addition in some base.
baseDivide(DataStorage.Iterator, double, double, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBaseMath
Division in some base.
baseDivide(DataStorage.Iterator, float, float, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBaseMath
Division in some base.
baseDivide(DataStorage.Iterator, int, int, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBaseMath
Division in some base.
baseDivide(DataStorage.Iterator, long, long, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBaseMath
Division in some base.
baseMultiplyAdd(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, double, double, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBaseMath
Multiplication and addition in some base.
baseMultiplyAdd(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, float, float, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBaseMath
Multiplication and addition in some base.
baseMultiplyAdd(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, int, int, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBaseMath
Multiplication and addition in some base.
baseMultiplyAdd(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, long, long, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBaseMath
Multiplication and addition in some base.
baseSubtract(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, double, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBaseMath
Subtraction in some base.
baseSubtract(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, float, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBaseMath
Subtraction in some base.
baseSubtract(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, int, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBaseMath
Subtraction in some base.
baseSubtract(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, long, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBaseMath
Subtraction in some base.
bernoulli(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Returns the specified Bernoulli number.
bernoulli(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Bernoulli number.
bernoulli(long, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Returns the specified Bernoulli number in the given radix.
bernoulli(long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Bernoulli number.
binomial(long, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Binomial coefficient.
binomial(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Binomial coefficient.
binomial(long, long, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Binomial coefficient.
binomial(long, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Binomial coefficient.
binomial(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Binomial coefficient.
binomial(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Binomial coefficient.
binomial(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Binomial coefficient.
binomial(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Binomial coefficient.
binomial(Apint, Apint) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Binomial coefficient.
binomial(Aprational, Aprational) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Binomial coefficient.
BLOCK_SIZE - Static variable in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Property name for specifying the I/O block size.
BUILDER_FACTORY - Static variable in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Property name for specifying the apfloat builder factory class.
BuilderFactory - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
A BuilderFactory object contains factory methods for building the various parts of an apfloat using the Builder pattern.
byteValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns the value of the this number as a byte.
byteValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns the value of the this number as a byte.
byteValueExact() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns the value of the this number as a byte, checking for lost information.


CACHE_BURST - Static variable in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Property name for specifying the level 1 cache burst size.
CACHE_L1_SIZE - Static variable in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Property name for specifying the level 1 cache size.
CACHE_L2_SIZE - Static variable in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Property name for specifying the level 2 cache size.
carry(DataStorage, long, long, long, long, double[], double[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleCarryCRTStepStrategy
carry(DataStorage, long, long, long, long, float[], float[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatCarryCRTStepStrategy
carry(DataStorage, long, long, long, long, int[], int[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntCarryCRTStepStrategy
carry(DataStorage, long, long, long, long, long[], long[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongCarryCRTStepStrategy
carry(DataStorage, long, long, long, long, T, T) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.CarryCRTStepStrategy
Propagate carries from the previous block computed with the CRT method.
carryCRT(DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.StepCarryCRTStrategy
Calculate the final result of a three-NTT convolution.
carryCRT(DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.CarryCRTStrategy
Calculate the final result of a three-NTT convolution.
CarryCRTBuilder<T> - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Interface of a factory for creating carry-CRT related objects.
CarryCRTStepStrategy<T> - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Interface for performing the steps of a carry-CRT operation in a convolution.
carryCRTStrategy - Variable in class org.apfloat.internal.ThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy
The carry-CRT to use.
CarryCRTStrategy - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Interface for performing the final step of a three-modulus Number Theoretic Transform based convolution.
catalan() - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Catalan's constant G.
catalan(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Catalan's constant G.
catalan(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Calculates Catalan's constant, G.
catalan(long, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Calculates Catalan's constant, G.
cbrt(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Cube root.
cbrt(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Cube root.
cbrt(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Cube root.
cbrt(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Cube root.
cbrt(Apint) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Cube root and remainder.
ceil() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Ceiling function.
ceil() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Ceiling function.
ceil() - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Ceiling function.
ceil(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Ceiling function.
ceil(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Ceiling function.
checkGet() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
Checks if any of the get() methods can be called.
checkLength() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
Checks if the iterator is at the end yet.
checkSet() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
Checks if any of the set() methods can be called.
CLEANUP_AT_EXIT - Static variable in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Property name for specifying if clean-up should be done at program exit.
clearThreadContexts() - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Removes all thread-specific ApfloatContexts.
clone() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Creates a copy of this object.
close() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMemoryArrayAccess
close() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMemoryArrayAccess
close() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMemoryArrayAccess
close() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMemoryArrayAccess
close() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.ArrayAccess
Close this array access and commit any changes to the underlying data storage if applicable.
close() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.Iterator
Closes the iterator.
compare(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleCRTMath
Compares three words.
compare(float[], float[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatCRTMath
Compares three words.
compare(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntCRTMath
Compares three words.
compare(long[], long[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongCRTMath
Compares three words.
compareTo(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Compare this apfloat to the specified apfloat.
compareTo(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Compare this apint to the specified apfloat.
compareTo(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Compare this aprational to the specified apfloat.
compareTo(Apint) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Compare this apint to the specified apint.
compareTo(Aprational) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Compare this apint to the specified aprational.
compareTo(Aprational) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Compare this aprational to the specified aprational.
compareTo(ApfloatImpl) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
compareTo(ApfloatImpl) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
compareTo(ApfloatImpl) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
compareTo(ApfloatImpl) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
compareTo(ApfloatImpl) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Compare this ApfloatImpl and another number.
conj() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns the complex conjugate of this apcomplex.
conj(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Complex conjugate.
continuedFraction(Apfloat, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Generates the first n terms in the continued fraction representation of x.
continuedFraction(Apfloat, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Continued fraction.
continuedFraction(Aprational, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Generates the first n terms in the continued fraction representation of x.
convergents(Apfloat, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Generates the first n convergents corresponding to the continued fraction of x.
convergents(Apfloat, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
convergents(Aprational, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Generates the first n convergents corresponding to the continued fraction of x.
convolute(DataStorage, DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy
convolute(DataStorage, DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMediumConvolutionStrategy
convolute(DataStorage, DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleShortConvolutionStrategy
convolute(DataStorage, DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy
convolute(DataStorage, DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMediumConvolutionStrategy
convolute(DataStorage, DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatShortConvolutionStrategy
convolute(DataStorage, DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy
convolute(DataStorage, DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMediumConvolutionStrategy
convolute(DataStorage, DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntShortConvolutionStrategy
convolute(DataStorage, DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy
convolute(DataStorage, DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMediumConvolutionStrategy
convolute(DataStorage, DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongShortConvolutionStrategy
convolute(DataStorage, DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy
convolute(DataStorage, DataStorage, long) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ConvolutionStrategy
Convolutes the two sets of data.
convoluteOne(DataStorage, DataStorage, long, int, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy
Performs a convolution modulo one modulus, of the specified transform length.
ConvolutionBuilder - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Interface of a factory for creating convolutors.
ConvolutionStrategy - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Generic convolution strategy.
copyFrom(DataStorage) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Copies all data from another data storage to this data storage.
copyFrom(DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Copies the specified number of elements from another data storage to this data storage.
copySign(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Copy sign from one argument to another.
copySign(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Copies the sign from one number to another.
copySign(Apint, Apint) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Copy sign from one argument to another.
copySign(Aprational, Aprational) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Copy sign from one argument to another.
cos(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
cos(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
cos(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
cos(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
cosh(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Hyperbolic cosine.
cosh(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Hyperbolic cosine.
cosh(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Hyperbolic cosine.
cosh(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Hyperbolic cosine.
createAddition(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleAdditionBuilder
createAddition(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatAdditionBuilder
createAddition(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntAdditionBuilder
createAddition(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongAdditionBuilder
createAddition(int) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.AdditionBuilder
Returns an addition strategy of suitable type for the specified radix.
createApfloat(double, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatBuilder
createApfloat(double, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatBuilder
createApfloat(double, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatBuilder
createApfloat(double, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatBuilder
createApfloat(double, long, int) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatBuilder
Create a new ApfloatImpl instance from a double.
createApfloat(long, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatBuilder
createApfloat(long, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatBuilder
createApfloat(long, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatBuilder
createApfloat(long, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatBuilder
createApfloat(long, long, int) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatBuilder
Create a new ApfloatImpl instance from a long.
createApfloat(PushbackReader, long, int, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatBuilder
createApfloat(PushbackReader, long, int, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatBuilder
createApfloat(PushbackReader, long, int, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatBuilder
createApfloat(PushbackReader, long, int, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatBuilder
createApfloat(PushbackReader, long, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatBuilder
Create a new ApfloatImpl instance reading from a stream.
createApfloat(String, long, int, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatBuilder
createApfloat(String, long, int, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatBuilder
createApfloat(String, long, int, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatBuilder
createApfloat(String, long, int, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatBuilder
createApfloat(String, long, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatBuilder
Create a new ApfloatImpl instance from a String.
createArrayAccess(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
Create an empty ArrayAccess.
createArrayAccess(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleDiskDataStorage
createArrayAccess(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatDiskDataStorage
createArrayAccess(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntDiskDataStorage
createArrayAccess(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongDiskDataStorage
createCachedDataStorage() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractDataStorageBuilder
Create a cached data storage.
createCachedDataStorage() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleDataStorageBuilder
createCachedDataStorage() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatDataStorageBuilder
createCachedDataStorage() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntDataStorageBuilder
createCachedDataStorage() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongDataStorageBuilder
createCachedDataStorage(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractDataStorageBuilder
createCachedDataStorage(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy
Create a cached (if possible) data storage for the specified number of elements.
createCachedDataStorage(long) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.DataStorageBuilder
Get a data storage that is cached in memory, if possible, for the requested size of data.
createCarryCRT(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleCarryCRTBuilder
createCarryCRT(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatCarryCRTBuilder
createCarryCRT(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntCarryCRTBuilder
createCarryCRT(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongCarryCRTBuilder
createCarryCRT(int) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.CarryCRTBuilder
Creates an object for implementing the carry-CRT of a three-NTT based convolution using the specified radix.
createCarryCRTParallelRunnable(Class<T>, DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.StepCarryCRTStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable object for doing the carry-CRT in parallel.
createCarryCRTSteps(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleCarryCRTBuilder
createCarryCRTSteps(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatCarryCRTBuilder
createCarryCRTSteps(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntCarryCRTBuilder
createCarryCRTSteps(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongCarryCRTBuilder
createCarryCRTSteps(int) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.CarryCRTBuilder
Creates an object for implementing the steps of the carry-CRT of a three-NTT based convolution using the specified radix.
createColumnTransformParallelRunnable(DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long, long, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleFactor3NTTStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable object for transforming the columns of the matrix using a 3-point NTT transform.
createColumnTransformParallelRunnable(DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long, long, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatFactor3NTTStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable object for transforming the columns of the matrix using a 3-point NTT transform.
createColumnTransformParallelRunnable(DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long, long, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntFactor3NTTStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable object for transforming the columns of the matrix using a 3-point NTT transform.
createColumnTransformParallelRunnable(DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long, long, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongFactor3NTTStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable object for transforming the columns of the matrix using a 3-point NTT transform.
createConvolution(int, long, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractConvolutionBuilder
createConvolution(int, long, long, long) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ConvolutionBuilder
Returns a convolution strategy of suitable type for the specified length.
createDataStorage(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractDataStorageBuilder
createDataStorage(long) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.DataStorageBuilder
Get an appropriate type of data storage for the requested size of data.
createDataStorage(DataStorage) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractDataStorageBuilder
createDataStorage(DataStorage) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy
Create a cached data storage from the (possibly) cached data storage.
createDataStorage(DataStorage) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.DataStorageBuilder
Convert cached data storage to the appropriate normal data storage type.
createExecution() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelExecutionBuilder
createExecution() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ExecutionBuilder
Creates an object for execution operations.
createFactor3NTTSteps() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleNTTBuilder
createFactor3NTTSteps() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatNTTBuilder
createFactor3NTTSteps() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntNTTBuilder
createFactor3NTTSteps() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongNTTBuilder
createFactor3NTTSteps() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.NTTBuilder
Creates an object for implementing the steps of factor-3 NTT.
createFactor3NTTStrategy(long, NTTStrategy) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractNTTBuilder
Create a factor-3 NTT strategy on top of another NTT strategy.
createKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractConvolutionBuilder
Create a Karatsuba convolution strategy.
createKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleConvolutionBuilder
createKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatConvolutionBuilder
createKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntConvolutionBuilder
createKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongConvolutionBuilder
createMatrix() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMatrixBuilder
createMatrix() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMatrixBuilder
createMatrix() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMatrixBuilder
createMatrix() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMatrixBuilder
createMatrix() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.MatrixBuilder
Creates an object for matrix operations.
createMediumConvolutionStrategy(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractConvolutionBuilder
Create a medium-length convolution strategy where the size of one of the data sets is relatively small (but more than one).
createMediumConvolutionStrategy(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleConvolutionBuilder
createMediumConvolutionStrategy(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatConvolutionBuilder
createMediumConvolutionStrategy(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntConvolutionBuilder
createMediumConvolutionStrategy(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongConvolutionBuilder
createMultiplyElementsParallelRunnable(ArrayAccess, int, int, int, int, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleNTTStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable object for multiplying the elements of the matrix.
createMultiplyElementsParallelRunnable(ArrayAccess, int, int, int, int, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatNTTStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable object for multiplying the elements of the matrix.
createMultiplyElementsParallelRunnable(ArrayAccess, int, int, int, int, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntNTTStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable object for multiplying the elements of the matrix.
createMultiplyElementsParallelRunnable(ArrayAccess, int, int, int, int, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongNTTStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable object for multiplying the elements of the matrix.
createMultiplyInPlaceParallelRunnable(DataStorage, DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable for multiplying the elements in-place.
createMultiplyInPlaceParallelRunnable(DataStorage, DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable for multiplying the elements in-place.
createMultiplyInPlaceParallelRunnable(DataStorage, DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable for multiplying the elements in-place.
createMultiplyInPlaceParallelRunnable(DataStorage, DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable for multiplying the elements in-place.
createNonCachedDataStorage() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractDataStorageBuilder
Create a non-cached data storage.
createNonCachedDataStorage() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleDataStorageBuilder
createNonCachedDataStorage() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatDataStorageBuilder
createNonCachedDataStorage() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntDataStorageBuilder
createNonCachedDataStorage() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongDataStorageBuilder
createNTT(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractNTTBuilder
createNTT(long) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.NTTBuilder
Creates a Number Theoretic Transform of suitable type for the specified length.
createNTTConvolutionSteps() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleNTTBuilder
createNTTConvolutionSteps() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatNTTBuilder
createNTTConvolutionSteps() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntNTTBuilder
createNTTConvolutionSteps() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongNTTBuilder
createNTTConvolutionSteps() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.NTTBuilder
Creates an object for implementing the steps of a three-NTT based convolution.
createNTTSteps() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleNTTBuilder
createNTTSteps() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatNTTBuilder
createNTTSteps() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntNTTBuilder
createNTTSteps() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongNTTBuilder
createNTTSteps() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.NTTBuilder
Creates an object for implementing the steps of a step-based Number Theoretic Transform.
createScrambleTable(int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.Scramble
Create a table of indexes for scrambling an array for FFT.
createShortConvolutionStrategy(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractConvolutionBuilder
Create a short-length convolution strategy where the size of either data set is one.
createShortConvolutionStrategy(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleConvolutionBuilder
createShortConvolutionStrategy(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatConvolutionBuilder
createShortConvolutionStrategy(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntConvolutionBuilder
createShortConvolutionStrategy(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongConvolutionBuilder
createSimpleFNTStrategy(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractNTTBuilder
Create a simple NTT strategy.
createSimpleFNTStrategy(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleNTTBuilder
createSimpleFNTStrategy(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatNTTBuilder
createSimpleFNTStrategy(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntNTTBuilder
createSimpleFNTStrategy(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongNTTBuilder
createSixStepFNTStrategy(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractNTTBuilder
Create a six-step NTT strategy.
createSquareInPlaceParallelRunnable(DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable for squaring the elements in-place.
createSquareInPlaceParallelRunnable(DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable for squaring the elements in-place.
createSquareInPlaceParallelRunnable(DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable for squaring the elements in-place.
createSquareInPlaceParallelRunnable(DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable for squaring the elements in-place.
createThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy(int, NTTStrategy) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractConvolutionBuilder
Create a 3-NTT convolution strategy.
createThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy(int, NTTStrategy) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleConvolutionBuilder
createThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy(int, NTTStrategy) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatConvolutionBuilder
createThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy(int, NTTStrategy) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntConvolutionBuilder
createThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy(int, NTTStrategy) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongConvolutionBuilder
createTransformRowsParallelRunnable(ArrayAccess, int, int, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleNTTStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable object for transforming the rows of the matrix.
createTransformRowsParallelRunnable(ArrayAccess, int, int, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatNTTStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable object for transforming the rows of the matrix.
createTransformRowsParallelRunnable(ArrayAccess, int, int, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntNTTStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable object for transforming the rows of the matrix.
createTransformRowsParallelRunnable(ArrayAccess, int, int, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongNTTStepStrategy
Create a ParallelRunnable object for transforming the rows of the matrix.
createTransposedArrayAccess(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
Create an empty transposed ArrayAccess.
createTransposedArrayAccess(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleDiskDataStorage
createTransposedArrayAccess(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatDiskDataStorage
createTransposedArrayAccess(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntDiskDataStorage
createTransposedArrayAccess(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongDiskDataStorage
createTwoPassFNTStrategy(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractNTTBuilder
Create a two-pass NTT strategy.
createWTable(double, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleModMath
Create a table of powers of n:th root of unity.
createWTable(float, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatModMath
Create a table of powers of n:th root of unity.
createWTable(int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntModMath
Create a table of powers of n:th root of unity.
createWTable(long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongModMath
Create a table of powers of n:th root of unity.
crt(DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long, long, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleCarryCRTStepStrategy
crt(DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long, long, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatCarryCRTStepStrategy
crt(DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long, long, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntCarryCRTStepStrategy
crt(DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long, long, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongCarryCRTStepStrategy
crt(DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long, long, long, long) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.CarryCRTStepStrategy
Perform the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) on each element of the three result data sets to get the result of each element modulo the product of the three moduli.
CUTOFF_POINT - Static variable in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy
Cut-off point for Karatsuba / basic convolution.
CUTOFF_POINT - Static variable in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy
Cut-off point for Karatsuba / basic convolution.
CUTOFF_POINT - Static variable in class org.apfloat.internal.IntKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy
Cut-off point for Karatsuba / basic convolution.
CUTOFF_POINT - Static variable in class org.apfloat.internal.LongKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy
Cut-off point for Karatsuba / basic convolution.


