Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
Cloneable, IDOMNode

public abstract class DOMNode extends Object implements IDOMNode
The JDOM was made obsolete by the addition in 2.0 of the more powerful, fine-grained DOM/AST API found in the package.
DOMNode provides an implementation for IDOMNode.

A node represents a document fragment. When a node is created, its contents are located in a contiguous range of a shared document. A shared document is a char array, and is shared in the sense that the contents of other document fragments may also be contained in the array.

A node maintains indicies of relevant portions of its contents in the shared document. Thus the original document and indicies create a form from which to generate the contents of the document fragment. As attributes of a node are changed, the node attempts to maintain the original formatting by only replacing relevant portions of the shared document with the value of new attributes (that is, filling in the form with replacement values).

When a node is first created, it is considered unfragmented. When any attribute of the node is altered, the node is then considered fragmented from that point on. A node is also considered fragmented if any of its descendants are fragmented. When a node is unfragmented, the contents of the node can be efficiently generated from the original shared document. When a node is fragmented, the contents of the node must be created using the original document and indicies as a form, filling in replacement values as required.

Generally, a node's contents consists of complete lines in a shared document. The contents of the node are normalized on creation to include any whitespace preceding the node on the line where the node begins, and to include and trailing whitespace up to the line where the next node begins. Any trailing // comments that begin on the line where the current node ends, are considered part of that node.

Siehe auch:
  • Feldübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    protected char[]
    The shared document that the contents for this node are contained in.
    protected DOMNode
    The first child of this node - null when this node has no children.
    protected int
    This position is the position of the end of the last line separator before the closing brace starting position of the receiver.
    protected boolean
    True when this node has attributes that have been altered from their original state in the shared document, or when the attributes of a descendant have been altered.
    protected DOMNode
    The last child of this node - null when this node has no children.
    protected String
    The name of this node.
    protected int[]
    The original inclusive indicies of this node's name in the shared document.
    protected DOMNode
    The sibling node following this node - null for the last node in the sibling list.
    protected DOMNode
    The parent of this node.
    protected DOMNode
    The sibling node preceding this node - null for the first node in the sibling list.
    protected int[]
    The original entire inclusive range of this node's contents within its document.
    protected int
    The current state of bit masks defined by this node.
    protected static final int
    A bit mask indicating this node has detailed source indexes
    protected static final int
    A bit mask indicating this field has an initializer expression
    protected static final int
    A bit mask indicating this field is a secondary variable declarator for a previous field declaration.
    protected static final int
    A bit mask indicating this field's type has been altered from its original contents in the document.
    protected static final int
    A bit mask indicating this node currently has a body.
    protected static final int
    A bit mask indicating this node currently has a preceding comment.
    protected static final int
    A bit mask indicating this method is a constructor.
    protected static final int
    A bit mask indicating this node's name has been altered from its original contents in the document.
    protected static final int
    A bit mask indicating this return type of this method has been altered from the original contents.
    protected static final int
    A bit mask indicating this type implements or extends some interfaces
    protected static final int
    A bit mask indicating this type has a superclass (requires or has an 'extends' clause).
    protected static final int
    A bit mask indicating this type is a class.

