
public final class NodeInfoStore extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • NodeInfoStore

      public NodeInfoStore(AST ast)
  • Method Details

    • markAsStringPlaceholder

      public final void markAsStringPlaceholder(ASTNode placeholder, String code)
      Marks a node as a placehoder for a plain string content. The type of the node should correspond to the code's code content.
      placeholder - The placeholder node that acts for the string content.
      code - The string content.
    • markAsCopyTarget

      public final void markAsCopyTarget(ASTNode target, RewriteEventStore.CopySourceInfo copySource)
      Marks a node as a copy or move target. The copy target represents a copied node at the target (copied) site.
      target - The node at the target site. Can be a placeholder node but also the source node itself.
      copySource - The info at the source site.
    • newPlaceholderNode

      public final ASTNode newPlaceholderNode(int nodeType)
      Creates a placeholder node of the given type. null if the type is not supported
      nodeType - Type of the node to create. Use the type constants in NodeInfoStore.
      Returns a place holder node.
    • createCollapsePlaceholder

      public Block createCollapsePlaceholder()
    • isCollapsed

      public boolean isCollapsed(ASTNode node)
    • getPlaceholderData

      public Object getPlaceholderData(ASTNode node)
    • clear

      public void clear()