DataStorage - Class in org.apfloat.spi
Generic data storage class.
DataStorage() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Default constructor.
DataStorage(DataStorage, long, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Subsequence constructor.
DataStorage.AbstractIterator - Class in org.apfloat.spi
Abstract base class for iterators iterating through this DataStorage.
DataStorage.Iterator - Class in org.apfloat.spi
Iterator for iterating through elements of the data storage.
DataStorageBuilder - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Interface for determining a suitable storage type for data of some expected size.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Default precision.
DEFAULT_RADIX - Static variable in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Property name for specifying the default radix.
denominator() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Denominator of this aprational.
denominator() - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Denominator of this aprational.
digamma(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Digamma function.
digamma(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Digamma function.
digamma(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Digamma function.
digamma(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Digamma function.
DiskDataStorage - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Abstract base class for disk-based data storage, containing the common functionality independent of the element type.
DiskDataStorage() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
Default constructor.
DiskDataStorage(DiskDataStorage, long, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
Subsequence constructor.
div(Apint, Apint) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Quotient and remainder.
divide(double[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleCRTMath
Divides three words by the base to produce two words.
divide(float[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatCRTMath
Divides three words by the base to produce two words.
divide(int[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntCRTMath
Divides three words by the base to produce two words.
divide(long[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongCRTMath
Divides three words by the base to produce two words.
divide(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Divides two apcomplex numbers.
divide(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
divide(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Divides two apfloats.
divide(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
divide(Apint) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Divides two apints.
divide(Aprational) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Divides two aprational numbers.
divide(DataStorage.Iterator, Double, Double, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleAdditionStrategy
divide(DataStorage.Iterator, Float, Float, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatAdditionStrategy
divide(DataStorage.Iterator, Integer, Integer, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntAdditionStrategy
divide(DataStorage.Iterator, Long, Long, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongAdditionStrategy
divide(DataStorage.Iterator, T, T, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.AdditionStrategy
Division in some base.
divideShort(ApfloatImpl) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
divideShort(ApfloatImpl) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
divideShort(ApfloatImpl) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
divideShort(ApfloatImpl) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
divideShort(ApfloatImpl) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Divide this ApfloatImpl by an ApfloatImpl that is "short".
DOUBLE_PRECISION - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.spi.RadixConstants
Precision of a double in the digits of each radix.
DoubleAdditionBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates additions for the specified radix and the double element type.
DoubleAdditionBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleAdditionBuilder
Default constructor.
DoubleAdditionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Basic addition strategy for the double element type.
DoubleAdditionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleAdditionStrategy
Creates an addition strategy using the specified radix.
DoubleApfloatBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Builder class for building ApfloatImpl implementations with the double data element type.
DoubleApfloatBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatBuilder
Default constructor.
DoubleApfloatImpl - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Immutable apfloat implementation class for the double data element type.
DoubleApfloatImpl(double, long, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
Create a new DoubleApfloatImpl instance from a double.
DoubleApfloatImpl(long, long, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
Create a new DoubleApfloatImpl instance from a long.
DoubleApfloatImpl(PushbackReader, long, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
Create a new DoubleApfloatImpl instance reading from a stream.
DoubleApfloatImpl(String, long, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
Create a new DoubleApfloatImpl instance from a String.
DoubleBaseMath - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Mathematical operations on numbers in a base.
DoubleBaseMath(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBaseMath
Creates a base math using the specified radix.
DoubleBuilderFactory - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Factory class for getting instances of the various builder classes needed to build an ApfloatImpl with the double data element type.
DoubleBuilderFactory() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBuilderFactory
Default constructor.
DoubleCarryCRTBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates carry-CRT related objects, for the double type.
DoubleCarryCRTBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleCarryCRTBuilder
Default constructor.
DoubleCarryCRTStepStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Class for performing the final steps of a three-modulus Number Theoretic Transform based convolution.
DoubleCarryCRTStepStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleCarryCRTStepStrategy
Creates a carry-CRT steps object using the specified radix.
DoubleConstants - Interface in org.apfloat.internal
Constants needed for various algorithms for the double type.
DoubleConvolutionBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates convolutions of suitable type for the double type.
DoubleConvolutionBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleConvolutionBuilder
Default constructor.
DoubleCRTMath - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Basic arithmetic for calculating the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
DoubleCRTMath(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleCRTMath
Creates a carry-CRT math using the specified radix.
DoubleDataStorageBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Default data storage creation strategy for the double data type.
DoubleDataStorageBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleDataStorageBuilder
Default constructor.
DoubleDiskDataStorage - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Disk-based data storage for the double element type.
DoubleDiskDataStorage() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleDiskDataStorage
Default constructor.
DoubleDiskDataStorage(DoubleDiskDataStorage, long, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleDiskDataStorage
Subsequence constructor.
DoubleElementaryModMath - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Elementary modulo arithmetic functions for double data.
DoubleElementaryModMath() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleElementaryModMath
Default constructor.
DoubleFactor3NTTStepStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Steps for the factor-3 NTT.
DoubleFactor3NTTStepStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleFactor3NTTStepStrategy
Default constructor.
DoubleKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Convolution strategy using the Karatsuba algorithm.
DoubleKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy
Creates a convolution strategy using the specified radix.
DoubleMatrixBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates matrix operations objects, for the double type.
DoubleMatrixBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMatrixBuilder
Default constructor.
DoubleMatrixStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Optimized matrix transposition methods for the double type.
DoubleMatrixStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMatrixStrategy
Default constructor.
DoubleMediumConvolutionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Medium-length convolution strategy.
DoubleMediumConvolutionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMediumConvolutionStrategy
Creates a convolution strategy using the specified radix.
DoubleMemoryArrayAccess - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Array access class based on a double[].
DoubleMemoryArrayAccess(double[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMemoryArrayAccess
Create an array access.
DoubleMemoryDataStorage - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Memory based data storage implementation for the double element type.
DoubleMemoryDataStorage() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMemoryDataStorage
Default constructor.
DoubleMemoryDataStorage(DoubleMemoryDataStorage, long, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMemoryDataStorage
Subsequence constructor.
DoubleModConstants - Interface in org.apfloat.internal
Constants needed for various modular arithmetic operations for the double type.
DoubleModMath - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Modulo arithmetic functions for double data.
DoubleModMath() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleModMath
Default constructor.
DoubleNTTBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates Number Theoretic Transforms for the double type.
DoubleNTTBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleNTTBuilder
Default constructor.
DoubleNTTConvolutionStepStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Steps of a three-NTT convolution for the double type.
DoubleNTTConvolutionStepStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
Default constructor.
DoubleNTTStepStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Common methods to calculate Fast Number Theoretic Transforms in parallel using multiple threads.
DoubleNTTStepStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleNTTStepStrategy
Default constructor.
DoubleRadixConstants - Interface in org.apfloat.internal
Constants related to different radixes for the double data type.
DoubleScramble - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Functions to perform bit-reverse ordering of double data.
DoubleShortConvolutionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Short convolution strategy.
DoubleShortConvolutionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleShortConvolutionStrategy
Creates a convolution strategy using the specified radix.
DoubleTableFNT - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Fast Number Theoretic Transform that uses lookup tables for powers of n:th root of unity and permutation indexes.
DoubleTableFNT() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleTableFNT
Default constructor.
DoubleTableFNTStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Fast Number Theoretic Transform strategy that uses lookup tables for powers of n:th root of unity and permutation indexes.
DoubleTableFNTStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleTableFNTStrategy
Default constructor.
doubleValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns the value of the this number as a double.
doubleValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns the value of the this number as a double.
doubleValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
doubleValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
doubleValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
doubleValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
doubleValue() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Returns the value of the this number as a double.
DoubleWTables - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Helper class for generating and caching tables of powers of the n:th root of unity.


e() - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
e(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
e(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Calculates e.
e(long, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Calculates e.
equalDigits(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Computes number of equal digits.
equalDigits(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Computes number of equal digits.
equalDigits(ApfloatImpl) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
equalDigits(ApfloatImpl) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
equalDigits(ApfloatImpl) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
equalDigits(ApfloatImpl) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
equalDigits(ApfloatImpl) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
The number of equal digits in this ApfloatImpl and another number.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Compares this object to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Compares this object to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Compares this object to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Compares this object to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
Compares this object to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
Compares this object to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
Compares this object to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
Compares this object to the specified object.
euler() - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
γ, the Euler-Mascheroni constant.
euler(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
γ, the Euler-Mascheroni constant.
euler(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Calculates γ, the Euler-Mascheroni constant.
euler(long, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Calculates γ, the Euler-Mascheroni constant.
ExecutionBuilder - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Interface of a factory for creating execution related objects.
ExecutionStrategy - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Thread execution operations.
exp(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Exponent function.
exp(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Exponential function.
exp(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Exponent function.
exp(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Exponential function.


