Schnittstelle IMethodBinding

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public interface IMethodBinding extends IBinding
A method binding represents a method or constructor of a class or interface. Method bindings usually correspond directly to method or constructor declarations found in the source code. However, in certain cases of references to a generic method, the method binding may correspond to a copy of a generic method declaration with substitutions for the method's type parameters (for these, getTypeArguments returns a non-empty list, and either isParameterizedMethod or isRawMethod returns true). And in certain cases of references to a method declared in a generic type, the method binding may correspond to a copy of a method declaration with substitutions for the type's type parameters (for these, getTypeArguments returns an empty list, and both isParameterizedMethod and isRawMethod return false).
Siehe auch:
  • Methodendetails

    • isConstructor

      boolean isConstructor()
      Returns whether this binding is for a constructor or a method.
      Gibt zurück:
      true if this is the binding for a constructor, and false if this is the binding for a method
    • isCompactConstructor

      boolean isCompactConstructor()
      Returns whether this binding is for a compact constructor or not.

      This method returns true for:

      • compact constructors where the binding information was obtained from a Java source file containing a compact constructor declaration

      This method returns false for:

      • methods
      • constructors
      • constructors where the binding information was obtained from a Java class file (it is not possible to determine from a class file whether a constructor is a compact constructor or not
      Gibt zurück:
      true if this is the binding for a compact constructor in a source file and and false otherwise
    • isCanonicalConstructor

      boolean isCanonicalConstructor()
      Returns whether this binding is for a canonical constructor or not.

      This method returns true for canonical constructors

      Gibt zurück:
      true if this is the binding for a canonical constructor and false otherwise
    • isDefaultConstructor

      boolean isDefaultConstructor()
      Returns whether this binding is known to be a compiler-generated default constructor.

      This method returns false for:

      • methods
      • constructors with more than one parameter
      • 0-argument constructors where the binding information was obtained from a Java source file containing an explicit 0-argument constructor declaration
      • 0-argument constructors where the binding information was obtained from a Java class file (it is not possible to determine from a class file whether a 0-argument constructor was present in the source code versus generated automatically by a Java compiler)
      Gibt zurück:
      true if this is known to be the binding for a compiler-generated default constructor, and false otherwise
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of the method declared in this binding. The method name is always a simple identifier. The name of a constructor is always the same as the declared name of its declaring class.
      Angegeben von:
      getName in Schnittstelle IBinding
      Gibt zurück:
      the name of this method, or the declared name of this constructor's declaring class
    • getDeclaringClass

      ITypeBinding getDeclaringClass()
      Returns the type binding representing the class or interface that declares this method or constructor.
      Gibt zurück:
      the binding of the class or interface that declares this method or constructor
    • getDeclaringMember

      IBinding getDeclaringMember()
      If this method binding represents a lambda expression then:
      • If the lambda expression is declared in the body of a method, answers the binding of that declaring method.
      • Otherwise, if the lambda expression is declared in the initializer of a field, answers the binding of that declaring field.
      • Otherwise, if the lambda expression is declared in a static initializer or an instance initializer, a method binding is returned to represent that initializer (selector is an empty string in this case).

      If this method binding does not represent a lambda expression, null is returned.

      Gibt zurück:
      a method binding or field binding representing the member that contains the lambda expression represented by this method binding, or null for regular method bindings.
    • getDefaultValue

      Object getDefaultValue()
      Returns the resolved default value of an annotation type member, or null if the member has no default value, or if this is not the binding for an annotation type member.

      Resolved values are represented as follows (same as for IMemberValuePairBinding.getValue()):

      • Primitive type - the equivalent boxed object
      • java.lang.Class - the ITypeBinding for the class object
      • java.lang.String - the string value itself
      • enum type - the IVariableBinding for the enum constant
      • annotation type - an IAnnotationBinding
      • array type - an Object[] whose elements are as per above (the language only allows single dimensional arrays in annotations)
      Gibt zurück:
      the default value of this annotation type member, or null if none or not applicable
    • getParameterAnnotations

      IAnnotationBinding[] getParameterAnnotations(int paramIndex)
      Returns the resolved declaration annotations of a parameter of this method. The result returned is the same regardless of whether this is a parameterized method.

