Klasse AbortException

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:

public class AbortException extends RuntimeException
Signal that a process was aborted before completion. This may contain a structured IMessage which indicates why the process was aborted (e.g., the underlying exception). For processes using try/catch to complete a method abruptly but complete the process normally (e.g., a test failure causes the test to abort but the reporting and testing continues normally), use the static methods to borrow and return a "porter" to avoid the expense of constructing a stack trace each time. A porter stack trace is invalid, and it should only be used to convey a message. E.g., to print the stack of the AbortException and any contained message:
 catch (AbortException ae) {
     IMessage m = ae.getMessage();
     if (!ae.isPorter()) ae.printStackTrace(System.err);
     Throwable thrown = ae.getThrown();
     if (null != thrown) thrown.printStackTrace(System.err);
PARC, Andy Clement
Siehe auch:
  • Felddetails


      public static final String NO_MESSAGE_TEXT
      used when message text is null
      Siehe auch:
    • message

      protected IMessage message
      structured message abort
    • isPorter

      protected boolean isPorter
      true if this is a porter exception - only used to hold message
  • Konstruktordetails

    • AbortException

      public AbortException()
      abort with default String message
    • AbortException

      public AbortException(String s)
      abort with message
    • AbortException

      public AbortException(IMessage message)
      abort with structured message
  • Methodendetails

    • borrowPorter

      public static AbortException borrowPorter(IMessage message)
      Get a porter exception from the pool. Porter exceptions do not have valid stack traces. They are used only to avoid generating stack traces when using throw/catch to abruptly complete but continue.
    • returnPorter

      public static void returnPorter(AbortException porter)
      Return (or add) a porter exception to the pool.
    • getIMessage

      public IMessage getIMessage()
      Gibt zurück:
      IMessage structured message, if set
    • isPorter

      public boolean isPorter()
      The stack trace of a porter is invalid; it is only used to carry a message (which may itself have a wrapped exception).
      Gibt zurück:
      true if this exception is only to carry exception
    • getThrown

      public Throwable getThrown()
      Gibt zurück:
      Throwable at bottom of IMessage chain, if any
    • getMessage

      public String getMessage()
      Get message for this AbortException, either associated explicitly as message or implicitly as IMessage message or its thrown message.
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      getMessage in Klasse Throwable
      Siehe auch:
    • printStackTrace

      public void printStackTrace()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      printStackTrace in Klasse Throwable
      Siehe auch:
    • printStackTrace

      public void printStackTrace(PrintStream s)
      Print the stack trace of any enclosed thrown or this otherwise.
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      printStackTrace in Klasse Throwable
      Siehe auch:
    • printStackTrace

      public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter s)
      Print the stack trace of any enclosed thrown or this otherwise.
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      printStackTrace in Klasse Throwable
      Siehe auch:
    • isSilent

      public boolean isSilent()
    • setIsSilent

      public void setIsSilent(boolean isSilent)