Factor3NTTStepStrategy - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Steps for the factor-3 NTT.
Factor3NTTStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
A transform that implements a 3-point transform on top of another Number Theoretic Transform that does transforms of length 2n.
Factor3NTTStrategy(NTTStrategy) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.Factor3NTTStrategy
Creates a new factor-3 transform strategy on top of an existing transform.
factorial(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Factorial function.
factorial(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
factorial(long, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Factorial function.
factorial(long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
FILE_INITIAL_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Property name for specifying the temporary file initial value.
FILE_PATH - Static variable in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Property name for specifying the temporary file path.
FILE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Property name for specifying the temporary file suffix.
FilenameGenerator - Class in org.apfloat.spi
Class for generating filenames for temporary files.
FilenameGenerator(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.spi.FilenameGenerator
Create a new filename generator.
FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper - Class in org.apfloat
Fixed-precision mathematical functions for complex numbers.
FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper(long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Constructs an apcomplex fixed-precison helper with the specified precision.
FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper - Class in org.apfloat
Fixed-precision mathematical functions for floating-point numbers.
FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper(long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Constructs an apfloat fixed-precison helper with the specified precision.
FLOAT_PRECISION - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.spi.RadixConstants
Precision of a float in the digits of each radix.
FloatAdditionBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates additions for the specified radix and the float element type.
FloatAdditionBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatAdditionBuilder
Default constructor.
FloatAdditionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Basic addition strategy for the float element type.
FloatAdditionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatAdditionStrategy
Creates an addition strategy using the specified radix.
FloatApfloatBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Builder class for building ApfloatImpl implementations with the float data element type.
FloatApfloatBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatBuilder
Default constructor.
FloatApfloatImpl - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Immutable apfloat implementation class for the float data element type.
FloatApfloatImpl(double, long, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
Create a new FloatApfloatImpl instance from a double.
FloatApfloatImpl(long, long, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
Create a new FloatApfloatImpl instance from a long.
FloatApfloatImpl(PushbackReader, long, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
Create a new FloatApfloatImpl instance reading from a stream.
FloatApfloatImpl(String, long, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
Create a new FloatApfloatImpl instance from a String.
FloatBaseMath - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Mathematical operations on numbers in a base.
FloatBaseMath(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBaseMath
Creates a base math using the specified radix.
FloatBuilderFactory - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Factory class for getting instances of the various builder classes needed to build an ApfloatImpl with the float data element type.
FloatBuilderFactory() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBuilderFactory
Default constructor.
FloatCarryCRTBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates carry-CRT related objects, for the float type.
FloatCarryCRTBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatCarryCRTBuilder
Default constructor.
FloatCarryCRTStepStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Class for performing the final steps of a three-modulus Number Theoretic Transform based convolution.
FloatCarryCRTStepStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatCarryCRTStepStrategy
Creates a carry-CRT steps object using the specified radix.
FloatConstants - Interface in org.apfloat.internal
Constants needed for various algorithms for the float type.
FloatConvolutionBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates convolutions of suitable type for the float type.
FloatConvolutionBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatConvolutionBuilder
Default constructor.
FloatCRTMath - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Basic arithmetic for calculating the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
FloatCRTMath(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatCRTMath
Creates a carry-CRT math using the specified radix.
FloatDataStorageBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Default data storage creation strategy for the float data type.
FloatDataStorageBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatDataStorageBuilder
Default constructor.
FloatDiskDataStorage - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Disk-based data storage for the float element type.
FloatDiskDataStorage() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatDiskDataStorage
Default constructor.
FloatDiskDataStorage(FloatDiskDataStorage, long, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatDiskDataStorage
Subsequence constructor.
FloatElementaryModMath - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Elementary modulo arithmetic functions for float data.
FloatElementaryModMath() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatElementaryModMath
Default constructor.
FloatFactor3NTTStepStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Steps for the factor-3 NTT.
FloatFactor3NTTStepStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatFactor3NTTStepStrategy
Default constructor.
FloatKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Convolution strategy using the Karatsuba algorithm.
FloatKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy
Creates a convolution strategy using the specified radix.
FloatMatrixBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates matrix operations objects, for the float type.
FloatMatrixBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMatrixBuilder
Default constructor.
FloatMatrixStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Optimized matrix transposition methods for the float type.
FloatMatrixStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMatrixStrategy
Default constructor.
FloatMediumConvolutionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Medium-length convolution strategy.
FloatMediumConvolutionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMediumConvolutionStrategy
Creates a convolution strategy using the specified radix.
FloatMemoryArrayAccess - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Array access class based on a float[].
FloatMemoryArrayAccess(float[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMemoryArrayAccess
Create an array access.
FloatMemoryDataStorage - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Memory based data storage implementation for the float element type.
FloatMemoryDataStorage() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMemoryDataStorage
Default constructor.
FloatMemoryDataStorage(FloatMemoryDataStorage, long, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMemoryDataStorage
Subsequence constructor.
FloatModConstants - Interface in org.apfloat.internal
Constants needed for various modular arithmetic operations for the float type.
FloatModMath - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Modulo arithmetic functions for float data.
FloatModMath() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatModMath
Default constructor.
FloatNTTBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates Number Theoretic Transforms for the float type.
FloatNTTBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatNTTBuilder
Default constructor.
FloatNTTConvolutionStepStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Steps of a three-NTT convolution for the float type.
FloatNTTConvolutionStepStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
Default constructor.
FloatNTTStepStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Common methods to calculate Fast Number Theoretic Transforms in parallel using multiple threads.
FloatNTTStepStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatNTTStepStrategy
Default constructor.
FloatRadixConstants - Interface in org.apfloat.internal
Constants related to different radixes for the float data type.
FloatScramble - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Functions to perform bit-reverse ordering of float data.
FloatShortConvolutionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Short convolution strategy.
FloatShortConvolutionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatShortConvolutionStrategy
Creates a convolution strategy using the specified radix.
FloatTableFNT - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Fast Number Theoretic Transform that uses lookup tables for powers of n:th root of unity and permutation indexes.
FloatTableFNT() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatTableFNT
Default constructor.
FloatTableFNTStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Fast Number Theoretic Transform strategy that uses lookup tables for powers of n:th root of unity and permutation indexes.
FloatTableFNTStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.FloatTableFNTStrategy
Default constructor.
floatValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns the value of the this number as a float.
floatValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns the value of the this number as a float.
FloatWTables - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Helper class for generating and caching tables of powers of the n:th root of unity.
floor() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Floor function.
floor() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Floor function.
floor() - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Floor function.
floor(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Floor function.
floor(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Floor function.
fmod(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Returns x modulo y.
fmod(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
formatTo(Formatter, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Formats the object using the provided formatter.
formatTo(Formatter, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Formats the object using the provided formatter.
formatTo(Formatter, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
formatTo(Formatter, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Formats the object using the provided formatter.
frac() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns the fractional part.
frac() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Returns the fractional part.
frac() - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Returns the fractional part.
frac() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
frac() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
frac() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
frac() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
frac() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Returns the fractional part of this ApfloatImpl.
frac(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Extracts fractional part.
frac(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Extract fractional part.


