Direct Known Subclasses:
InterTypeMethodBinding, MostSpecificExceptionMethodBinding, ParameterizedMethodBinding, PolymorphicMethodBinding, ProblemMethodBinding, SyntheticFactoryMethodBinding, SyntheticMethodBinding

public class MethodBinding extends Binding
  • Field Details

    • modifiers

      public int modifiers
    • selector

      public char[] selector
    • returnType

      public TypeBinding returnType
    • parameters

      public TypeBinding[] parameters
    • receiver

      public TypeBinding receiver
    • thrownExceptions

      public ReferenceBinding[] thrownExceptions
    • declaringClass

      public ReferenceBinding declaringClass
    • typeVariables

      public TypeVariableBinding[] typeVariables
    • tagBits

      public long tagBits
    • extendedTagBits

      public int extendedTagBits
    • typeAnnotations

      protected AnnotationBinding[] typeAnnotations
    • parameterNonNullness

      public Boolean[] parameterNonNullness
      Store nullness information from annotation (incl. applicable default).
    • defaultNullness

      public int defaultNullness
    • parameterNames

      public char[][] parameterNames
      Store parameter names from MethodParameters attribute (incl. applicable default).
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • areParameterErasuresEqual

      public final boolean areParameterErasuresEqual(MethodBinding method)
    • areParametersCompatibleWith

      public final boolean areParametersCompatibleWith(TypeBinding[] arguments)
    • areParametersEqual

      public final boolean areParametersEqual(MethodBinding method)
    • areTypeVariableErasuresEqual

      public final boolean areTypeVariableErasuresEqual(MethodBinding method)
    • asRawMethod

      public MethodBinding asRawMethod(LookupEnvironment env)
    • canBeSeenBy

      public boolean canBeSeenBy(InvocationSite invocationSite, Scope scope)
    • getVisibleBinding

      public MethodBinding getVisibleBinding(TypeBinding receiverType, InvocationSite invocationSite, Scope scope)
    • getVisibleBinding

      public MethodBinding getVisibleBinding(InvocationSite invocationSite, Scope scope)
    • findPrivilegedBinding

      public MethodBinding findPrivilegedBinding(SourceTypeBinding invocationType, InvocationSite location)
    • canBeSeenBy

      public final boolean canBeSeenBy(PackageBinding invocationPackage)
    • canBeSeenBy

      public boolean canBeSeenBy(TypeBinding receiverType, InvocationSite invocationSite, Scope scope)
    • collectMissingTypes

      public List<TypeBinding> collectMissingTypes(List<TypeBinding> missingTypes)
    • computeSubstitutedMethod

      public MethodBinding computeSubstitutedMethod(MethodBinding method, LookupEnvironment env)
    • computeUniqueKey

      public char[] computeUniqueKey(boolean isLeaf)
      computeUniqueKey in class Binding
    • constantPoolName

      public final char[] constantPoolName()
    • fillInDefaultNonNullness

      protected void fillInDefaultNonNullness(AbstractMethodDeclaration sourceMethod, boolean needToApplyReturnNonNullDefault, needToApplyParameterNonNullDefault)
      After method verifier has finished, fill in missing @NonNull specification from the applicable default.
      needToApplyParameterNonNullDefault -
      needToApplyReturnNonNullDefault -
    • fillInDefaultNonNullness18

      protected void fillInDefaultNonNullness18(AbstractMethodDeclaration sourceMethod, LookupEnvironment env)
    • findOriginalInheritedMethod

      public MethodBinding findOriginalInheritedMethod(MethodBinding inheritedMethod)
    • genericSignature

      public char[] genericSignature()
      (param1 ... paramN)returnType thrownException1 ... thrownExceptionP
       T foo(T t) throws X   --->   (TT;)TT;LX;
       void bar(X t)   -->   (LX;)V
        void bar(X t)   -->  (LX;)V
    • getAccessFlags

      public final int getAccessFlags()
    • getAnnotations

      public AnnotationBinding[] getAnnotations()
      getAnnotations in class Binding
    • getAnnotationTagBits

      public long getAnnotationTagBits()
      Compute the tagbits for standard annotations. For source types, these could require lazily resolving corresponding annotation nodes, in case of forward references.
      getAnnotationTagBits in class Binding
      See Also:
    • getDefaultValue

      public Object getDefaultValue()
      the default value for this annotation method or null if there is no default value
    • getParameterAnnotations

      public AnnotationBinding[][] getParameterAnnotations()
      the annotations for each of the method parameters or null> if there's no parameter or no annotation at all.
    • getTypeVariable

      public TypeVariableBinding getTypeVariable(char[] variableName)
    • getAllTypeVariables

      public TypeVariableBinding[] getAllTypeVariables(boolean isDiamond)
    • hasSubstitutedParameters

      public boolean hasSubstitutedParameters()
      Returns true if method got substituted parameter types (see ParameterizedMethodBinding)
    • hasSubstitutedReturnType

