All Implemented Interfaces:
IBufferChangedListener, IClassFile, ICodeAssist, IJavaElement, IOpenable, IOrdinaryClassFile, IParent, ISourceReference, ITypeRoot, SuffixConstants, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable

public class ClassFile extends AbstractClassFile implements IOrdinaryClassFile
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • buildStructure

      protected boolean buildStructure(OpenableElementInfo info, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor pm, Map newElements, org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource underlyingResource) throws JavaModelException
      Creates the children elements for this class file adding the resulting new handles and info objects to the newElements table. Returns true if successful, or false if an error is encountered parsing the class file.
      Specified by:
      buildStructure in class Openable
      See Also:
      Openable, Signature
    • codeComplete

      public void codeComplete(int offset, CompletionRequestor requestor, WorkingCopyOwner owner, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException
      Description copied from interface: ICodeAssist
      Performs code completion at the given offset position in this compilation unit, reporting results to the given completion requestor. The offset is the 0-based index of the character, after which code assist is desired. An offset of -1 indicates to code assist at the beginning of this compilation unit. It considers types in the working copies with the given owner first. In other words, the owner's working copies will take precedence over their original compilation units in the workspace.

      Note that if a working copy is empty, it will be as if the original compilation unit had been deleted.

      If IProgressMonitor is not null then some proposals which can be very long to compute are proposed. To avoid that the code assist operation take too much time a IProgressMonitor which automatically cancel the code assist operation when a specified amount of time is reached could be used.

       new IProgressMonitor() {
           private final static int TIMEOUT = 500; //ms
           private long endTime;
           public void beginTask(String name, int totalWork) {
               fEndTime= System.currentTimeMillis() + TIMEOUT;
           public boolean isCanceled() {
               return endTime <= System.currentTimeMillis();

      Specified by:
      codeComplete in interface ICodeAssist
      Specified by:
      codeComplete in class AbstractClassFile
      offset - the given offset position
      requestor - the given completion requestor
      owner - the owner of working copies that take precedence over their original compilation units
      monitor - the progress monitor used to report progress
      JavaModelException - if code assist could not be performed. Reasons include:
      • This Java element does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
      • The position specified is < -1 or is greater than this compilation unit's source length (INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS)
    • codeSelect

      public IJavaElement[] codeSelect(int offset, int length, WorkingCopyOwner owner) throws JavaModelException
      Description copied from interface: ICodeAssist
      Returns the Java elements corresponding to the given selected text in this compilation unit. The offset is the 0-based index of the first selected character. The length is the number of selected characters. It considers types in the working copies with the given owner first. In other words, the owner's working copies will take precedence over their original compilation units in the workspace.

      Note that if the length is 0 and the offset is inside an identifier or the index just after an identifier then this identifier is considered as the selection.

      Note that if a working copy is empty, it will be as if the original compilation unit had been deleted.

      Specified by:
      codeSelect in interface ICodeAssist
      Specified by:
      codeSelect in class AbstractClassFile
      offset - the given offset position
      length - the number of selected characters
      owner - the owner of working copies that take precedence over their original compilation units
      the Java elements corresponding to the given selected text
      JavaModelException - if code resolve could not be performed. Reasons include:
      • This Java element does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
      • The range specified is not within this element's source range (INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS)
      See Also:
      ICodeAssist.codeSelect(int, int, WorkingCopyOwner)
    • existsUsingJarTypeCache

      public boolean existsUsingJarTypeCache()
    • findPrimaryType

      public IType findPrimaryType()
      Description copied from interface: ITypeRoot
      Finds the primary type of this Java type root (that is, the type with the same name as the compilation unit, or the type of a class file), or null if no such a type exists.
      Specified by:
      findPrimaryType in interface ITypeRoot
      the found primary type of this Java type root, or null if no such a type exists
      See Also:
    • getAttachedJavadoc

      public String getAttachedJavadoc(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException
      Description copied from interface: IJavaElement

      Returns the Javadoc as HTML source if this element has attached Javadoc, null otherwise.

      This should be used only for binary elements. Source elements will always return null.

      The encoding used to read the Javadoc is the one defined by the content type of the file. If none is defined, then the project's encoding of this Java element is used. If the project's encoding cannot be retrieved, then the platform encoding is used.

      In case the Javadoc doesn't exist for this element, null is returned.

      The HTML is extracted from the attached Javadoc and provided as is. No transformation or validation is done.

      Specified by:
      getAttachedJavadoc in interface IJavaElement
      getAttachedJavadoc in class JavaElement
      monitor - the given progress monitor, can be null
      the extracted javadoc from the attached javadoc, null if none
      JavaModelException - if:
      • this element does not exist
      • retrieving the attached javadoc fails (timed-out, invalid URL, ...)
      • the format of the javadoc doesn't match expected standards (different anchors,...)
      See Also:
    • getBinaryTypeInfo

      public IBinaryType getBinaryTypeInfo() throws JavaModelException
      Returns the ClassFileReaderspecific for this IClassFile, based on its underlying resource, or null if unable to create the diet class file. There are two cases to consider:
      • a class file corresponding to an IFile resource
      • a class file corresponding to a zip entry in a JAR
      JavaModelException - when the IFile resource or JAR is not available or when this class file is not present in the JAR
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • close

      public void close() throws JavaModelException
      Description copied from interface: IOpenable
      Closes this element and its buffer (if any). Closing an element which is not open has no effect.