gamma(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Gamma function.
gamma(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Gamma function.
gamma(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Incomplete gamma function.
gamma(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Incomplete gamma function.
gamma(Apcomplex, Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Generalized incomplete gamma function.
gamma(Apcomplex, Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Generalized incomplete gamma function.
gamma(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Gamma function.
gamma(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Gamma function.
gamma(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Incomplete gamma function.
gamma(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Incomplete gamma function.
gamma(Apfloat, Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Generalized incomplete gamma function.
gamma(Apfloat, Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Generalized incomplete gamma function.
gc() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBuilderFactory
gc() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBuilderFactory
gc() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBuilderFactory
gc() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBuilderFactory
gc() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.BuilderFactory
Do garbage collection and related things such as empty any reference queues.
gcd(Apint, Apint) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Greatest common divisor.
generateFilename() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.FilenameGenerator
Generate a filename.
get(Class<T>) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.Iterator
Gets the current element as a the specified element type.
getAdditionBuilder(Class<T>) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBuilderFactory
getAdditionBuilder(Class<T>) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBuilderFactory
getAdditionBuilder(Class<T>) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBuilderFactory
getAdditionBuilder(Class<T>) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBuilderFactory
getAdditionBuilder(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.BuilderFactory
Returns an AdditionBuilder object.
getApfloatBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBuilderFactory
getApfloatBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBuilderFactory
getApfloatBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBuilderFactory
getApfloatBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBuilderFactory
getApfloatBuilder() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.BuilderFactory
Returns an ApfloatBuilder object.
getArray(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Maps a block of data to a memory array when the data is treated as a matrix.
getArray(int, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Gets an array access to the data of this data storage when the data is treated as a linear block.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get an arbitrary object as an attribute for this ApfloatContext.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get names of all attributes for this ApfloatContext.
getBlockSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the I/O block size.
getBlockSize() - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
Convenience method for getting the block size (in bytes) for the current ApfloatContext.
getBuilderFactory() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the BuilderFactory.
getCacheBurst() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the level 1 cache burst size.
getCacheL1Size() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the level 1 cache size.
getCacheL2Size() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the level 2 cache size.
getCarryCRTBuilder(Class<T>) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBuilderFactory
getCarryCRTBuilder(Class<T>) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBuilderFactory
getCarryCRTBuilder(Class<T>) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBuilderFactory
getCarryCRTBuilder(Class<T>) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBuilderFactory
getCarryCRTBuilder(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.BuilderFactory
Returns a CarryCRTBuilder object.
getCleanupAtExit() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get if clean-up should be performed at the time the program exits.
getColumns(DataStorage, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.TwoPassFNTStrategy
Get a block of column data.
getContext() - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the ApfloatContext for the calling thread.
getConvolutionBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBuilderFactory
getConvolutionBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBuilderFactory
getConvolutionBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBuilderFactory
getConvolutionBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBuilderFactory
getConvolutionBuilder() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.BuilderFactory
Returns a ConvolutionBuilder object.
getData() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMemoryArrayAccess
getData() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMemoryArrayAccess
getData() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMemoryArrayAccess
getData() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMemoryArrayAccess
getData() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.ArrayAccess
Returns the array of this array access.
getDataStorageBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBuilderFactory
getDataStorageBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBuilderFactory
getDataStorageBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBuilderFactory
getDataStorageBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBuilderFactory
getDataStorageBuilder() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.BuilderFactory
Returns a DataStorageBuilder object.
getDefaultExecutorService() - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Returns a new instance of a default ExecutorService.
getDefaultRadix() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the default radix.
getDouble() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
getDouble() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.Iterator
Gets the current element as a double.
getDoubleData() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMemoryArrayAccess
getDoubleData() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.ArrayAccess
Returns the array of this array access as a double[].
getElementArrayType() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBuilderFactory
getElementArrayType() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBuilderFactory
getElementArrayType() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBuilderFactory
getElementArrayType() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBuilderFactory
getElementArrayType() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.BuilderFactory
Returns the element array type of the data objects created.
getElementSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBuilderFactory
getElementSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBuilderFactory
getElementSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBuilderFactory
getElementSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBuilderFactory
getElementSize() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.BuilderFactory
Returns the element size of the data objects created, in bytes.
getElementType() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBuilderFactory
getElementType() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBuilderFactory
getElementType() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBuilderFactory
getElementType() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBuilderFactory
getElementType() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.BuilderFactory
Returns the element type of the data objects created.
getExecutionBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBuilderFactory
getExecutionBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBuilderFactory
getExecutionBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBuilderFactory
getExecutionBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBuilderFactory
getExecutionBuilder() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.BuilderFactory
Returns an ExecutionBuilder object.
getExecutorService() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the ExecutorService.
getFileChannel() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
The FileChannel of the underlying disk file.
getFilename() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
Filename of the underlying disk data storage.
getFilenameGenerator() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the FilenameGenerator.
getFloat() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
getFloat() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.Iterator
Gets the current element as a float.
getFloatData() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMemoryArrayAccess
getFloatData() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.ArrayAccess
Returns the array of this array access as a float[].
getForwardNthRoot(double, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleModMath
Get forward n:th root of unity.
getForwardNthRoot(float, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatModMath
Get forward n:th root of unity.
getForwardNthRoot(int, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntModMath
Get forward n:th root of unity.
getForwardNthRoot(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongModMath
Get forward n:th root of unity.
getGlobalContext() - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the global ApfloatContext.
getImpl(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns an ApfloatImpl representing the actual instance of this apfloat up to the requested precision.
getImpl(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Returns an ApfloatImpl representing this apint up to the requested precision.
getImpl(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Returns an ApfloatImpl representing the approximation of this aprational up to the requested precision.
getIncrement() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
Returns the increment of the iterator.
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.FilenameGenerator
Returns the current initial value of the base file names generated.
getInt() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
getInt() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.Iterator
Gets the current element as an int.
getIntData() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMemoryArrayAccess
getIntData() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.ArrayAccess
Returns the array of this array access as an int[].
getInverseNthRoot(double, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleModMath
Get inverse n:th root of unity.
getInverseNthRoot(float, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatModMath
Get inverse n:th root of unity.
getInverseNthRoot(int, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntModMath
Get inverse n:th root of unity.
getInverseNthRoot(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongModMath
Get inverse n:th root of unity.
getInverseWTable(int, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleWTables
Get a table of inverses of powers of n:th root of unity.
getInverseWTable(int, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatWTables
Get a table of inverses of powers of n:th root of unity.
getInverseWTable(int, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntWTables
Get a table of inverses of powers of n:th root of unity.
getInverseWTable(int, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongWTables
Get a table of inverses of powers of n:th root of unity.
getKaratsubaCostFactor() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractConvolutionBuilder
Get the Karatsuba convolution cost factor.
getKaratsubaCostFactor() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleConvolutionBuilder
getKaratsubaCostFactor() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatConvolutionBuilder
getKaratsubaCostFactor() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntConvolutionBuilder
getKaratsubaCostFactor() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongConvolutionBuilder
getKaratsubaCutoffPoint() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractConvolutionBuilder
Get the Karatsuba convolution cutoff point.
getKaratsubaCutoffPoint() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleConvolutionBuilder
getKaratsubaCutoffPoint() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatConvolutionBuilder
getKaratsubaCutoffPoint() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntConvolutionBuilder
getKaratsubaCutoffPoint() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongConvolutionBuilder
getLength() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.ArrayAccess
Returns the length of the access segment within the backing array.
getLength() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
Returns the remaining length in the iterator.
getLong() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
getLong() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.Iterator
Gets the current element as a long.
getLongData() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMemoryArrayAccess
getLongData() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.ArrayAccess
Returns the array of this array access as a long[].
getMatrixBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBuilderFactory
getMatrixBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBuilderFactory
getMatrixBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBuilderFactory
getMatrixBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBuilderFactory
getMatrixBuilder() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.BuilderFactory
Returns a MatrixBuilder object.
getMaxCachedSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractDataStorageBuilder
Get the maximum cached data storage size.
getMaxCachedSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleDataStorageBuilder
getMaxCachedSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatDataStorageBuilder
getMaxCachedSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntDataStorageBuilder
getMaxCachedSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongDataStorageBuilder
getMaxMemoryBlockSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the maximum memory block size.
getMaxTransformLength() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleFactor3NTTStepStrategy
getMaxTransformLength() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleNTTStepStrategy
getMaxTransformLength() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatFactor3NTTStepStrategy
getMaxTransformLength() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatNTTStepStrategy
getMaxTransformLength() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntFactor3NTTStepStrategy
getMaxTransformLength() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntNTTStepStrategy
getMaxTransformLength() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongFactor3NTTStepStrategy
getMaxTransformLength() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongNTTStepStrategy
getMaxTransformLength() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.Factor3NTTStepStrategy
Get the maximum transform length.
getMaxTransformLength() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.NTTStepStrategy
Get the maximum transform length.
getMemoryThreshold() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the memory threshold.
getMemoryTreshold() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
getMessage(K) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.MessagePasser
Get a message if one is available.
getMode() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
Returns the mode in which the iterator was created.
getModulus() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleElementaryModMath
Get the modulus.
getModulus() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatElementaryModMath
Get the modulus.
getModulus() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntElementaryModMath
Get the modulus.
getModulus() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongElementaryModMath
Get the modulus.
getNTTBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBuilderFactory
getNTTBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBuilderFactory
getNTTBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBuilderFactory
getNTTBuilder() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBuilderFactory
getNTTBuilder() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.BuilderFactory
Returns an NTTBuilder object.
getNTTCostFactor() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractConvolutionBuilder
Get the NTT convolution cost factor.
getNTTCostFactor() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleConvolutionBuilder
getNTTCostFactor() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatConvolutionBuilder
getNTTCostFactor() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntConvolutionBuilder
getNTTCostFactor() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongConvolutionBuilder
getNumberOfProcessors() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the number of processors that should be used for parallel calculations.
getOffset() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.ArrayAccess
Returns the offset of the access segment within the backing array.
getOffset() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Return the sub-sequence offset.
getPath() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.FilenameGenerator
Returns the path setting of this filename generator.
getPosition() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
Returns the current position of the iterator.
getPreferredBatchSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelRunnable
Get the preferred batch size.
getProperties() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the values of all properties as strings.
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the value of a property as string.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the value of a property as string, with the provided default value if the property is not set.
getRows(DataStorage, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.TwoPassFNTStrategy
Get a block of row data.
getRunnable(int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelRunnable
Get the Runnable object for strides which fit in an int.
getRunnable(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelRunnable
Get the Runnable object for strides which fit only in a long.
getSharedMemoryLock() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the shared memory lock object.
getSharedMemoryTreshold() - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the shared memory threshold.
getSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Return the size of the data storage, or the length of this sub-sequence if this data storage is a sub-sequence.
getSuffix() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.FilenameGenerator
Returns the suffix setting of this filename generator.
getThreadContext() - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the thread-specific ApfloatContext for the calling thread.
getThreadContext(Thread) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Get the thread-specific ApfloatContext for the specified thread.
getTransformLength(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractStepFNTStrategy
getTransformLength(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleTableFNTStrategy
getTransformLength(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.Factor3NTTStrategy
getTransformLength(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatTableFNTStrategy
getTransformLength(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntTableFNTStrategy
getTransformLength(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongTableFNTStrategy
getTransformLength(long) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.NTTStrategy
Return the supported transform length for the specified data size.
getTransposedArray(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Maps a transposed block of data to a memory array when the data is treated as a matrix.
getUnitSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
Size of the element type, in bytes.
getUnitSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleDiskDataStorage
getUnitSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatDiskDataStorage
getUnitSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntDiskDataStorage
getUnitSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongDiskDataStorage
getWTable(int, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleWTables
Get a table of powers of n:th root of unity.
getWTable(int, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatWTables
Get a table of powers of n:th root of unity.
getWTable(int, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntWTables
Get a table of powers of n:th root of unity.
getWTable(int, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongWTables
Get a table of powers of n:th root of unity.
glaisher() - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
The Glaisher-Kinkelin constant A.
glaisher(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
The Glaisher-Kinkelin constant A.
glaisher(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Calculates the Glaisher‐Kinkelin constant, A.
glaisher(long, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Calculates the Glaisher‐Kinkelin constant, A.


hashCode() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns a hash code for this apcomplex.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns a hash code for this apfloat.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Returns a hash code for this apint.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Returns a hash code for this aprational.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
hashCode() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
hashCode() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
hashCode() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
hashCode() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Returns the hash code for this ApfloatImpl.
hasNext() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
Check if next() can be called without going past the end of the sequence.
hasNext() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.Iterator
Check if next() can be called without going past the end of the sequence.
hypergeometric0F1(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Confluent hypergeometric function 0F1.
hypergeometric0F1(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Confluent hypergeometric function 0F1.
hypergeometric0F1(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Confluent hypergeometric function 0F1.
hypergeometric0F1(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Confluent hypergeometric function 0F1.
hypergeometric1F1(Apcomplex, Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Kummer confluent hypergeometric function 1F1.
hypergeometric1F1(Apcomplex, Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Kummer confluent hypergeometric function 1F1.
hypergeometric1F1(Apfloat, Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Kummer confluent hypergeometric function 1F1.
hypergeometric1F1(Apfloat, Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Kummer confluent hypergeometric function 1F1.
hypergeometric2F1(Apcomplex, Apcomplex, Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Hypergeometric function 2F1.
hypergeometric2F1(Apcomplex, Apcomplex, Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Hypergeometric function 2F1.
hypergeometric2F1(Apfloat, Apfloat, Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Hypergeometric function 2F1.
hypergeometric2F1(Apfloat, Apfloat, Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Hypergeometric function 2F1.


