Interface StructureViewRenderer

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BrowserViewPanel, StructureViewPanel

public interface StructureViewRenderer extends EventListener
View renderers get notified of structure view update events and should update the display of the structure view accordingly.
Mik Kersten
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Highlights and selects the given node as active.
    setActiveNode(IStructureViewNode activeNode, int lineOffset)
    Same behavior as setActiveNode(StructureViewNode) but highlights a particular line within the span of the node.
    updateView(StructureView structureView)
    Implementors should updated the display of the corresponding file structure view.
  • Method Details

    • updateView

      void updateView(StructureView structureView)
      Implementors should updated the display of the corresponding file structure view.
    • setActiveNode

      void setActiveNode(IStructureViewNode node)
      Highlights and selects the given node as active. What "active" means depends on the renderer: a typical activation should cause the corresponding node's sourceline to be highlighted in the active editor.
    • setActiveNode

      void setActiveNode(IStructureViewNode activeNode, int lineOffset)
      Same behavior as setActiveNode(StructureViewNode) but highlights a particular line within the span of the node.
      lineOffset - number of lines after the begin and before the end line of the corresponding StructureNode.