      Note: This method only returns declaration annotations. Type annotations in the sense of JLS8 9.7.4 are not returned. Type annotations can be retrieved from a parameter type via ITypeBinding.getTypeAnnotations().

      paramIndex - the index of the parameter of interest
      Gibt zurück:
      the resolved declaration annotations of the paramIndexth parameter, or an empty list if there are none
      Löst aus:
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if paramIndex is not a valid index
    • getParameterTypes

      ITypeBinding[] getParameterTypes()
      Returns a list of type bindings representing the formal parameter types, in declaration order, of this method or constructor. Returns an array of length 0 if this method or constructor does not takes any parameters.

      Note that the binding for the last parameter type of a vararg method declaration like void fun(Foo... args) is always for an array type (i.e., Foo[]) reflecting the the way varargs get compiled. However, the type binding obtained directly from the SingleVariableDeclaration for the vararg parameter is always for the type as written; i.e., the type binding for Foo.

      Note: The result does not include synthetic parameters introduced by inner class emulation. Explicit receiver parameters are also not included.

      Gibt zurück:
      a (possibly empty) list of type bindings for the formal parameters of this method or constructor
    • getDeclaredReceiverType

      ITypeBinding getDeclaredReceiverType()
      Returns the type of this method's receiver or null if there is no receiver declared explicitly.
      Gibt zurück:
      the type of this method's receiver or null if there is no receiver declared explicitly.
    • getReturnType

      ITypeBinding getReturnType()
      Returns the binding for the return type of this method. Returns the special primitive void return type for constructors.

      For methods, the type binding that is returned contains type annotations if any. For e.g. the following code would get the type annotations on a method:

      IAnnotationBinding[] annots = getReturnType().getTypeAnnotations()

      For a constructor, the returned binding does not include type annotations.
      Gibt zurück:
      the binding for the return type of this method, or the void return type for constructors
    • getExceptionTypes

      ITypeBinding[] getExceptionTypes()
      Returns a list of type bindings representing the types of the exceptions thrown by this method or constructor. Returns an array of length 0 if this method throws no exceptions. The resulting types are in no particular order.
      Gibt zurück:
      a list of type bindings for exceptions thrown by this method or constructor
    • getTypeParameters

      ITypeBinding[] getTypeParameters()
      Returns the type parameters of this method or constructor binding.

      Note that type parameters only occur on the binding of the declaring generic method. Type bindings corresponding to a raw or parameterized reference to a generic method do not carry type parameters (they instead have non-empty type arguments and non-trivial erasure).

      Gibt zurück:
      the list of binding for the type variables for the type parameters of this method, or otherwise the empty list
      Siehe auch:
    • isAnnotationMember

      boolean isAnnotationMember()
      Returns whether this is the binding for an annotation type member.
      Gibt zurück:
      true iff this is the binding for an annotation type member and false otherwise
    • isGenericMethod

      boolean isGenericMethod()
      Returns whether this method binding represents a declaration of a generic method.

      Note that type parameters only occur on the binding of the declaring generic method; e.g., public <T> T identity(T t);. Method bindings corresponding to a raw or parameterized reference to a generic method do not carry type parameters (they instead have non-empty type arguments and non-trivial erasure). This method is fully equivalent to getTypeParameters().length > 0).

      Note that isGenericMethod(), isParameterizedMethod(), and isRawMethod() are mutually exclusive.

      Gibt zurück:
      true if this method binding represents a declaration of a generic method, and false otherwise
      Siehe auch:
    • isParameterizedMethod

      boolean isParameterizedMethod()
      Returns whether this method binding represents an instance of a generic method corresponding to a parameterized method reference.

