Interface FileSystem.Classpath

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ClasspathDirectory, ClasspathJar, ClasspathJep247, ClasspathJep247Jdk12, ClasspathJmod, ClasspathJrt, ClasspathJsr199, ClasspathLocation, ClasspathMultiReleaseJar, ClasspathSourceJar
Enclosing class:

public static interface FileSystem.Classpath extends IModulePathEntry
A Classpath, even though an IModuleLocation, can represent a plain classpath location too. The FileSystem tells the Classpath whether to behave as a module or regular class path via acceptModule(IModule). Sub types of classpath are responsible for appropriate behavior based on this.
  • Method Details

    • findTypeNames

      char[][][] findTypeNames(String qualifiedPackageName, String moduleName)
    • findClass

      NameEnvironmentAnswer findClass(char[] typeName, String qualifiedPackageName, String moduleName, String qualifiedBinaryFileName)
    • findClass

      NameEnvironmentAnswer findClass(char[] typeName, String qualifiedPackageName, String moduleName, String qualifiedBinaryFileName, boolean asBinaryOnly)
    • isPackage

      boolean isPackage(String qualifiedPackageName, String moduleName)
    • hasModule

      default boolean hasModule()
    • hasCUDeclaringPackage

      default boolean hasCUDeclaringPackage(String qualifiedPackageName, Function<CompilationUnit,String> pkgNameExtractor)
    • fetchLinkedJars

      Return a list of the jar file names defined in the Class-Path section of the jar file manifest if any, null else. Only ClasspathJar (and extending classes) instances may return a non-null result.
      problemReporter - problem reporter with which potential misconfiguration issues are raised
      a list of the jar file names defined in the Class-Path section of the jar file manifest if any
    • reset

      void reset()
      This method resets the environment. The resulting state is equivalent to a new name environment without creating a new object.
    • normalizedPath

      char[] normalizedPath()
      Return a normalized path for file based classpath entries. This is an absolute path in which file separators are transformed to the platform-agnostic '/', ending with a '/' for directories. This is an absolute path in which file separators are transformed to the platform-agnostic '/', deprived from the '.jar' (resp. '.zip') extension for jar (resp. zip) files.
      a normalized path for file based classpath entries
    • getPath

      String getPath()
      Return the path for file based classpath entries. This is an absolute path ending with a file separator for directories, an absolute path including the '.jar' (resp. '.zip') extension for jar (resp. zip) files.
      the path for file based classpath entries
    • initialize

      void initialize() throws IOException
      Initialize the entry
    • hasAnnotationFileFor

      boolean hasAnnotationFileFor(String qualifiedTypeName)
      Can the current location provide an external annotation file for the given type?
      qualifiedTypeName - type name in qualified /-separated notation.
    • acceptModule

      void acceptModule(IModule module)
      Accepts to represent a module location with the given module description.
    • getDestinationPath

      String getDestinationPath()
    • getModuleNames

      Collection<String> getModuleNames(Collection<String> limitModules)
    • getModuleNames

      Collection<String> getModuleNames(Collection<String> limitModules, Function<String,IModule> getModule)
    • forbidsExportFrom

      default boolean forbidsExportFrom(String modName)