    Von Schnittstelle geerbte Felder

  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    Adds the given un-parented node (document fragment) as the last child of this node.
    protected void
    Appends the current contents of this document fragment to the given CharArrayBuffer.
    protected void
    Appends the contents of all children of this node to the given CharArrayBuffer.
    protected abstract void
    Appends the contents of this node to the given CharArrayBufer, using the original document and indicies as a form for the current attribute values of this node.
    protected void
    Generates detailed source indexes for this node if possible.
    Returns true if this node is allowed to have children, otherwise false.
    Returns a stand-alone copy of the document fragment represented by this node that is in no way dependent on the document this node is part of.
    protected void
    Sets this node's fragmented flag and all ancestor fragmented flags to true.
    Returns the current contents of this document fragment as a character array.
    Returns the first named child of this node with the given name.
    Returns an enumeration of children of this node.
    Returns the current contents of this document fragment, or null if this node has no contents.
    protected DOMNode
    Returns a new document fragment representing this node with detailed source indexes.
    protected char[]
    Returns the document containing this node's original contents.
    Returns the original position of the last character of this node's contents in its document.
    protected IDOMFactory
    Returns a factory with which to create new document fragments.
    Returns the first child of this node.
    Returns the position at which the first child of this node should be inserted.
    protected boolean
    getMask(int mask)
    Returns true if the given mask of this node's state flag is turned on, otherwise false.
    Returns the name of this node.
    protected char[]
    Returns the source code to be used for this node's name.
    Returns the sibling node immediately following this node.
    Returns the parent of this node.
    protected int
    Answers a source position which corresponds to the end of the parent element's declaration.
    Returns the sibling node immediately preceding this node.
    protected IDOMNode
    Returns the root node of this document fragment.
    Returns the original position of the first character of this node's contents in its document.
    Inserts the given un-parented node as a sibling of this node, immediately before this node.
    Returns whether the given node is an allowable child for this node.
    protected boolean
    Returns true if the contents of this node are from the same document as the given node, the contents of this node immediately follow the contents of the given node, and neither this node or the given node are fragmented - otherwise false.
    protected boolean
    Returns true if this node has detailed source index information, or false if this node has limited source index information.
    protected boolean
    Returns true if this node's or a descendant node's contents have been altered since this node was created.
    protected boolean
    Returns true if this noed's name has been altered from the original document contents.
    Returns whether this node's signature is equivalent to the given node's signature.
    protected void
    Localizes the contents of this node and all descendant nodes, such that this node is no longer dependent on its original document in order to generate its contents.
    protected abstract DOMNode
    Returns a new empty DOMNode for this instance.
    protected void
    offset(int offset)
    Offsets all the source indexes in this node by the given amount.
    protected void
    offsetRange(int[] range, int offset)
    Offsets the source range by the given amount
    protected int[]
    rangeCopy(int[] range)
    Returns a copy of the given range.
    Separates this node from its parent and siblings, maintaining any ties that this node has to the underlying document fragment.
    protected void
    setMask(int mask, boolean on)
    Sets the specified mask of this node's state mask on or off based on the boolean value - true -> on, false -> off.
    Sets the name of this node.
    protected void
    setNameAltered(boolean altered)
    Sets the state of this node as having its name attribute altered from the original document contents.
    protected void
    Sets the original position of the last character of this node's contents in its document.
    protected void
    setStartPosition(int start)
    Sets the original position of the first character of this node's contents in its document.
    protected void
    Sets the contents of this node and descendant nodes to be the (identical) contents of the given node and its descendants.
    abstract String
    Returns a String representing this node - for Debug purposes only.

    Von Klasse geerbte Methoden java.lang.Object

    equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Von Schnittstelle geerbte Methoden

    getJavaElement, getNodeType
  • Felddetails

    • fFirstChild

      protected DOMNode fFirstChild
      The first child of this node - null when this node has no children. (Children of a node are implemented as a doubly linked list).
    • fLastChild

      protected DOMNode fLastChild
      The last child of this node - null when this node has no children. Used for efficient access to the last child when adding new children at the end of the linked list of children.
    • fNextNode

      protected DOMNode fNextNode
      The sibling node following this node - null for the last node in the sibling list.
    • fParent

      protected DOMNode fParent
      The parent of this node. A null parent indicates that this node is a root node of a document fragment.
    • fPreviousNode

      protected DOMNode fPreviousNode
      The sibling node preceding this node - null for the first node in the sibling list.
    • fIsFragmented

      protected boolean fIsFragmented
      True when this node has attributes that have been altered from their original state in the shared document, or when the attributes of a descendant have been altered. False when the contents of this node and all descendants are consistent with the content of the shared document.
    • fName

      protected String fName
      The name of this node. For efficiency, the name of a node is duplicated in this variable on creation, rather than always having to fetch the name from the shared document.
    • fNameRange

      protected int[] fNameRange
      The original inclusive indicies of this node's name in the shared document. Values of -1 indiciate the name does not exist in the document.
    • fDocument

      protected char[] fDocument
      The shared document that the contents for this node are contained in. Attribute indicies are positions in this character array.
    • fSourceRange

      protected int[] fSourceRange
      The original entire inclusive range of this node's contents within its document. Values of -1 indicate the contents of this node do not exist in the document.
    • fStateMask

      protected int fStateMask
      The current state of bit masks defined by this node. Initially all bit flags are turned off. All bit masks are defined by this class to avoid overlap, although bit masks are node type specific.
      Siehe auch:
    • fInsertionPosition

      protected int fInsertionPosition
      This position is the position of the end of the last line separator before the closing brace starting position of the receiver.

