Class NdNodeTypeRegistry<R>


public class NdNodeTypeRegistry<R> extends Object
Maps integer constants onto factories for NdNode objects.
  • Constructor Details

    • NdNodeTypeRegistry

      public NdNodeTypeRegistry()
  • Method Details

    • register

      public <T extends R> void register(int typeId, ITypeFactory<T> toRegister)
      Registers a class to be used with this node type registry. Note that if we ever want to stop registering a type name in the future, its fully-qualified class name should be passed to reserve(...) to prevent its hashfrom being reused in the future.
    • reserve

      public void reserve(short typeId)
      Reserves the given node class name, such that its hash cannot be used by any other node registered with "register". If we ever want to unregister a given Class from the type registry, its class name should be reserved using this method. Doing so will prevent its type ID from being reused by another future class.
    • getClassForType

      public ITypeFactory<? extends R> getClassForType(short type)
      Returns the class associated with the given type or null if the given type ID is not known
    • createNode

      public R createNode(Nd nd, long address, short nodeType) throws IndexException
    • isRegisteredClass

      public boolean isRegisteredClass(Class<?> toQuery)
    • getTypeForClass

      public short getTypeForClass(Class<?> toQuery)
    • getTypeFactory

      public <T extends R> ITypeFactory<T> getTypeFactory(short nodeType)