Interface StandardPointcutExpression

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface StandardPointcutExpression

Represents an AspectJ pointcut expression and provides convenience methods to determine whether or not the pointcut matches join points specified in terms of the java.lang.reflect interfaces.

Method Summary
 boolean couldMatchJoinPointsInType(java.lang.Class aClass)
          Determine whether or not this pointcut could ever match a join point in the given class.
 java.lang.String getPointcutExpression()
          Return a string representation of this pointcut expression.
 ShadowMatch matchesMethodCall(ResolvedMember aMethod, ResolvedMember withinCode)
          Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a method call to the given method, made during the execution of the given method or constructor.
 ShadowMatch matchesMethodExecution(ResolvedMember aMethod)
          Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the execution of a given method.
 ShadowMatch matchesStaticInitialization(ResolvedType aType)
          Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the static initialization of the given class.
 boolean mayNeedDynamicTest()
          Returns true iff this pointcut contains any expression that might necessitate a dynamic test at some join point (e.g.
 void setMatchingContext(MatchingContext aMatchContext)
          Set the matching context to be used for subsequent calls to match.

Method Detail


void setMatchingContext(MatchingContext aMatchContext)
Set the matching context to be used for subsequent calls to match.

See Also:


boolean couldMatchJoinPointsInType(java.lang.Class aClass)
Determine whether or not this pointcut could ever match a join point in the given class.

aClass - the candidate class
true iff this pointcut may match a join point within(aClass), and false otherwise


boolean mayNeedDynamicTest()
Returns true iff this pointcut contains any expression that might necessitate a dynamic test at some join point (e.g. args)


ShadowMatch matchesMethodExecution(ResolvedMember aMethod)
Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the execution of a given method.

aMethod - the method being executed
a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or never matches join points representing the execution of the method.


ShadowMatch matchesStaticInitialization(ResolvedType aType)
Determine whether or not this pointcut matches the static initialization of the given class.

aClass - the class being statically initialized
a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or never matchs join points representing the static initialization of the given type


ShadowMatch matchesMethodCall(ResolvedMember aMethod,
                              ResolvedMember withinCode)
Determine whether or not this pointcut matches a method call to the given method, made during the execution of the given method or constructor.

aMethod - the method being called
withinCode - the Method or Constructor from within which the call is made
a ShadowMatch indicating whether the pointcut always, sometimes, or never matches join points representing a call to this method during the execution of the given member.


java.lang.String getPointcutExpression()
Return a string representation of this pointcut expression.