Schnittstelle ICacheEnumeration<K,V>

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public interface ICacheEnumeration<K,V> extends Enumeration<K>
The ICacheEnumeration is used to iterate over both the keys and values in an LRUCache. The getValue() method returns the value of the last key to be retrieved using nextElement(). The nextElement() method must be called before the getValue() method.

The iteration can be made efficient by making use of the fact that values in the cache (instances of LRUCacheEntry), know their key. For this reason, Hashtable lookups don't have to be made at each step of the iteration.

Modifications to the cache must not be performed while using the enumeration. Doing so will lead to an illegal state.

Siehe auch:
  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    Returns the value of the previously accessed key in the enumeration.

    Von Schnittstelle geerbte Methoden java.util.Enumeration

    asIterator, hasMoreElements, nextElement
  • Methodendetails

    • getValue

      V getValue()
      Returns the value of the previously accessed key in the enumeration. Must be called after a call to nextElement().
      Gibt zurück:
      Value of current cache entry