      protected static final int MASK_FIELD_HAS_INITIALIZER
      A bit mask indicating this field has an initializer expression
      Siehe auch:

      protected static final int MASK_FIELD_IS_VARIABLE_DECLARATOR
      A bit mask indicating this field is a secondary variable declarator for a previous field declaration.
      Siehe auch:

      protected static final int MASK_FIELD_TYPE_ALTERED
      A bit mask indicating this field's type has been altered from its original contents in the document.
      Siehe auch:

      protected static final int MASK_NAME_ALTERED
      A bit mask indicating this node's name has been altered from its original contents in the document.
      Siehe auch:

      protected static final int MASK_HAS_BODY
      A bit mask indicating this node currently has a body.
      Siehe auch:

      protected static final int MASK_HAS_COMMENT
      A bit mask indicating this node currently has a preceding comment.
      Siehe auch:

      protected static final int MASK_IS_CONSTRUCTOR
      A bit mask indicating this method is a constructor.
      Siehe auch:

      protected static final int MASK_TYPE_IS_CLASS
      A bit mask indicating this type is a class.
      Siehe auch:

      protected static final int MASK_TYPE_HAS_SUPERCLASS
      A bit mask indicating this type has a superclass (requires or has an 'extends' clause).
      Siehe auch:

      protected static final int MASK_TYPE_HAS_INTERFACES
      A bit mask indicating this type implements or extends some interfaces
      Siehe auch:

      protected static final int MASK_RETURN_TYPE_ALTERED
      A bit mask indicating this return type of this method has been altered from the original contents.
      Siehe auch:

      protected static final int MASK_DETAILED_SOURCE_INDEXES
      A bit mask indicating this node has detailed source indexes
      Siehe auch:
  • Methodendetails

    • addChild

      public void addChild(IDOMNode child) throws IllegalArgumentException, DOMException
      Adds the given un-parented node (document fragment) as the last child of this node.

      When a child is added, this node must be considered fragmented such that the contents of this node are properly generated.

      Angegeben von:
      addChild in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      child - the new child node
      Löst aus:
      IllegalArgumentException - if the child is null
      DOMException - if any of the following conditions hold:
      • this node is not allowed to have children,
      • the child is not of an allowable type
      • the child already has a parent
      • the child is an ancestor of this node
      Siehe auch:
    • appendContents

      protected void appendContents(CharArrayBuffer buffer)
      Appends the current contents of this document fragment to the given CharArrayBuffer.

      If this node is fragmented, contents must be generated by using the original document and indicies as a form for the current attribute values of this node. If this node not fragmented, the contents can be obtained from the document.

    • appendContentsOfChildren

      protected void appendContentsOfChildren(CharArrayBuffer buffer)
      Appends the contents of all children of this node to the given CharArrayBuffer.

      This algorithm used minimizes String generation by merging adjacent unfragmented children into one substring operation.

    • appendFragmentedContents

      protected abstract void appendFragmentedContents(CharArrayBuffer buffer)
      Appends the contents of this node to the given CharArrayBufer, using the original document and indicies as a form for the current attribute values of this node.
    • becomeDetailed

      protected void becomeDetailed() throws DOMException
      Generates detailed source indexes for this node if possible.
      Löst aus:
      DOMException - if unable to generate detailed source indexes for this node
    • canHaveChildren

      public boolean canHaveChildren()
      Returns true if this node is allowed to have children, otherwise false.

      Default implementation of IDOMNode interface method returns false; this method must be overridden by subclasses that implement nodes that allow children.

