Class TemporaryTypeMunger

  extended by org.aspectj.weaver.ConcreteTypeMunger
      extended by org.aspectj.weaver.TemporaryTypeMunger
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TemporaryTypeMunger
extends ConcreteTypeMunger

Some methods need a temporary type munger (because ConcreteTypeMunger is abstract - dont ask...). TODO ought to remove the need for this or at least sort out the two methods that are in it, they look weird...

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.aspectj.weaver.ConcreteTypeMunger
aspectType, munger
Constructor Summary
TemporaryTypeMunger(ResolvedTypeMunger munger, ResolvedType aspectType)
Method Summary
 ConcreteTypeMunger parameterizedFor(ResolvedType targetType)
          For an ITD made on a generic type that shares type variables with that target type, this method will tailor the ITD for a particular usage of the generic type - either in its raw or parameterized form.
 ConcreteTypeMunger parameterizeWith(java.util.Map parameterizationMap, World world)
Methods inherited from class org.aspectj.weaver.ConcreteTypeMunger
compareTo, equivalentTo, existsToSupportShadowMunging, fallbackCompareTo, getAspectType, getMatchingSyntheticMember, getMunger, getSignature, getSourceLocation, getWorld, isLateMunger, isTargetTypeParameterized, matches, shouldOverwrite
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TemporaryTypeMunger(ResolvedTypeMunger munger,
                           ResolvedType aspectType)
Method Detail


public ConcreteTypeMunger parameterizeWith(java.util.Map parameterizationMap,
                                           World world)
Specified by:
parameterizeWith in class ConcreteTypeMunger


public ConcreteTypeMunger parameterizedFor(ResolvedType targetType)
Description copied from class: ConcreteTypeMunger
For an ITD made on a generic type that shares type variables with that target type, this method will tailor the ITD for a particular usage of the generic type - either in its raw or parameterized form.

Specified by:
parameterizedFor in class ConcreteTypeMunger