Enum Class ImportRewriteConfiguration.ImplicitImportIdentification

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<ImportRewriteConfiguration.ImplicitImportIdentification>, java.lang.constant.Constable
Enclosing class:

public static enum ImportRewriteConfiguration.ImplicitImportIdentification extends Enum<ImportRewriteConfiguration.ImplicitImportIdentification>
Specifies which types are considered to be implicitly imported.

An import declaration of such a type will not be added to the compilation unit unless it is needed to resolve a conflict with an on-demand imports, or the type's simple name has been specified with ImportRewriteAnalyzer.requireExplicitImport(boolean, java.lang.String).

Also, implicitly imported types will be considered for conflicts when deciding which types from other packages can be reduced into on-demand imports. E.g. if java.lang.Integer were considered to be implicitly imported, that would prevent an import of com.example.Integer from being reduced into an on-demand import of com.example.*.