I - Static variable in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Imaginary unit.
ifFinite(long, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Returns the argument y limited to Apfloat.INFINITE.
imag() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns the imaginary part of this apcomplex.
imag() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Imaginary part of this apfloat.
imag(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Imaginary part.
implCopyFrom(DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
implCopyFrom(DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMemoryDataStorage
implCopyFrom(DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMemoryDataStorage
implCopyFrom(DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMemoryDataStorage
implCopyFrom(DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMemoryDataStorage
implCopyFrom(DataStorage, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Copies the specified number of elements from another data storage to this data storage.
ImplementationMismatchException - Exception Class in org.apfloat.internal
Exception indicating a different implementation of the apfloat SPI being used in two operands of a calculation.
ImplementationMismatchException() - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.internal.ImplementationMismatchException
Constructs a new apfloat implementation mismatch exception with an empty detail message.
ImplementationMismatchException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.internal.ImplementationMismatchException
Constructs a new apfloat implementation mismatch exception with the specified detail message.
ImplementationMismatchException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.internal.ImplementationMismatchException
Constructs a new apfloat implementation mismatch exception with the specified detail message and cause.
implGetArray(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
implGetArray(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMemoryDataStorage
implGetArray(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMemoryDataStorage
implGetArray(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMemoryDataStorage
implGetArray(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMemoryDataStorage
implGetArray(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Maps a block of data to a memory array when the data is treated as a matrix.
implGetArray(int, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleDiskDataStorage
implGetArray(int, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMemoryDataStorage
implGetArray(int, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatDiskDataStorage
implGetArray(int, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMemoryDataStorage
implGetArray(int, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntDiskDataStorage
implGetArray(int, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMemoryDataStorage
implGetArray(int, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongDiskDataStorage
implGetArray(int, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMemoryDataStorage
implGetArray(int, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Gets an array access to the data of this data storage when it is treated as a linear block.
implGetSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
implGetSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMemoryDataStorage
implGetSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMemoryDataStorage
implGetSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMemoryDataStorage
implGetSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMemoryDataStorage
implGetSize() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Return the size of the whole data storage, not including sub-sequence settings.
implGetTransposedArray(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
implGetTransposedArray(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMemoryDataStorage
implGetTransposedArray(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMemoryDataStorage
implGetTransposedArray(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMemoryDataStorage
implGetTransposedArray(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMemoryDataStorage
implGetTransposedArray(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Maps a transposed block of data to a memory array when the data is treated as a matrix.
implSetSize(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
implSetSize(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMemoryDataStorage
implSetSize(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMemoryDataStorage
implSetSize(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMemoryDataStorage
implSetSize(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMemoryDataStorage
implSetSize(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Sets the size of the data storage.
implSubsequence(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleDiskDataStorage
implSubsequence(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMemoryDataStorage
implSubsequence(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatDiskDataStorage
implSubsequence(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMemoryDataStorage
implSubsequence(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntDiskDataStorage
implSubsequence(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMemoryDataStorage
implSubsequence(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongDiskDataStorage
implSubsequence(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMemoryDataStorage
implSubsequence(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Implementation of getting a subsequence of this data storage.
INFINITE - Static variable in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Infinite precision or scale.
InfiniteExpansionException - Exception Class in org.apfloat
Exception indicating that the result of an operation would have infinite size.
InfiniteExpansionException() - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.InfiniteExpansionException
Constructs a new apfloat infinite expansion exception with an empty detail message.
InfiniteExpansionException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.InfiniteExpansionException
Constructs a new apfloat infinite expansion exception with the specified detail message.
InfiniteExpansionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.InfiniteExpansionException
Constructs a new apfloat infinite expansion exception with the specified detail message and cause.
IntAdditionBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates additions for the specified radix and the int element type.
IntAdditionBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntAdditionBuilder
Default constructor.
IntAdditionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Basic addition strategy for the int element type.
IntAdditionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntAdditionStrategy
Creates an addition strategy using the specified radix.
IntApfloatBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Builder class for building ApfloatImpl implementations with the int data element type.
IntApfloatBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatBuilder
Default constructor.
IntApfloatImpl - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Immutable apfloat implementation class for the int data element type.
IntApfloatImpl(double, long, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
Create a new IntApfloatImpl instance from a double.
IntApfloatImpl(long, long, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
Create a new IntApfloatImpl instance from a long.
IntApfloatImpl(PushbackReader, long, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
Create a new IntApfloatImpl instance reading from a stream.
IntApfloatImpl(String, long, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
Create a new IntApfloatImpl instance from a String.
IntBaseMath - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Mathematical operations on numbers in a base.
IntBaseMath(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntBaseMath
Creates a base math using the specified radix.
IntBuilderFactory - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Factory class for getting instances of the various builder classes needed to build an ApfloatImpl with the int data element type.
IntBuilderFactory() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntBuilderFactory
Default constructor.
IntCarryCRTBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates carry-CRT related objects, for the int type.
IntCarryCRTBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntCarryCRTBuilder
Default constructor.
IntCarryCRTStepStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Class for performing the final steps of a three-modulus Number Theoretic Transform based convolution.
IntCarryCRTStepStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntCarryCRTStepStrategy
Creates a carry-CRT steps object using the specified radix.
IntConstants - Interface in org.apfloat.internal
Constants needed for various algorithms for the int type.
IntConvolutionBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates convolutions of suitable type for the int type.
IntConvolutionBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntConvolutionBuilder
Default constructor.
IntCRTMath - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Basic arithmetic for calculating the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
IntCRTMath(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntCRTMath
Creates a carry-CRT math using the specified radix.
IntDataStorageBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Default data storage creation strategy for the int data type.
IntDataStorageBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntDataStorageBuilder
Default constructor.
IntDiskDataStorage - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Disk-based data storage for the int element type.
IntDiskDataStorage() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntDiskDataStorage
Default constructor.
IntDiskDataStorage(IntDiskDataStorage, long, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntDiskDataStorage
Subsequence constructor.
IntElementaryModMath - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Elementary modulo arithmetic functions for int data.
IntElementaryModMath() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntElementaryModMath
Default constructor.
IntFactor3NTTStepStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Steps for the factor-3 NTT.
IntFactor3NTTStepStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntFactor3NTTStepStrategy
Default constructor.
IntKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Convolution strategy using the Karatsuba algorithm.
IntKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy
Creates a convolution strategy using the specified radix.
IntMatrixBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates matrix operations objects, for the int type.
IntMatrixBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntMatrixBuilder
Default constructor.
IntMatrixStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Optimized matrix transposition methods for the int type.
IntMatrixStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntMatrixStrategy
Default constructor.
IntMediumConvolutionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Medium-length convolution strategy.
IntMediumConvolutionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntMediumConvolutionStrategy
Creates a convolution strategy using the specified radix.
IntMemoryArrayAccess - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Array access class based on a int[].
IntMemoryArrayAccess(int[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntMemoryArrayAccess
Create an array access.
IntMemoryDataStorage - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Memory based data storage implementation for the int element type.
IntMemoryDataStorage() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntMemoryDataStorage
Default constructor.
IntMemoryDataStorage(IntMemoryDataStorage, long, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntMemoryDataStorage
Subsequence constructor.
IntModConstants - Interface in org.apfloat.internal
Constants needed for various modular arithmetic operations for the int type.
IntModMath - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Modulo arithmetic functions for int data.
IntModMath() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntModMath
Default constructor.
IntNTTBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates Number Theoretic Transforms for the int type.
IntNTTBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntNTTBuilder
Default constructor.
IntNTTConvolutionStepStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Steps of a three-NTT convolution for the int type.
IntNTTConvolutionStepStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
Default constructor.
IntNTTStepStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Common methods to calculate Fast Number Theoretic Transforms in parallel using multiple threads.
IntNTTStepStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntNTTStepStrategy
Default constructor.
IntRadixConstants - Interface in org.apfloat.internal
Constants related to different radixes for the int data type.
IntScramble - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Functions to perform bit-reverse ordering of int data.
IntShortConvolutionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Short convolution strategy.
IntShortConvolutionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntShortConvolutionStrategy
Creates a convolution strategy using the specified radix.
IntTableFNT - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Fast Number Theoretic Transform that uses lookup tables for powers of n:th root of unity and permutation indexes.
IntTableFNT() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntTableFNT
Default constructor.
IntTableFNTStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Fast Number Theoretic Transform strategy that uses lookup tables for powers of n:th root of unity and permutation indexes.
IntTableFNTStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.IntTableFNTStrategy
Default constructor.
intValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns the value of the this number as an int.
intValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns the value of the this number as an int.
intValueExact() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns the value of the this number as an int, checking for lost information.
IntWTables - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Helper class for generating and caching tables of powers of the n:th root of unity.
inverseRoot(Apcomplex, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Inverse positive integer root.
inverseRoot(Apcomplex, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Inverse root.
inverseRoot(Apcomplex, long, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Inverse positive integer root.
inverseRoot(Apcomplex, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Inverse root with branch.
inverseRoot(Apfloat, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Inverse positive integer root.
inverseRoot(Apfloat, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Inverse root.
inverseRoot(Apfloat, long, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Inverse positive integer root.
inverseRoot(Apfloat, long, long, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Inverse positive integer root.
inverseRoot(Apfloat, long, long, Apfloat, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Inverse positive integer root.
inverseTableFNT(ArrayAccess, double[], int[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleTableFNT
Inverse (Cooley-Tukey) fast Number Theoretic Transform.
inverseTableFNT(ArrayAccess, float[], int[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatTableFNT
Inverse (Cooley-Tukey) fast Number Theoretic Transform.
inverseTableFNT(ArrayAccess, int[], int[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntTableFNT
Inverse (Cooley-Tukey) fast Number Theoretic Transform.
inverseTableFNT(ArrayAccess, long[], int[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongTableFNT
Inverse (Cooley-Tukey) fast Number Theoretic Transform.
inverseTransform(DataStorage, int, int, long, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractStepFNTStrategy
Inverse transform the data in steps.
inverseTransform(DataStorage, int, int, long, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.SixStepFNTStrategy
inverseTransform(DataStorage, int, int, long, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.TwoPassFNTStrategy
inverseTransform(DataStorage, int, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractStepFNTStrategy
inverseTransform(DataStorage, int, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleTableFNTStrategy
inverseTransform(DataStorage, int, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.Factor3NTTStrategy
inverseTransform(DataStorage, int, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatTableFNTStrategy
inverseTransform(DataStorage, int, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntTableFNTStrategy
inverseTransform(DataStorage, int, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongTableFNTStrategy
inverseTransform(DataStorage, int, long) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.NTTStrategy
Perform an inverse transform on the data.
isCached() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
isCached() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMemoryDataStorage
isCached() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMemoryDataStorage
isCached() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMemoryDataStorage
isCached() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMemoryDataStorage
isCached() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Is this object cached in memory.
isCached(DataStorage) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractDataStorageBuilder
Test if the data storage is of cached type.
isCached(DataStorage) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleDataStorageBuilder
isCached(DataStorage) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatDataStorageBuilder
isCached(DataStorage) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntDataStorageBuilder
isCached(DataStorage) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongDataStorageBuilder
isInteger() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns if this number has an integer value.
isInteger() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns if this number has an integer value.
isInteger() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Returns if this number has an integer value.
isInteger() - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Returns if this number has an integer value.
isOne() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
isOne() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
isOne() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
isOne() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
isOne() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Tests if this number is equal to 1.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Returns the read-only state of this data storage.
isShort() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns if this apfloat is "short".
isShort() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Returns if this apint is "short".
isShort() - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Returns if this aprational is "short".
isShort() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
isShort() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
isShort() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
isShort() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
isShort() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Returns if this ApfloatImpl is "short".
isSubsequenced() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Is this object a subsequence of some other object, or do subsequences of this object exist.
isWorkToBeCompleted() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelRunnable
Returns if there is some work that may be currently processed but not yet finished.
isWorkToBeStarted() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelRunnable
Returns if there is still enough work left to start a new batch.
iterator(int, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleDiskDataStorage
iterator(int, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMemoryDataStorage
iterator(int, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatDiskDataStorage
iterator(int, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMemoryDataStorage
iterator(int, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntDiskDataStorage
iterator(int, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMemoryDataStorage
iterator(int, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongDiskDataStorage
iterator(int, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMemoryDataStorage
iterator(int, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Constructs a new iterator.
Iterator() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.Iterator
Default constructor.


KARATSUBA_COST_FACTOR - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.DoubleConstants
Relative cost of Karatsuba multiplication.
KARATSUBA_COST_FACTOR - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.FloatConstants
Relative cost of Karatsuba multiplication.
KARATSUBA_COST_FACTOR - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.IntConstants
Relative cost of Karatsuba multiplication.
KARATSUBA_COST_FACTOR - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.LongConstants
Relative cost of Karatsuba multiplication.
khinchin() - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Khinchin's constant K.
khinchin(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Khinchin's constant K.
khinchin(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Calculates Khinchin's constant, K.Uses the default radix.
khinchin(long, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Calculates Khinchin's constant, K.


lcm(Apint, Apint) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Least common multiple.
loadProperties() - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Loads properties from a properties file or resource bundle.
lock(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy
lock(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy
Lock the execution against a synchronization lock.
log(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Natural logarithm.
log(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Natural logarithm.
log(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Logarithm in arbitrary base.
log(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Logarithm in specified base.
log(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Natural logarithm.
log(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Natural logarithm.
log(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Logarithm in arbitrary base.
log(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Logarithm in specified base.
log2down(int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Base-2 logarithm rounded down to nearest power of two.
log2down(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Base-2 logarithm rounded down to nearest power of two.
log2up(int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Base-2 logarithm rounded up to nearest power of two.
log2up(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Base-2 logarithm rounded up to nearest power of two.
logGamma(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Logarithm of the gamma function.
logGamma(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Logarithm of the gamma function.
logGamma(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Logarithm of the gamma function.
logGamma(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Logarithm of the gamma function.
logRadix(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
logRadix(long, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Gets or calculates logarithm of a radix to required precision.
LONG_DIGITS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.spi.RadixConstants
How many digits maximally fit in a long in each radix.
LONG_PRECISION - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.spi.RadixConstants
Precision of a long in the digits of each radix.
LongAdditionBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates additions for the specified radix and the long element type.
LongAdditionBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongAdditionBuilder
Default constructor.
LongAdditionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Basic addition strategy for the long element type.
LongAdditionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongAdditionStrategy
Creates an addition strategy using the specified radix.
LongApfloatBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Builder class for building ApfloatImpl implementations with the long data element type.
LongApfloatBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatBuilder
Default constructor.
LongApfloatImpl - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Immutable apfloat implementation class for the long data element type.
LongApfloatImpl(double, long, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
Create a new LongApfloatImpl instance from a double.
LongApfloatImpl(long, long, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
Create a new LongApfloatImpl instance from a long.
LongApfloatImpl(PushbackReader, long, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
Create a new LongApfloatImpl instance reading from a stream.
LongApfloatImpl(String, long, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
Create a new LongApfloatImpl instance from a String.
LongBaseMath - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Mathematical operations on numbers in a base.
LongBaseMath(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongBaseMath
Creates a base math using the specified radix.
LongBuilderFactory - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Factory class for getting instances of the various builder classes needed to build an ApfloatImpl with the long data element type.
LongBuilderFactory() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongBuilderFactory
Default constructor.
LongCarryCRTBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates carry-CRT related objects, for the long type.
LongCarryCRTBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongCarryCRTBuilder
Default constructor.
LongCarryCRTStepStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Class for performing the final steps of a three-modulus Number Theoretic Transform based convolution.
LongCarryCRTStepStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongCarryCRTStepStrategy
Creates a carry-CRT steps object using the specified radix.
LongConstants - Interface in org.apfloat.internal
Constants needed for various algorithms for the long type.
LongConvolutionBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates convolutions of suitable type for the long type.
LongConvolutionBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongConvolutionBuilder
Default constructor.
LongCRTMath - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Basic arithmetic for calculating the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
LongCRTMath(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongCRTMath
Creates a carry-CRT math using the specified radix.
LongDataStorageBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Default data storage creation strategy for the long data type.
LongDataStorageBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongDataStorageBuilder
Default constructor.
LongDiskDataStorage - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Disk-based data storage for the long element type.
LongDiskDataStorage() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongDiskDataStorage
Default constructor.
LongDiskDataStorage(LongDiskDataStorage, long, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongDiskDataStorage
Subsequence constructor.
LongElementaryModMath - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Elementary modulo arithmetic functions for long data.
LongElementaryModMath() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongElementaryModMath
Default constructor.
LongFactor3NTTStepStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Steps for the factor-3 NTT.
LongFactor3NTTStepStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongFactor3NTTStepStrategy
Default constructor.
LongKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Convolution strategy using the Karatsuba algorithm.
LongKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongKaratsubaConvolutionStrategy
Creates a convolution strategy using the specified radix.
LongMatrixBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates matrix operations objects, for the long type.
LongMatrixBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongMatrixBuilder
Default constructor.
LongMatrixStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Optimized matrix transposition methods for the long type.
LongMatrixStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongMatrixStrategy
Default constructor.
LongMediumConvolutionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Medium-length convolution strategy.
LongMediumConvolutionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongMediumConvolutionStrategy
Creates a convolution strategy using the specified radix.
LongMemoryArrayAccess - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Array access class based on a long[].
LongMemoryArrayAccess(long[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongMemoryArrayAccess
Create an array access.
LongMemoryDataStorage - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Memory based data storage implementation for the long element type.
LongMemoryDataStorage() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongMemoryDataStorage
Default constructor.
LongMemoryDataStorage(LongMemoryDataStorage, long, long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongMemoryDataStorage
Subsequence constructor.
LongModConstants - Interface in org.apfloat.internal
Constants needed for various modular arithmetic operations for the long type.
LongModMath - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Modulo arithmetic functions for long data.
LongModMath() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongModMath
Default constructor.
LongNTTBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Creates Number Theoretic Transforms for the long type.
LongNTTBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongNTTBuilder
Default constructor.
LongNTTConvolutionStepStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Steps of a three-NTT convolution for the long type.
LongNTTConvolutionStepStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
Default constructor.
LongNTTStepStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Common methods to calculate Fast Number Theoretic Transforms in parallel using multiple threads.
LongNTTStepStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongNTTStepStrategy
Default constructor.
LongRadixConstants - Interface in org.apfloat.internal
Constants related to different radixes for the long data type.
LongScramble - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Functions to perform bit-reverse ordering of long data.
LongShortConvolutionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Short convolution strategy.
LongShortConvolutionStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongShortConvolutionStrategy
Creates a convolution strategy using the specified radix.
LongTableFNT - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Fast Number Theoretic Transform that uses lookup tables for powers of n:th root of unity and permutation indexes.
LongTableFNT() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongTableFNT
Default constructor.
LongTableFNTStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Fast Number Theoretic Transform strategy that uses lookup tables for powers of n:th root of unity and permutation indexes.
LongTableFNTStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.LongTableFNTStrategy
Default constructor.
longValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns the value of the this number as a long.
longValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns the value of the this number as a long.
longValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
longValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
longValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
longValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
longValue() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Returns the value of the this number as a long.
longValueExact() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns the value of the this number as a long, checking for lost information.
longValueExact() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
LongWTables - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Helper class for generating and caching tables of powers of the n:th root of unity.
LossOfPrecisionException - Exception Class in org.apfloat
Exception indicating a result that would have no significant digits.
LossOfPrecisionException() - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.LossOfPrecisionException
Constructs a new apfloat loss of precision exception with an empty detail message.
LossOfPrecisionException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.LossOfPrecisionException
Constructs a new apfloat loss of precision exception with the specified detail message.
LossOfPrecisionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.LossOfPrecisionException
Constructs a new apfloat loss of precision exception with the specified detail message and cause.


