Klasse AsynchronousFileCacheBacking

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
Bekannte direkte Unterklassen:
FlatFileCacheBacking, ZippedFileCacheBacking

public abstract class AsynchronousFileCacheBacking extends AbstractIndexedFileCacheBacking
Uses a background thread to do the actual I/O and for caching "persistence" so that the caching works faster on repeated activations of the application. The class maintains an in-memory cache, and uses a queue of AsynchronousFileCacheBacking.AsyncCommands to signal to a background thread various actions required to "synchronize" the in-memory cache with the persisted copy. Whenever there is a cache miss from the get(CachedClassReference, byte[]) call, the weaver issues a put(CachedClassEntry, byte[]) call. This call has 2 side-effects: The actual persistence is implemented by the concrete classes