
  • Interface Summary
    Implementors know how to discover annotation processors, and maintain a list of processors that have been discovered and initialized so far.
  • Class Summary
    This class is used to visit the JDT compiler internal AST to discover annotations, in the course of dispatching to annotation processors.
    This class is the central dispatch point for Java 6 annotation processing.
    Implementation of ProcessingEnvironment that is common to batch and IDE environments.
    Java 6 annotation processor manager used when compiling from the command line or via the interface.
    Implementation of Filer used when compilation is driven by command line or by Tool interface.
    An implementation of Messager that reports messages via the Compiler
    The implementation of ProcessingEnvironment that is used when compilation is driven by the command line or by the Tool interface.
    A delegating JavaFileObject that hooks the close() methods of the Writer or OutputStream objects that it produces, and notifies the annotation dispatch manager when a new compilation unit is produced.
    Cached information associated with a Processor in the context of annotation processor dispatch.
    Manages context during a single round of annotation processing.