MatrixBuilder - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Interface of a factory for creating matrix related objects.
matrixStrategy - Variable in class org.apfloat.internal.SixStepFNTStrategy
The matrix strategy.
MatrixStrategy - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Matrix operations.
max(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Returns the greater of the two values.
max(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Maximum value.
max(Apint, Apint) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Returns the greater of the two values.
max(Aprational, Aprational) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Returns the greater of the two values.
MAX_EXPONENT - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.DoubleRadixConstants
Maximum allowed exponent for each radix.
MAX_EXPONENT - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.FloatRadixConstants
Maximum allowed exponent for each radix.
MAX_EXPONENT - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.IntRadixConstants
Maximum allowed exponent for each radix.
MAX_EXPONENT - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.LongRadixConstants
Maximum allowed exponent for each radix.
MAX_MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE - Static variable in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Property name for specifying the maximum memory block size.
MAX_POWER_OF_TWO_BASE - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.DoubleModConstants
Maximum power-of-two base that fits in a double.
MAX_POWER_OF_TWO_BASE - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.FloatModConstants
Maximum power-of-two base that fits in a float.
MAX_POWER_OF_TWO_BASE - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.IntModConstants
Maximum power-of-two base that fits in an int.
MAX_POWER_OF_TWO_BASE - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.LongModConstants
Maximum power-of-two base that fits in a long.
MAX_POWER_OF_TWO_BITS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.DoubleModConstants
Maximum bits in a power-of-two base that fits in a double.
MAX_POWER_OF_TWO_BITS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.FloatModConstants
Maximum bits in a power-of-two base that fits in a float.
MAX_POWER_OF_TWO_BITS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.IntModConstants
Maximum bits in a power-of-two base that fits in an int.
MAX_POWER_OF_TWO_BITS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.LongModConstants
Maximum bits in a power-of-two base that fits in a long.
MAX_TRANSFORM_LENGTH - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.DoubleModConstants
Maximum transform length for the moduli.
MAX_TRANSFORM_LENGTH - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.FloatModConstants
Maximum transform length for the moduli.
MAX_TRANSFORM_LENGTH - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.IntModConstants
Maximum transform length for the moduli.
MAX_TRANSFORM_LENGTH - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.LongModConstants
Maximum transform length for the moduli.
MEMORY_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Property name for specifying the apfloat memory threshold.
MEMORY_TRESHOLD - Static variable in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
MessagePasser<K,V> - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Message passing helper class for parallel codes.
MessagePasser() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.MessagePasser
Default constructor.
min(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Returns the smaller of the two values.
min(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Minimum value.
min(Apint, Apint) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Returns the smaller of the two values.
min(Aprational, Aprational) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Returns the smaller of the two values.
MINIMUM_FOR_DIGITS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.DoubleRadixConstants
The minimum number in each radix to have the specified amount of digits.
MINIMUM_FOR_DIGITS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.FloatRadixConstants
The minimum number in each radix to have the specified amount of digits.
MINIMUM_FOR_DIGITS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.IntRadixConstants
The minimum number in each radix to have the specified amount of digits.
MINIMUM_FOR_DIGITS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.LongRadixConstants
The minimum number in each radix to have the specified amount of digits.
mod(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Calculates the remainder when divided by an apfloat.
mod(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
mod(Apint) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Calculates the remainder when divided by an apint.
mod(Aprational) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Calculates the remainder when divided by an aprational.
modAdd(double, double) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleElementaryModMath
Modular addition.
modAdd(float, float) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatElementaryModMath
Modular addition.
modAdd(int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntElementaryModMath
Modular addition.
modAdd(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongElementaryModMath
Modular addition.
modDivide(double, double) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleModMath
Modular division.
modDivide(float, float) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatModMath
Modular division.
modDivide(int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntModMath
Modular division.
modDivide(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongModMath
Modular division.
modf(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Split to integer and fractional parts.
modf(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Split to integer and fractional parts.
modInverse(double) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleModMath
Modular inverse, that is 1 / a.
modInverse(float) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatModMath
Modular inverse, that is 1 / a.
modInverse(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntModMath
Modular inverse, that is 1 / a.
modInverse(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongModMath
Modular inverse, that is 1 / a.
modMultiply(double, double) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleElementaryModMath
Modular multiplication.
modMultiply(float, float) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatElementaryModMath
Modular multiplication.
modMultiply(int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntElementaryModMath
Modular multiplication.
modMultiply(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongElementaryModMath
Modular multiplication.
modMultiply(Apint, Apint, Apint) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Modular multiplication.
modPow(double, double) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleModMath
Modular power.
modPow(float, float) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatModMath
Modular power.
modPow(int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntModMath
Modular power.
modPow(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongModMath
Modular power.
modPow(Apint, Apint, Apint) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Modular power.
modSubtract(double, double) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleElementaryModMath
Modular subtraction.
modSubtract(float, float) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatElementaryModMath
Modular subtraction.
modSubtract(int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntElementaryModMath
Modular subtraction.
modSubtract(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongElementaryModMath
Modular subtraction.
MODULUS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.DoubleModConstants
Moduli to be used in number theoretic transforms.
MODULUS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.FloatModConstants
Moduli to be used in number theoretic transforms.
MODULUS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.IntModConstants
Moduli to be used in number theoretic transforms.
MODULUS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.LongModConstants
Moduli to be used in number theoretic transforms.
multiply(double[], double, double[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleCRTMath
Multiplies two words by one word to produce a result of three words.
multiply(float[], float, float[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatCRTMath
Multiplies two words by one word to produce a result of three words.
multiply(int[], int, int[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntCRTMath
Multiplies two words by one word to produce a result of three words.
multiply(long[], long, long[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongCRTMath
Multiplies two words by one word to produce a result of three words.
multiply(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Multiplies two apcomplex numbers.
multiply(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
multiply(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Multiplies two apfloats.
multiply(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
multiply(Apint) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Multiplies two apints.
multiply(Aprational) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Multiplies two aprational numbers.
multiply(ApfloatImpl) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
multiply(ApfloatImpl) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
multiply(ApfloatImpl) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
multiply(ApfloatImpl) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
multiply(ApfloatImpl) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Multiply this object by an ApfloatImpl.
multiplyAdd(Apfloat, Apfloat, Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Fused multiply-add.
multiplyAdd(Apfloat, Apfloat, Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Fused multiply-add.
multiplyAdd(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, Double, Double, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleAdditionStrategy
multiplyAdd(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, Float, Float, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatAdditionStrategy
multiplyAdd(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, Integer, Integer, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntAdditionStrategy
multiplyAdd(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, Long, Long, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongAdditionStrategy
multiplyAdd(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, T, T, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.AdditionStrategy
Multiplication and addition in some base.
multiplyElements(ArrayAccess, int, int, int, int, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleNTTStepStrategy
multiplyElements(ArrayAccess, int, int, int, int, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatNTTStepStrategy
multiplyElements(ArrayAccess, int, int, int, int, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntNTTStepStrategy
multiplyElements(ArrayAccess, int, int, int, int, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongNTTStepStrategy
multiplyElements(ArrayAccess, int, int, int, int, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.TwoPassFNTStrategy
Multiply each matrix element (i, j) by wi * j / totalTransformLength.
multiplyElements(ArrayAccess, int, int, int, int, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.NTTStepStrategy
Multiply each matrix element (i, j) by wi * j / totalTransformLength.
multiplyElements(ArrayAccess, int, int, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.SixStepFNTStrategy
Multiply each matrix element by a power of the n:th root of unity.
multiplyInPlace(DataStorage, DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
multiplyInPlace(DataStorage, DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
multiplyInPlace(DataStorage, DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
multiplyInPlace(DataStorage, DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
multiplyInPlace(DataStorage, DataStorage, int) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.NTTConvolutionStepStrategy
Linear multiplication in the number theoretic domain.
multiplySubtract(Apfloat, Apfloat, Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Fused multiply-subtract.
multiplySubtract(Apfloat, Apfloat, Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Fused multiply-subtract.


negate() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Negative value.
negate() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Negative value.
negate() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Negative value.
negate() - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Negative value.
negate() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
negate() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
negate() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
negate() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
negate() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Returns this ApfloatImpl negated.
negate(double) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleModMath
Modular negation.
negate(float) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatModMath
Modular negation.
negate(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntModMath
Modular negation.
negate(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongModMath
Modular negation.
negate(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
negate(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
negate(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
negate(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
negate(Apint) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
negate(Aprational) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
next() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
Advances the position in the stream by one element.
next() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.Iterator
Advances the position in the stream by one element.
nextAfter(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Returns the number adjacent to the first argument in the direction of the second argument, considering the scale and precision of the first argument.
nextAfter(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
The number adjacent to the first argument in the direction of the second argument.
nextDown(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Returns the number adjacent to the argument in the direction of negative infinity, considering the scale and precision of the argument.
nextDown(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
The adjacent value closer to negative infinity.
nextUp(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Returns the number adjacent to the argument in the direction of positive infinity, considering the scale and precision of the argument.
nextUp(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
The adjacent value closer to positive infinity.
norm(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
norm(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
NTT_COST_FACTOR - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.DoubleConstants
Relative cost of NTT multiplication.
NTT_COST_FACTOR - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.FloatConstants
Relative cost of NTT multiplication.
NTT_COST_FACTOR - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.IntConstants
Relative cost of NTT multiplication.
NTT_COST_FACTOR - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.LongConstants
Relative cost of NTT multiplication.
NTTBuilder - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Interface of a factory for creating Number Theoretic Transforms.
NTTConvolutionStepStrategy - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Steps for a three-NTT convolution.
NTTStepStrategy - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Steps for the six-step or two-pass NTT.
nttStrategy - Variable in class org.apfloat.internal.ThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy
The transform to use.
NTTStrategy - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) strategy.
NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS - Static variable in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Property name for specifying the number of processors available.
numerator() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Numerator of this aprational.
numerator() - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Numerator of this aprational.