      Angegeben von:
      canHaveChildren in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      Gibt zurück:
      true if this node can have children
      Siehe auch:
    • clone

      public Object clone()
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: IDOMNode
      Returns a stand-alone copy of the document fragment represented by this node that is in no way dependent on the document this node is part of.
      Angegeben von:
      clone in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      clone in Klasse Object
      Gibt zurück:
      a copy of type IDOMNode
      Siehe auch:
    • fragment

      protected void fragment()
      Sets this node's fragmented flag and all ancestor fragmented flags to true. This happens when an attribute of this node or a descendant node has been altered. When a node is fragmented, its contents must be generated from its attributes and original "form" rather than from the original contents in the document.
    • getCharacters

      public char[] getCharacters()
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: IDOMNode
      Returns the current contents of this document fragment as a character array.

      Note: To obtain complete source for the source file, ask a compilation unit node for its contents.

      Angegeben von:
      getCharacters in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      Gibt zurück:
      the contents, or null if this node has no contents
      Siehe auch:
    • getChild

      public IDOMNode getChild(String name)
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: IDOMNode
      Returns the first named child of this node with the given name.
      Angegeben von:
      getChild in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      name - the name
      Gibt zurück:
      the child node, or null if no such child exists
      Siehe auch:
    • getChildren

      public Enumeration getChildren()
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: IDOMNode
      Returns an enumeration of children of this node. Returns an empty enumeration if this node has no children (including nodes that cannot have children). Children appear in the order in which they are declared in the source code.
      Angegeben von:
      getChildren in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      Gibt zurück:
      an enumeration of the children
      Siehe auch:
    • getContents

      public String getContents()
      Returns the current contents of this document fragment, or null if this node has no contents.

      If this node is fragmented, contents must be generated by using the original document and indicies as a form for the current attribute values of this node. If this node not fragmented, the contents can be obtained from the document.

      Angegeben von:
      getContents in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      Gibt zurück:
      the contents, or null if this node has no contents
      Siehe auch:
    • getDetailedNode

      protected DOMNode getDetailedNode()
      Returns a new document fragment representing this node with detailed source indexes. Subclasses that provide a detailed implementation must override this method.
    • getDocument

      protected char[] getDocument()
      Returns the document containing this node's original contents. The document may be shared by other nodes.
    • getEndPosition

      public int getEndPosition()
      Returns the original position of the last character of this node's contents in its document.
    • getFactory

      protected IDOMFactory getFactory()
      Returns a factory with which to create new document fragments.
    • getFirstChild

      public IDOMNode getFirstChild()
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: IDOMNode
      Returns the first child of this node. Children appear in the order in which they exist in the source code.
      Angegeben von:
      getFirstChild in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      Gibt zurück:
      the first child, or null if this node has no children
      Siehe auch:
    • getInsertionPosition

      public int getInsertionPosition()
      Returns the position at which the first child of this node should be inserted.
    • getMask

      protected boolean getMask(int mask)
      Returns true if the given mask of this node's state flag is turned on, otherwise false.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: IDOMNode
      Returns the name of this node. More details are provided in each of the subtypes.
      Angegeben von:
      getName in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      Gibt zurück:
      the name, or null if it has no name
      Siehe auch:
    • getNameContents

      protected char[] getNameContents()
      Returns the source code to be used for this node's name.
    • getNextNode

      public IDOMNode getNextNode()
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: IDOMNode
      Returns the sibling node immediately following this node.
      Angegeben von:
      getNextNode in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      Gibt zurück:
      the next node, or null if there is no following node
      Siehe auch:
    • getParent

      public IDOMNode getParent()
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: IDOMNode
      Returns the parent of this node.
      Angegeben von:
      getParent in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      Gibt zurück:
      the parent node, or null if this node does not have a parent
      Siehe auch:
    • getParentEndDeclaration

      protected int getParentEndDeclaration()
      Answers a source position which corresponds to the end of the parent element's declaration.
    • getPreviousNode

      public IDOMNode getPreviousNode()
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: IDOMNode
      Returns the sibling node immediately preceding this node.
      Angegeben von:
      getPreviousNode in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      Gibt zurück:
      the previous node, or null if there is no preceding node
      Siehe auch:
    • getRoot

      protected IDOMNode getRoot()
      Returns the root node of this document fragment.
    • getStartPosition

      public int getStartPosition()
      Returns the original position of the first character of this node's contents in its document.
    • insertSibling