      public boolean hasSubstitutedReturnType()
    • isAbstract

      public final boolean isAbstract()
    • isBridge

      public final boolean isBridge()
    • isConstructor

      public final boolean isConstructor()
    • isCanonicalConstructor

      public final boolean isCanonicalConstructor()
    • isCompactConstructor

      public final boolean isCompactConstructor()
    • isDefault

      public final boolean isDefault()
    • isDefaultAbstract

      public final boolean isDefaultAbstract()
    • isDefaultMethod

      public boolean isDefaultMethod()
    • isDeprecated

      public final boolean isDeprecated()
    • isFinal

      public boolean isFinal()
    • isImplementing

      public final boolean isImplementing()
    • isImplicit

      public final boolean isImplicit()
    • isMain

      public final boolean isMain()
    • isNative

      public final boolean isNative()
    • isOverriding

      public final boolean isOverriding()
    • isPrivate

      public final boolean isPrivate()
    • isOrEnclosedByPrivateType

      public final boolean isOrEnclosedByPrivateType()
    • isProtected

      public final boolean isProtected()
    • isPublic

      public final boolean isPublic()
    • isStatic

      public final boolean isStatic()
    • isStrictfp

      public final boolean isStrictfp()
    • isSynchronized

      public final boolean isSynchronized()
    • isSynthetic

      public final boolean isSynthetic()
    • isUsed

      public final boolean isUsed()
    • isVarargs

      public boolean isVarargs()
    • isParameterizedGeneric

      public boolean isParameterizedGeneric()
    • isPolymorphic

      public boolean isPolymorphic()
    • isViewedAsDeprecated

      public final boolean isViewedAsDeprecated()
    • kind

      public final int kind()
      Specified by:
      kind in class Binding
    • original

      public MethodBinding original()
      Returns the original method (as opposed to parameterized/polymorphic instances)
    • shallowOriginal

      public MethodBinding shallowOriginal()
      Strips one level of parameterization, so if both class & method are parameterized, leave the class parameters in place.
    • genericMethod

      public MethodBinding genericMethod()
    • readableName

      public char[] readableName()
      Specified by:
      readableName in class Binding
    • getTypeAnnotations

      public final AnnotationBinding[] getTypeAnnotations()
    • setTypeAnnotations

      public void setTypeAnnotations(AnnotationBinding[] annotations)
    • setAnnotations

      public void setAnnotations(AnnotationBinding[] annotations, boolean forceStore)
      setAnnotations in class Binding
    • setAnnotations

      public void setAnnotations(AnnotationBinding[] annotations, AnnotationBinding[][] parameterAnnotations, Object defaultValue, LookupEnvironment optionalEnv)
    • setDefaultValue

      public void setDefaultValue(Object defaultValue)
    • setParameterAnnotations

      public void setParameterAnnotations(AnnotationBinding[][] parameterAnnotations)
    • setSelector

      protected final void setSelector(char[] selector)
    • shortReadableName

      public char[] shortReadableName()
      shortReadableName in class Binding
      See Also:
    • signature

      public final char[] signature()
    • signature

      public char[] signature(ClassFile classFile)
    • sourceEnd

      public final int sourceEnd()
    • sourceMethod

      public AbstractMethodDeclaration sourceMethod()
    • sourceLambda

      public LambdaExpression sourceLambda()
    • sourceRecordComponent

      public RecordComponent sourceRecordComponent()
    • sourceStart

      public final int sourceStart()
    • alwaysNeedsAccessMethod

      public boolean alwaysNeedsAccessMethod()
      Subtypes can override this to return true if an access method should be used when referring to this method binding. Currently used for AspectJ's inter-type method declarations.
    • getAccessMethod

      public MethodBinding getAccessMethod(boolean staticReference)
      This will only be called if alwaysNeedsAccessMethod() returns true. In that case it should return the access method to be used.
    • tiebreakMethod

      public MethodBinding tiebreakMethod()
      Returns the method to use during tiebreak (usually the method itself). For generic method invocations, tiebreak needs to use generic method with erasure substitutes.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • typeVariables

      public TypeVariableBinding[] typeVariables()
    • hasNonNullDefaultForReturnType

      public boolean hasNonNullDefaultForReturnType(AbstractMethodDeclaration srcMethod)
    • hasNonNullDefaultForParameter

      public hasNonNullDefaultForParameter(AbstractMethodDeclaration srcMethod)
    • redeclaresPublicObjectMethod

      public boolean redeclaresPublicObjectMethod(Scope scope)
    • isVoidMethod

      public boolean isVoidMethod()
    • doesParameterLengthMatch

      public boolean doesParameterLengthMatch(int suggestedParameterLength)
    • updateTypeVariableBinding

      public void updateTypeVariableBinding(TypeVariableBinding previousBinding, TypeVariableBinding updatedBinding)