      Note: Although IOpenable.close() is exposed in the API, clients are not expected to open and close elements - the Java model does this automatically as elements are accessed.

      Specified by:
      close in interface IOpenable
      close in class JavaElement
      JavaModelException - if an error occurs closing this element
      See Also:
    • getClassFile

      public ClassFile getClassFile()
      getClassFile in class JavaElement
      See Also:
    • getElementAt

      public IJavaElement getElementAt(int position) throws JavaModelException
      Description copied from interface: ITypeRoot
      Returns the smallest element within this Java type root that includes the given source position (that is, a method, field, etc.), or null if there is no element other than the Java type root itself at the given position, or if the given position is not within the source range of the source of this Java type root.
      Specified by:
      getElementAt in interface ITypeRoot
      position - a source position inside the Java type root
      the innermost Java element enclosing a given source position or null if none (excluding the Java type root).
      JavaModelException - if the Java type root does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      See Also:
    • getHandleFromMemento

      public IJavaElement getHandleFromMemento(String token, MementoTokenizer memento, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
      Specified by:
      getHandleFromMemento in class JavaElement
    • getHandleMementoDelimiter

      protected char getHandleMementoDelimiter()
      Description copied from class: JavaElement
      Returns the char that marks the start of this handles contribution to a memento.
      Specified by:
      getHandleMementoDelimiter in class JavaElement
      See Also:
    • getTopLevelTypeName

      public String getTopLevelTypeName()
    • getType

      public IType getType()
      Description copied from interface: IOrdinaryClassFile
      Returns the type contained in this class file. This is a handle-only method. The type may or may not exist.

      This method supersedes the corresponding super method. This method will never throw UnsupportedOperationException.

      Specified by:
      getType in interface IClassFile
      Specified by:
      getType in interface IOrdinaryClassFile
      the type contained in this class file
      See Also:
    • getTypeName

      public String getTypeName()
    • getWorkingCopy

      public ICompilationUnit getWorkingCopy(WorkingCopyOwner owner, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException
      Description copied from interface: ITypeRoot
      Returns a shared working copy on this compilation unit or class file using the given working copy owner to create the buffer. If this is already a working copy of the given owner, the element itself is returned. This API can only answer an already existing working copy if it is based on the same original Java type root AND was using the same working copy owner (that is, as defined by Object.equals(java.lang.Object)).

      The life time of a shared working copy is as follows:

      So users of this method must discard exactly once the working copy.

      Note that the working copy owner will be used for the life time of the shared working copy, that is if the working copy is closed then reopened, this owner will be used. The buffer will be automatically initialized with the original's Java type root content upon creation.

      When the shared working copy instance is created, an ADDED IJavaElementDelta is reported on this working copy.

      A working copy can be created on a not-yet existing compilation unit. In particular, such a working copy can then be committed in order to create the corresponding compilation unit.

      Note that possible problems of this working copy are reported using this method only if the given working copy owner returns a problem requestor for this working copy (see WorkingCopyOwner.getProblemRequestor(ICompilationUnit)).

      Specified by:
      getWorkingCopy in interface ITypeRoot
      owner - the working copy owner that creates a buffer that is used to get the content of the working copy
      monitor - a progress monitor used to report progress while opening this compilation unit or null if no progress should be reported
      a new working copy of this Java type root using the given owner to create the buffer, or this Java type root if it is already a working copy
      JavaModelException - if the contents of this element can not be determined.
    • isClass

      public boolean isClass() throws JavaModelException
      Description copied from interface: IClassFile
      Returns whether this type represents a class. This is not guaranteed to be instantaneous, as it may require parsing the underlying file.
      Specified by:
      isClass in interface IClassFile
      true if the class file represents a class.
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      See Also:
    • isInterface

      public boolean isInterface() throws JavaModelException
      Description copied from interface: IClassFile
      Returns whether this type represents an interface. This is not guaranteed to be instantaneous, as it may require parsing the underlying file.
      Specified by:
      isInterface in interface IClassFile
      true if the class file represents an interface.
      JavaModelException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
      See Also:
    • openBuffer

      protected IBuffer openBuffer(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor pm, Object info) throws JavaModelException
      Opens and returns buffer on the source code associated with this class file. Maps the source code to the children elements of this class file. If no source code is associated with this class file, null is returned.
      openBuffer in class Openable
      See Also:
    • translatedName

      public static char[] translatedName(char[] name)
      Returns the Java Model representation of the given name which is provided in diet class file format, or null if the given name is null.

      ClassFileReader format is similar to "java/lang/Object", and corresponding Java Model format is "java.lang.Object".