ONE - Static variable in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Constant for one.
org.apfloat - package org.apfloat
The apfloat Application Programming Interface (API).
org.apfloat.internal - package org.apfloat.internal
Default implementations of the apfloat Service Provider Interface (SPI).
org.apfloat.spi - package org.apfloat.spi
The apfloat Service Provider Interface (SPI).
OverflowException - Exception Class in org.apfloat
Exception indicating an overflow in a calculation.
OverflowException() - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.OverflowException
Constructs a new apfloat overflow exception with an empty detail message.
OverflowException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.OverflowException
Constructs a new apfloat overflow exception with the specified detail message.
OverflowException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.OverflowException
Constructs a new apfloat overflow exception with the specified detail message and cause.


ParallelExecutionBuilder - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Returns an execution strategy using the ParallelRunner.
ParallelExecutionBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelExecutionBuilder
ParallelExecutionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Execution strategy using the ParallelRunner.
ParallelExecutionStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelExecutionStrategy
Parallelizable - Interface in org.apfloat.internal
Any task that can use a ParallelRunner to execute operations in parallel.
ParallelRunnable - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Abstract class for a Runnable that can be run in parallel by multiple threads.
ParallelRunnable(long) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelRunnable
Subclass constructor.
ParallelRunner - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Class for running ParallelRunnable objects in parallel using multiple threads.
ParallelThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Convolution using three Number Theoretic Transforms and the CRT to get the final result, using multiple threads in parallel.
ParallelThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy(int, NTTStrategy) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy
Creates a new convoluter that uses the specified transform for transforming the data.
permute(int, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.Scramble
Permute the bits of a number to reverse order.
permuteToDoubleWidth(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMatrixStrategy
Permute the rows of the n1 x n2 matrix so that it is shaped like a n1/2 x 2*n2 matrix.
permuteToDoubleWidth(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMatrixStrategy
Permute the rows of the n1 x n2 matrix so that it is shaped like a n1/2 x 2*n2 matrix.
permuteToDoubleWidth(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMatrixStrategy
Permute the rows of the n1 x n2 matrix so that it is shaped like a n1/2 x 2*n2 matrix.
permuteToDoubleWidth(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMatrixStrategy
Permute the rows of the n1 x n2 matrix so that it is shaped like a n1/2 x 2*n2 matrix.
permuteToDoubleWidth(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.MatrixStrategy
Permute the rows of the n1 x n2 matrix so that it is shaped like a n1/2 x 2*n2 matrix.
permuteToHalfWidth(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMatrixStrategy
Permute the rows of the n1 x n2 matrix so that it is shaped like a 2*n1 x n2/2 matrix.
permuteToHalfWidth(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMatrixStrategy
Permute the rows of the n1 x n2 matrix so that it is shaped like a 2*n1 x n2/2 matrix.
permuteToHalfWidth(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMatrixStrategy
Permute the rows of the n1 x n2 matrix so that it is shaped like a 2*n1 x n2/2 matrix.
permuteToHalfWidth(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMatrixStrategy
Permute the rows of the n1 x n2 matrix so that it is shaped like a 2*n1 x n2/2 matrix.
permuteToHalfWidth(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.MatrixStrategy
Permute the rows of the n1 x n2 matrix so that it is shaped like a 2*n1 x n2/2 matrix.
pi() - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
pi(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
pi(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Calculates π.
pi(long, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Calculates π.
postTransform(ArrayAccess) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.SixStepFNTStrategy
Finish processing the data after the (inverse) transform.
pow(Apcomplex, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Integer power.
pow(Apcomplex, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Integer power.
pow(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Arbitrary power.
pow(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
pow(Apfloat, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Integer power.
pow(Apfloat, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Integer power.
pow(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Arbitrary power.
pow(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
pow(Apint, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Integer power.
pow(Aprational, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Integer power.
precision() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns the precision of this apcomplex.
precision() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns the precision of this apfloat.
precision() - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Returns the precision of this aprational.
precision() - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Returns the precision, which is used for the results.
precision() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
precision() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
precision() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
precision() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
precision() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Returns the precision of this ApfloatImpl.
precision(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns an apcomplex with the same value as this apcomplex accurate to the specified precision.
precision(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns an apfloat with the same value as this apfloat accurate to the specified precision.
precision(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
precision(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
precision(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
precision(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
precision(long) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Returns this ApfloatImpl with the specified precision.
preferCompare(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Tests if the comparison with equals and compareTo should be done in the opposite order.
preferCompare(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
preTransform(ArrayAccess) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.SixStepFNTStrategy
Prepare the data for the (inverse) transform.
PRIMITIVE_ROOT - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.DoubleModConstants
Primitive roots for the corresponding moduli.
PRIMITIVE_ROOT - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.FloatModConstants
Primitive roots for the corresponding moduli.
PRIMITIVE_ROOT - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.IntModConstants
Primitive roots for the corresponding moduli.
PRIMITIVE_ROOT - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.internal.LongModConstants
Primitive roots for the corresponding moduli.
product(Apcomplex...) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Product of numbers.
product(Apcomplex...) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
product(Apfloat...) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Product of numbers.
product(Apfloat...) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
product(Apint...) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Product of numbers.
product(Aprational...) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Product of numbers.


radix() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Radix of this apcomplex.
radix() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Radix of this apfloat.
radix() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Radix of this apint.
radix() - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Radix of this aprational.
radix() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
radix() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
radix() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
radix() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
radix() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Returns the radix of this ApfloatImpl.
RADIX_FACTORS - Static variable in interface org.apfloat.spi.RadixConstants
Factors of numbers 2, ..., 36.
RadixConstants - Interface in org.apfloat.spi
Constants related to different radixes.
RadixMismatchException - Exception Class in org.apfloat.internal
Exception indicating a different radix being used in two operands of a calculation.
RadixMismatchException() - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.internal.RadixMismatchException
Constructs a new apfloat radix mismatch exception with an empty detail message.
RadixMismatchException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.internal.RadixMismatchException
Constructs a new apfloat radix mismatch exception with the specified detail message.
RadixMismatchException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.internal.RadixMismatchException
Constructs a new apfloat radix mismatch exception with the specified detail message and cause.
random() - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Return a uniformly distributed random number 0 ≤ x < 1.
random(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Return a uniformly distributed random number 0 ≤ x < 1.
random(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Generates a random number.
random(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Generates a random number.
random(long, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Generates a random number.
random(long, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Generates a random number.
randomGaussian() - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Return a normally distributed random number with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
randomGaussian(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Return a normally distributed random number with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
randomGaussian(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Generates a random, Gaussian ("normally") distributed number value with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
randomGaussian(long, int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Generates a random, Gaussian ("normally") distributed number value with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
READ - Static variable in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Read access mode specifier.
READ_WRITE - Static variable in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Read-write access mode specifier.
real() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns the real part of this apcomplex.
real() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Real part of this apfloat.
real(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Real part.
REAL_ABS_IMAG_ORDER - Static variable in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Comparator for ordering by real part, and in case of a tie, by the absolute value of the imaginary part.
REAL_IMAG_ORDER - Static variable in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Comparator for ordering by real part, and in case of a tie, by imaginary part.
receiveMessage(K) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.MessagePasser
Receive a message.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Remove an attribute from this ApfloatContext.
removeThreadContext() - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Removes the thread-specific context for the current thread.
removeThreadContext(Thread) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Removes the thread-specific context for the specified thread.
root(Apcomplex, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Positive integer root.
root(Apcomplex, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
root(Apcomplex, long, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Positive integer root.
root(Apcomplex, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Root with branch.
root(Apfloat, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Positive integer root.
root(Apfloat, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
root(Apint, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Positive integer root and remainder.
round(Apfloat, long, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
round(Apfloat, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
round(Aprational, long, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
round23down(int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Round down to nearest power of two or three times a power of two.
round23down(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Round down to nearest power of two or three times a power of two.
round23up(int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Round up to nearest power of two or three times a power of two.
round23up(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Round up to nearest power of two or three times a power of two.
round2down(int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Round down to nearest power of two.
round2down(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Round down to nearest power of two.
round2up(int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Round up to nearest power of two.
round2up(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Round up to nearest power of two.
roundToInteger(Apfloat, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Rounds x to integer using the specified rounding mode.
roundToInteger(Apfloat, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Round to integer with specified rounding mode.
roundToInteger(Aprational, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Rounds x to integer using the specified rounding mode.
roundToMultiple(Apfloat, Apfloat, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Rounds x to the nearest multiple of y using the specified rounding mode.
roundToMultiple(Apfloat, Apfloat, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Round to multiple with specified rounding mode.
roundToMultiple(Aprational, Aprational, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Rounds x to the nearest multiple of y using the specified rounding mode.
roundToPlaces(Apfloat, long, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Rounds x to the specified number of places using the specified rounding mode.
roundToPlaces(Apfloat, long, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Round to specified number of places with specified rounding mode.
roundToPlaces(Aprational, long, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Rounds x to the specified number of places using the specified rounding mode.
roundToPrecision(Apfloat, long, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Rounds the given number to the specified precision with the specified rounding mode.
roundToPrecision(Apfloat, RoundingMode) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Round to precision with specified rounding mode.
roundToPrecision(Aprational, long, RoundingMode) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Rounds the given number to the specified precision with the specified rounding mode.
run() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelRunnable
Repeatedly get a batch of work and run it, until all batches are completed.
runBatch() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelRunnable
Run one batch if available.
runParallel(ParallelRunnable) - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelRunner
Run a ParallelRunnable object in parallel using multiple threads.


scale() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns the scale of this apcomplex.
scale() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns the scale of this apfloat.
scale() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Returns the scale of this apint.
scale() - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Returns the scale of this aprational.
scale() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
scale() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
scale() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
scale() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
scale() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Returns the scale of this ApfloatImpl.
scale(Apcomplex, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Multiply by a power of the radix.
scale(Apcomplex, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Move the radix point.
scale(Apfloat, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Multiply by a power of the radix.
scale(Apfloat, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Move the radix point.
scale(Apint, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Multiply by a power of the radix.
scale(Aprational, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Multiply by a power of the radix.
scramble(double[], int, int[]) - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleScramble
Permute the data in the table to bit-reversed order.
scramble(float[], int, int[]) - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatScramble
Permute the data in the table to bit-reversed order.
scramble(int[], int, int[]) - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntScramble
Permute the data in the table to bit-reversed order.
scramble(long[], int, int[]) - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongScramble
Permute the data in the table to bit-reversed order.
Scramble - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Functions to perform bit-reverse ordering of data.
sendMessage(K, V) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.MessagePasser
Send a message.
set(Class<T>, T) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.Iterator
Sets the current element as the specified element type.
setArray(ArrayAccess, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
Write the data back to the same location in the file that was retrieved with DiskDataStorage.implGetArray(int,int,int,int).
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set an arbitrary object as an attribute for this ApfloatContext.
setBlockSize(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the efficient I/O block size in bytes for this context.
setBuilderFactory(BuilderFactory) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the BuilderFactory.
setCacheBurst(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the L1 cache burst block size in bytes.
setCacheL1Size(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the L1 cache size in bytes.
setCacheL2Size(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the L2 cache size in bytes.
setCleanupAtExit(boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set if clean-up should be performed at the time the program exits.
setDefaultRadix(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the default radix.
setDouble(double) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
setDouble(double) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.Iterator
Sets the current element as a double.
setExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the ExecutorService.
setFilenameGenerator(FilenameGenerator) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the FilenameGenerator.
setFloat(float) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
setFloat(float) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.Iterator
Sets the current element as a float.
setInt(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
setInt(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.Iterator
Sets the current element as an int.
setLong(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.AbstractIterator
setLong(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage.Iterator
Sets the current element as a long.
setMaxMemoryBlockSize(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the maximum allowed memory block size in bytes.
setMemoryThreshold(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the maximum size of apfloats in bytes that are stored in memory within this context.
setMemoryTreshold(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
setModulus(double) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleElementaryModMath
Set the modulus.
setModulus(float) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatElementaryModMath
Set the modulus.
setModulus(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntElementaryModMath
Set the modulus.
setModulus(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongElementaryModMath
Set the modulus.
setNumberOfProcessors(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the number of processors available to parallel calculations using this context.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the values of all properties as strings.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the value of a property as string.
setReadOnly() - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Sets this data storage as read-only.
setSharedMemoryLock(Object) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the shared memory lock object.
setSharedMemoryTreshold(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the maximum size of apfloats in bytes that can be used without synchronizing against the shared memory lock.
setSize(long) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Sets the size of the data storage.
setThreadContext(ApfloatContext) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the thread-specific ApfloatContext for the calling thread.
setThreadContext(ApfloatContext, Thread) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Set the thread-specific ApfloatContext for the specified thread.
setTransposedArray(ArrayAccess, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
Write the data back to the same location in the file that was retrieved with DiskDataStorage.implGetTransposedArray(int,int,int,int).
SHARED_MEMORY_TRESHOLD - Static variable in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
Property name for specifying the apfloat shared memory threshold.
shortValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns the value of the this number as a short.
shortValue() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns the value of the this number as a short.
shortValueExact() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns the value of the this number as a short, checking for lost information.
shutdown() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleBuilderFactory
shutdown() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatBuilderFactory
shutdown() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntBuilderFactory
shutdown() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongBuilderFactory
shutdown() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.BuilderFactory
Shuts down the builder factory.
signum() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns the signum function of this apfloat.
signum() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Returns the signum function of this apint.
signum() - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Returns the signum function of this aprational.
signum() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
signum() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
signum() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
signum() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
signum() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Returns the signum of this ApfloatImpl.
sin(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
sin(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
sin(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
sin(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
sinh(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Hyperbolic sine.
sinh(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Hyperbolic sine.
sinh(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Hyperbolic sine.
sinh(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Hyperbolic sine.
SixStepFNTStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Fast Number Theoretic Transform that uses a "six-step" algorithm to calculate a long transform more efficiently on cache-based memory architectures.
SixStepFNTStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.SixStepFNTStrategy
Default constructor.
size() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns the size of this apcomplex.
size() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns the size of this apfloat.
size() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Returns the size of this apint.
size() - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Returns the size of this aprational.
size() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
size() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
size() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
size() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
size() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Returns the size of the mantissa of this ApfloatImpl.
sqrt(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Square root.
sqrt(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Square root.
sqrt(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Square root.
sqrt(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Square root.
sqrt(Apint) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Square root and remainder.
sqrt4down(int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Square root rounded down to nearest power of two.
sqrt4down(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Square root rounded down to nearest power of two.
sqrt4up(int) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Square root rounded up to nearest power of two.
sqrt4up(long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Square root rounded up to nearest power of two.
squareInPlace(DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
squareInPlace(DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
squareInPlace(DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
squareInPlace(DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongNTTConvolutionStepStrategy
squareInPlace(DataStorage, int) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.NTTConvolutionStepStrategy
Linear squaring in the number theoretic domain.
StepCarryCRTStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Class for performing the final step of a three-modulus Number Theoretic Transform based convolution.
StepCarryCRTStrategy(int) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.StepCarryCRTStrategy
Creates a carry-CRT object using the specified radix.
stepStrategy - Variable in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractStepFNTStrategy
The NTT steps.
stepStrategy - Variable in class org.apfloat.internal.Factor3NTTStrategy
The factor-3 NTT steps.
stepStrategy - Variable in class org.apfloat.internal.ThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy
The convolution steps to use.
stream(Iterator<T>) - Static method in class org.apfloat.spi.Util
Convert iterator to stream.
subsequence(int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMemoryArrayAccess
subsequence(int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMemoryArrayAccess
subsequence(int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMemoryArrayAccess
subsequence(int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMemoryArrayAccess
subsequence(int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.ArrayAccess
Create a sub-sequence view of this array access.
subsequence(long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Get a subsequence of this data storage.
subtract(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleCRTMath
Subtracts three words.
subtract(float[], float[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatCRTMath
Subtracts three words.
subtract(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntCRTMath
Subtracts three words.
subtract(long[], long[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongCRTMath
Subtracts three words.
subtract(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Subtracts two apcomplex numbers.
subtract(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
subtract(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Subtracts two apfloats.
subtract(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
subtract(Apint) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Subtracts two apints.
subtract(Aprational) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Subtracts two aprational numbers.
subtract(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, Double, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleAdditionStrategy
subtract(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, Float, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatAdditionStrategy
subtract(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, Integer, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntAdditionStrategy
subtract(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, Long, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongAdditionStrategy
subtract(DataStorage.Iterator, DataStorage.Iterator, T, DataStorage.Iterator, long) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.AdditionStrategy
Subtraction in some base.
sum(Apcomplex...) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Sum of numbers.
sum(Apcomplex...) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
sum(Apfloat...) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Sum of numbers.
sum(Apfloat...) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
sum(Apint...) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApintMath
Sum of numbers.
sum(Aprational...) - Static method in class org.apfloat.AprationalMath
Sum of numbers.