      public void insertSibling(IDOMNode sibling) throws IllegalArgumentException, DOMException
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: IDOMNode
      Inserts the given un-parented node as a sibling of this node, immediately before this node.
      Angegeben von:
      insertSibling in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      sibling - the new sibling node
      Löst aus:
      IllegalArgumentException - if the sibling is null
      DOMException - if any of the following conditions hold:
      • this node is a document fragment root
      • the sibling is not of the correct type
      • the sibling already has a parent
      • this sibling is an ancestor of this node
      Siehe auch:
    • isAllowableChild

      public boolean isAllowableChild(IDOMNode node)
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: IDOMNode
      Returns whether the given node is an allowable child for this node.
      Angegeben von:
      isAllowableChild in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      node - the potential child node
      Gibt zurück:
      true if the given node is an allowable child
      Siehe auch:
    • isContentMergableWith

      protected boolean isContentMergableWith(DOMNode node)
      Returns true if the contents of this node are from the same document as the given node, the contents of this node immediately follow the contents of the given node, and neither this node or the given node are fragmented - otherwise false.
    • isDetailed

      protected boolean isDetailed()
      Returns true if this node has detailed source index information, or false if this node has limited source index information. To perform some manipulations, detailed indexes are required.
    • isFragmented

      protected boolean isFragmented()
      Returns true if this node's or a descendant node's contents have been altered since this node was created. This indicates that the contents of this node are no longer consistent with the contents of this node's document.
    • isNameAltered

      protected boolean isNameAltered()
      Returns true if this noed's name has been altered from the original document contents.
    • isSignatureEqual

      public boolean isSignatureEqual(IDOMNode node)
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: IDOMNode
      Returns whether this node's signature is equivalent to the given node's signature. In other words, if the nodes were siblings, would the declarations collide because they represent the same declaration.
      Angegeben von:
      isSignatureEqual in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      node - the other node
      Gibt zurück:
      true if the nodes have equivalent signatures
      Siehe auch:
    • localizeContents

      protected void localizeContents()
      Localizes the contents of this node and all descendant nodes, such that this node is no longer dependent on its original document in order to generate its contents. This node and all descendant nodes become unfragmented and share a new document.
    • newDOMNode

      protected abstract DOMNode newDOMNode()
      Returns a new empty DOMNode for this instance.
    • offset

      protected void offset(int offset)
      Offsets all the source indexes in this node by the given amount.
    • offsetRange

      protected void offsetRange(int[] range, int offset)
      Offsets the source range by the given amount
    • rangeCopy

      protected int[] rangeCopy(int[] range)
      Returns a copy of the given range.
    • remove

      public void remove()
      Separates this node from its parent and siblings, maintaining any ties that this node has to the underlying document fragment.

      When a child is removed, its parent is fragmented such that it properly generates its contents.

      Angegeben von:
      remove in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      Siehe auch:
    • setMask

      protected void setMask(int mask, boolean on)
      Sets the specified mask of this node's state mask on or off based on the boolean value - true -> on, false -> off.
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Beschreibung aus Schnittstelle kopiert: IDOMNode
      Sets the name of this node. Name format depends on node type. More details are provided in each of the subtypes.
      Angegeben von:
      setName in Schnittstelle IDOMNode
      name - the name, or null to clear the name
      Siehe auch:
    • setNameAltered

      protected void setNameAltered(boolean altered)
      Sets the state of this node as having its name attribute altered from the original document contents.
    • setSourceRangeEnd

      protected void setSourceRangeEnd(int end)
      Sets the original position of the last character of this node's contents in its document. This method is only used during DOM creation while normalizing the source range of each node.
    • setStartPosition

      protected void setStartPosition(int start)
      Sets the original position of the first character of this node's contents in its document. This method is only used during DOM creation while normalizing the source range of each node.
    • shareContents

      protected void shareContents(DOMNode node)
      Sets the contents of this node and descendant nodes to be the (identical) contents of the given node and its descendants. This does not effect this node's parent and sibling configuration, only the contents of this node. This is used only to localize the contents of this node.
    • toString

      public abstract String toString()
      Returns a String representing this node - for Debug purposes only.
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      toString in Klasse Object