Interface ISourceType

All Superinterfaces:
IDependent, IGenericType
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ISourceType extends IGenericType
  • Method Details

    • getDeclarationSourceEnd

      int getDeclarationSourceEnd()
      Answer the source end position of the type's declaration.
    • getDeclarationSourceStart

      int getDeclarationSourceStart()
      Answer the source start position of the type's declaration.
    • getEnclosingType

      ISourceType getEnclosingType()
      Answer the enclosing type or null if the receiver is a top level type.
    • getFields

      ISourceField[] getFields()
      Answer the receiver's fields. NOTE: Multiple fields with the same name can exist in the result.
    • getInterfaceNames

      char[][] getInterfaceNames()
      Answer the unresolved names of the receiver's interfaces or null if the array is empty. A name is a simple name or a qualified, dot separated name. For example, Hashtable or java.util.Hashtable.
    • getPermittedSubtypeNames

      default char[][] getPermittedSubtypeNames()
      Answer the unresolved names of the receiver's permitted sub types or null if the array is empty. A name is a simple name or a qualified, dot separated name. For example, Hashtable or java.util.Hashtable.
    • getMemberTypes

      ISourceType[] getMemberTypes()
      Answer the receiver's member types.
    • getMethods

      ISourceMethod[] getMethods()
      Answer the receiver's methods. NOTE: Multiple methods with the same name and parameter types can exist in the result.
    • getName

      char[] getName()
      Answer the simple source name of the receiver.
    • getNameSourceEnd

      int getNameSourceEnd()
      Answer the source end position of the type's name.
    • getNameSourceStart

      int getNameSourceStart()
      Answer the source start position of the type's name.
    • getSuperclassName

      char[] getSuperclassName()
      Answer the unresolved name of the receiver's superclass or null if it does not have one. The name is a simple name or a qualified, dot separated name. For example, Hashtable or java.util.Hashtable.
    • getTypeParameterBounds

      char[][][] getTypeParameterBounds()
      Answer the array of bound names of the receiver's type parameters.
    • getTypeParameterNames

      char[][] getTypeParameterNames()
      Answer the names of the receiver's type parameters.
    • isAnonymous

      boolean isAnonymous()
      Answer whether the receiver type is anonymous