Interface INdStruct

All Known Implementing Classes:
NdAnnotation, NdAnnotationValuePair, NdBinding, NdComplexTypeSignature, NdConstant, NdConstantAnnotation, NdConstantArray, NdConstantBoolean, NdConstantByte, NdConstantChar, NdConstantClass, NdConstantDouble, NdConstantEnum, NdConstantFloat, NdConstantInt, NdConstantLong, NdConstantShort, NdConstantString, NdMethod, NdMethodAnnotationData, NdMethodException, NdMethodParameter, NdNode, NdResourceFile, NdStruct, NdType, NdTypeAnnotation, NdTypeArgument, NdTypeBound, NdTypeId, NdTypeInterface, NdTypeParameter, NdTypeSignature, NdVariable, NdWorkspaceLocation, NdZipEntry

public interface INdStruct
Implementations of this interface wrap content in the database as a java object. All such objects have an address and a pointer to the database.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static long
    addressOf​(INdStruct nullable)
    Given a nullable INdStruct, this returns the address of the struct or 0 if the object was null.
    Returns the database address at which the struct begins.
    Returns the database backing this struct.
  • Method Details

    • getAddress

      long getAddress()
      Returns the database address at which the struct begins.
    • getNd

      Nd getNd()
      Returns the database backing this struct.
    • addressOf

      static long addressOf(INdStruct nullable)
      Given a nullable INdStruct, this returns the address of the struct or 0 if the object was null.