tableFNT(ArrayAccess, double[], int[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleTableFNT
Forward (Sande-Tukey) fast Number Theoretic Transform.
tableFNT(ArrayAccess, float[], int[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatTableFNT
Forward (Sande-Tukey) fast Number Theoretic Transform.
tableFNT(ArrayAccess, int[], int[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntTableFNT
Forward (Sande-Tukey) fast Number Theoretic Transform.
tableFNT(ArrayAccess, long[], int[]) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongTableFNT
Forward (Sande-Tukey) fast Number Theoretic Transform.
tan(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
tan(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
tan(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
tan(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
tanh(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Hyperbolic tangent.
tanh(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Hyperbolic tangent.
tanh(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Hyperbolic tangent.
tanh(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Hyperbolic tangent.
test(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Tests two apcomplex numbers for equality.
test(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Tests two apfloat numbers for equality.
test(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
test(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
test(Apint) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Tests two apint numbers for equality.
test(Aprational) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
test(Aprational) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Tests two aprational numbers for equality.
ThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Convolution using three Number Theoretic Transforms and the Chinese Remainder Theorem to get the final result.
ThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy(int, NTTStrategy) - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.ThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy
Creates a new convoluter that uses the specified transform for transforming the data.
toBigInteger() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Converts this apint to Java's BigInteger.
toDegrees(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Converts an angle measured in radians to degrees.
toDegrees(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Convert radians to degrees.
toRadians(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Converts an angle measured in degrees to radians.
toRadians(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Convert degrees to radians.
toRadix(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Convert this apcomplex to the specified radix.
toRadix(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Convert this apfloat to the specified radix.
toRadix(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Convert this apint to the specified radix.
toRadix(int) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Convert this aprational to the specified radix.
toString() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns a string representation of this apcomplex.
toString() - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Returns a string representation of this aprational.
toString(boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Returns a string representation of this apcomplex.
toString(boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Returns a string representation of this apfloat.
toString(boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Returns a string representation of this aprational.
toString(boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Returns a string representation of this aprational.
toString(boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
toString(boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
toString(boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
toString(boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
toString(boolean) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Convert this ApfloatImpl to String.
transferFrom(ReadableByteChannel, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
Transfer from a readable channel, possibly in multiple chunks.
transferTo(WritableByteChannel, long, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DiskDataStorage
Transfer to a writable channel, possibly in multiple chunks.
transform(DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractStepFNTStrategy
transform(DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleTableFNTStrategy
transform(DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.Factor3NTTStrategy
transform(DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatTableFNTStrategy
transform(DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntTableFNTStrategy
transform(DataStorage, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongTableFNTStrategy
transform(DataStorage, int) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.NTTStrategy
Perform a forward transform on the data.
transform(DataStorage, int, int, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.AbstractStepFNTStrategy
Transform the data in steps.
transform(DataStorage, int, int, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.SixStepFNTStrategy
transform(DataStorage, int, int, long, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.TwoPassFNTStrategy
transformColumns(ArrayAccess, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.TwoPassFNTStrategy
Transform the columns of the data matrix.
transformColumns(DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long, long, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleFactor3NTTStepStrategy
transformColumns(DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long, long, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatFactor3NTTStepStrategy
transformColumns(DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long, long, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntFactor3NTTStepStrategy
transformColumns(DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long, long, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongFactor3NTTStepStrategy
transformColumns(DataStorage, DataStorage, DataStorage, long, long, long, long, boolean, int) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.Factor3NTTStepStrategy
Transform the columns of a matrix using a 3-point transform.
transformFirst(ArrayAccess, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.SixStepFNTStrategy
The first transform of the rows (or columns) of the data matrix.
TransformLengthExceededException - Exception Class in org.apfloat.internal
Exception indicating that the "size" of the numbers used in a multiplication is too large.
TransformLengthExceededException() - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.internal.TransformLengthExceededException
Constructs a new apfloat transform length exceeded exception with an empty detail message.
TransformLengthExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.internal.TransformLengthExceededException
Constructs a new apfloat transform length exceeded exception with the specified detail message.
TransformLengthExceededException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.apfloat.internal.TransformLengthExceededException
Constructs a new apfloat transform length exceeded exception with the specified detail message and cause.
transformRows(ArrayAccess, int, int, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleNTTStepStrategy
transformRows(ArrayAccess, int, int, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatNTTStepStrategy
transformRows(ArrayAccess, int, int, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntNTTStepStrategy
transformRows(ArrayAccess, int, int, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongNTTStepStrategy
transformRows(ArrayAccess, int, int, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.NTTStepStrategy
Transform the rows of the data matrix.
transformRows(ArrayAccess, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.TwoPassFNTStrategy
Transform the rows of the data matrix.
transformSecond(ArrayAccess, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.SixStepFNTStrategy
The second transform of the rows (or columns) of the data matrix.
transpose(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMatrixStrategy
Transpose a n1 x n2 matrix.
transpose(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMatrixStrategy
Transpose a n1 x n2 matrix.
transpose(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMatrixStrategy
Transpose a n1 x n2 matrix.
transpose(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMatrixStrategy
Transpose a n1 x n2 matrix.
transpose(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.MatrixStrategy
Transpose a n1 x n2 matrix.
transposeFinal(ArrayAccess, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.SixStepFNTStrategy
The final transpose of the forward transform, or the initial transpose of the inverse transform.
transposeInitial(ArrayAccess, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.SixStepFNTStrategy
The initial transpose of the forward transform, or the final transpose of the inverse transform, to transpose the columns of the matrix to be rows.
transposeMiddle(ArrayAccess, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.SixStepFNTStrategy
The second transpose of either the forward or inverse transform.
transposeSquare(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleMatrixStrategy
Transpose a square n1 x n1 block of n1 x n2 matrix.
transposeSquare(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatMatrixStrategy
Transpose a square n1 x n1 block of n1 x n2 matrix.
transposeSquare(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntMatrixStrategy
Transpose a square n1 x n1 block of n1 x n2 matrix.
transposeSquare(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongMatrixStrategy
Transpose a square n1 x n1 block of n1 x n2 matrix.
transposeSquare(ArrayAccess, int, int) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.MatrixStrategy
Transpose a square n1 x n1 block of n1 x n2 matrix.
truncate() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Truncates fractional part.
truncate() - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Truncates fractional part.
truncate() - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Truncates fractional part.
truncate(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Truncates fractional part.
truncate(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Truncate fractional part.
TwoPassFNTStrategy - Class in org.apfloat.internal
Fast Number Theoretic Transform that uses a "two-pass" algorithm to calculate a very long transform on data that resides on a mass storage device.
TwoPassFNTStrategy() - Constructor for class org.apfloat.internal.TwoPassFNTStrategy
Default constructor.


ulp(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Returns the unit in the last place of the argument, considering the scale and precision.
ulp(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Unit in the last place.
ulp(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Returns the unit in the last place of the argument, considering the scale and precision.
ulp(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Unit in the last place.
unlock() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy
unlock() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ThreeNTTConvolutionStrategy
Remove the synchronization lock.
Util - Class in org.apfloat.spi
Miscellaneous utility methods.


valueOf(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Returns the value with the specified precision.
valueOf(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Returns the value with the specified precision.


w(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Lambert W function.
w(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Lambert W function.
w(Apcomplex, long) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Lambert W function for the specified branch.
w(Apcomplex, long) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Lambert W function for the specified branch.
w(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Lambert W function.
w(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Lambert W function.
wait(Future<?>) - Method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatContext
While waiting for a Future to be completed, do some useful work instead of just being idle.
wait(Future<?>) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelExecutionStrategy
wait(Future<?>) - Static method in class org.apfloat.internal.ParallelRunner
While waiting for a Future to be completed, steal a minimal amount of work from any running task and run it.
wait(Future<?>) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ExecutionStrategy
While waiting for a Future to be completed, steal work from any running tasks and run it.
WRITE - Static variable in class org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage
Write access mode specifier.
writeTo(Writer) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Write a string representation of this apcomplex to a Writer.
writeTo(Writer) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Write a string representation of this aprational to a Writer.
writeTo(Writer, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Write a string representation of this apcomplex to a Writer.
writeTo(Writer, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apfloat
Write a string representation of this apfloat to a Writer.
writeTo(Writer, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.Apint
Write a string representation of this aprational to a Writer.
writeTo(Writer, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.Aprational
Write a string representation of this aprational to a Writer.
writeTo(Writer, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl
writeTo(Writer, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatApfloatImpl
writeTo(Writer, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntApfloatImpl
writeTo(Writer, boolean) - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongApfloatImpl
writeTo(Writer, boolean) - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl
Print this ApfloatImpl to a stream.


zero() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.DoubleAdditionStrategy
zero() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.FloatAdditionStrategy
zero() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.IntAdditionStrategy
zero() - Method in class org.apfloat.internal.LongAdditionStrategy
zero() - Method in interface org.apfloat.spi.AdditionStrategy
Returns the zero element.
ZERO - Static variable in class org.apfloat.Apcomplex
Constant for zero.
zeta(Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Riemann zeta function.
zeta(Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Riemann zeta function.
zeta(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApcomplexMath
Hurwitz zeta function.
zeta(Apcomplex, Apcomplex) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApcomplexHelper
Hurwitz zeta function.
zeta(Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Riemann zeta function.
zeta(Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Riemann zeta function.
zeta(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Static method in class org.apfloat.ApfloatMath
Hurwitz zeta function.
zeta(Apfloat, Apfloat) - Method in class org.apfloat.FixedPrecisionApfloatHelper
Hurwitz zeta function.
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W Z 
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