Class UnresolvedType

All Implemented Interfaces:
Traceable, TypeVariableDeclaringElement
Direct Known Subclasses:
ResolvedType, UnresolvedTypeVariableReferenceType, WildcardedUnresolvedType

public class UnresolvedType extends Object implements Traceable, TypeVariableDeclaringElement
A UnresolvedType represents a type to the weaver. UnresolvedTypes are resolved in some World (a type repository). When a UnresolvedType is resolved it turns into a ResolvedType which may be a primitive type, or a ReferenceType. ReferenceTypes may refer to simple, generic, parameterized or type-variable based reference types. A ReferenceType is backed by a delegate that provides information about the type based on some repository (for example an Eclipse based delegate, a bytecode based delegate or a reflection based delegate).

Every UnresolvedType has a signature, the unique key for the type in the world.