Interface IProcessorProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseAnnotationProcessorManager, BatchAnnotationProcessorManager

public interface IProcessorProvider
Implementors know how to discover annotation processors, and maintain a list of processors that have been discovered and initialized so far.
  • Method Details

    • discoverNextProcessor

      ProcessorInfo discoverNextProcessor()
      Return the next processor that can be discovered, according to the order and discovery rules of the provider (see, for instance, Processor.
      a ProcessorInfo wrapping an initialized Processor, or null if there are no more processors to be discovered.
    • getDiscoveredProcessors

      List<ProcessorInfo> getDiscoveredProcessors()
      the list of all processors that have been discovered so far. This list will grow when discoverNextProcessor() is called.
    • reportProcessorException

      void reportProcessorException(Processor p, Exception e)
      Called when a processor throws an exception. This may abort compilation, throw an unchecked exception, etc; the caller should not assume that this method will return.
      p - the processor, if known, or null if not.
      e -