Klasse AjAttribute

Bekannte direkte Unterklassen:
AjAttribute.AdviceAttribute, AjAttribute.AjSynthetic, AjAttribute.Aspect, AjAttribute.DeclareAttribute, AjAttribute.EffectiveSignatureAttribute, AjAttribute.MethodDeclarationLineNumberAttribute, AjAttribute.PointcutDeclarationAttribute, AjAttribute.PrivilegedAttribute, AjAttribute.SourceContextAttribute, AjAttribute.TypeMunger, AjAttribute.WeaverState, AjAttribute.WeaverVersionInfo

public abstract class AjAttribute extends Object
These attributes are written to and read from .class files (see the JVM spec).

Each member or type can have a number of AjAttributes. Each such attribute is in 1-1 correspondence with an Unknown bcel attribute. Creating one of these does NOTHING to the underlying thing, so if you really want to add an attribute to a particular thing, well, you'd better actually do that.

Erik Hilsdale, Jim Hugunin