      Note that isGenericMethod(), isParameterizedMethod(), and isRawMethod() are mutually exclusive.

      Gibt zurück:
      true if this method binding represents a an instance of a generic method corresponding to a parameterized method reference, and false otherwise
      Siehe auch:
    • getTypeArguments

      ITypeBinding[] getTypeArguments()
      Returns the type arguments of this generic method instance, or the empty list for other method bindings.

      Note that type arguments only occur on a method binding that represents an instance of a generic method corresponding to a raw or parameterized reference to a generic method. Do not confuse these with type parameters which only occur on the method binding corresponding directly to the declaration of a generic method.

      Gibt zurück:
      the list of type bindings for the type arguments used to instantiate the corrresponding generic method, or otherwise the empty list
      Siehe auch:
    • getMethodDeclaration

      IMethodBinding getMethodDeclaration()
      Returns the binding for the method declaration corresponding to this method binding.
      • For parameterized methods (isParameterizedMethod()) and raw methods (isRawMethod()), this method returns the binding for the corresponding generic method.
      • For references to the method Object.getClass(), returns the binding for the method declaration which is declared to return Class<?> or Class<? extends Object>. In the reference binding, the return type becomes Class<? extends R>, where R is the erasure of the static type of the receiver of the method invocation.
      • For references to a signature polymorphic method from class MethodHandle, returns the declaration of the method. In the reference binding, the parameter types and the return type are determined by the concrete invocation context.
      • For lambda methods, returns the (possibly parameterized) single abstract method of the functional type.
      • For other method bindings, this returns the same binding.
      Gibt zurück:
      the method binding
    • isRawMethod

      boolean isRawMethod()
      Returns whether this method binding represents an instance of a generic method corresponding to a raw method reference.

      Note that isGenericMethod(), isParameterizedMethod(), and isRawMethod() are mutually exclusive.

      Gibt zurück:
      true if this method binding represents a an instance of a generic method corresponding to a raw method reference, and false otherwise
      Siehe auch:
    • isSubsignature

      boolean isSubsignature(IMethodBinding otherMethod)
      Returns whether this method's signature is a subsignature of the given method as specified in section 8.4.2 of The Java Language Specification, Third Edition (JLS3).
      Gibt zurück:
      true if this method's signature is a subsignature of the given method
    • isVarargs

      boolean isVarargs()
      Returns whether this is a variable arity method.

      Note: Variable arity ("varargs") methods were added in JLS3.

      Gibt zurück:
      true if this is a variable arity method, and false otherwise
    • overrides

      boolean overrides(IMethodBinding method)
      Returns whether this method overrides the given method, as specified in section of The Java Language Specification, Third Edition (JLS3).
      method - the method that is possibly overriden
      Gibt zurück:
      true if this method overrides the given method, and false otherwise
    • getSyntheticOuterLocals

      IVariableBinding[] getSyntheticOuterLocals()
      Returns a list of variable bindings representing the synthetic outer local variables. Returns an empty array for non-lambda expressions or if this method does not have any synthetic parameters.
      Gibt zurück:
      a (possibly empty) list of variable bindings for the synthetic outer locals of this method if this is a lambda expression, else an empty array.
    • isSyntheticRecordMethod

      boolean isSyntheticRecordMethod()
      Returns if this is a compiler generated equals(), hashCode(), toString() or any accessor method of a Record or not. Methods equals(), hashCode() and toString() and accessor methods of a Record do not have AccSynthetic flag set for them even if they are compiler generated methods. To differentiate between these above compiler generated methods and user created methods equals(), hashCode() and toString() or accessor methods in a Record, this function can be used.
      Gibt zurück:
      true for compiler generated equals(), hashCode() and toString() or any accessor method of a Record, else it returns false.
    • getParameterNames

      String[] getParameterNames()
      Returns the ordered list of parameter names for this method. This is useful when there is no corresponding method element associated with the binding.
      Gibt zurück:
      an array of the parameter names (in order)