Class ShortArrays

  extended by org.assertj.core.internal.ShortArrays

public class ShortArrays
extends Object

Reusable assertions for arrays of shorts.

Alex Ruiz, Mikhail Mazursky, Nicolas François

Constructor Summary
ShortArrays(ComparisonStrategy comparisonStrategy)
Method Summary
 void assertContains(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual, short[] values)
          Asserts that the given array contains the given values, in any order.
 void assertContains(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual, short value, Index index)
          Verifies that the given array contains the given value at the given index.
 void assertContainsOnly(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual, short[] values)
          Asserts that the given array contains only the given values and nothing else, in any order.
 void assertContainsOnlyOnce(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual, short[] values)
          Asserts that the given array contains only once the given values.
 void assertContainsSequence(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual, short[] sequence)
          Verifies that the given array contains the given sequence of values, without any other values between them.
 void assertContainsSubsequence(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual, short[] subsequence)
          Verifies that the given array contains the given subsequence of values (possibly with other values between them).
 void assertDoesNotContain(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual, short[] values)
          Asserts that the given array does not contain the given values.
 void assertDoesNotContain(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual, short value, Index index)
          Verifies that the given array does not contain the given value at the given index.
 void assertDoesNotHaveDuplicates(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual)
          Asserts that the given array does not have duplicate values.
 void assertEmpty(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual)
          Asserts that the given array is empty.
 void assertEndsWith(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual, short[] sequence)
          Verifies that the given array ends with the given sequence of values, without any other values between them.
 void assertHasSameSizeAs(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual, Iterable<?> other)
          Assert that the actual array has the same size as the other Iterable.
 void assertHasSameSizeAs(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual, Object[] other)
          Assert that the actual array has the same size as the other array.
 void assertHasSize(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual, int expectedSize)
          Asserts that the number of elements in the given array is equal to the expected one.
 void assertIsSorted(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual)
          Concrete implementation of ArraySortedAssert.isSorted().
 void assertIsSortedAccordingToComparator(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual, Comparator<? super Short> comparator)
          Concrete implementation of ArraySortedAssert.isSortedAccordingTo(Comparator).
 void assertNotEmpty(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual)
          Asserts that the given array is not empty.
 void assertNullOrEmpty(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual)
          Asserts that the given array is null or empty.
 void assertStartsWith(AssertionInfo info, short[] actual, short[] sequence)
          Verifies that the given array starts with the given sequence of values, without any other values between them.
 Comparator<?> getComparator()
static ShortArrays instance()
          Returns the singleton instance of this class.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ShortArrays(ComparisonStrategy comparisonStrategy)
Method Detail


public static ShortArrays instance()
Returns the singleton instance of this class.

the singleton instance of this class.


public Comparator<?> getComparator()


public void assertNullOrEmpty(AssertionInfo info,
                              short[] actual)
Asserts that the given array is null or empty.

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
AssertionError - if the given array is not null *and* contains one or more elements.


public void assertEmpty(AssertionInfo info,
                        short[] actual)
Asserts that the given array is empty.

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
AssertionError - if the given array is null.
AssertionError - if the given array is not empty.


public void assertNotEmpty(AssertionInfo info,
                           short[] actual)
Asserts that the given array is not empty.

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
AssertionError - if the given array is null.
AssertionError - if the given array is empty.


public void assertHasSize(AssertionInfo info,
                          short[] actual,
                          int expectedSize)
Asserts that the number of elements in the given array is equal to the expected one.

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
expectedSize - the expected size of actual.
AssertionError - if the given array is null.
AssertionError - if the number of elements in the given array is different than the expected one.


public void assertHasSameSizeAs(AssertionInfo info,
                                short[] actual,
                                Iterable<?> other)
Assert that the actual array has the same size as the other Iterable.

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
other - the group to compare
AssertionError - if the actual group is null.
AssertionError - if the other group is null.
AssertionError - if the actual group does not have the same size.


public void assertHasSameSizeAs(AssertionInfo info,
                                short[] actual,
                                Object[] other)
Assert that the actual array has the same size as the other array.

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
other - the group to compare
AssertionError - if the actual group is null.
AssertionError - if the other group is null.
AssertionError - if the actual group does not have the same size.


public void assertContains(AssertionInfo info,
                           short[] actual,
                           short[] values)
Asserts that the given array contains the given values, in any order.

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
values - the values that are expected to be in the given array.
NullPointerException - if the array of values is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if the array of values is empty.
AssertionError - if the given array is null.
AssertionError - if the given array does not contain the given values.


public void assertContains(AssertionInfo info,
                           short[] actual,
                           short value,
                           Index index)
Verifies that the given array contains the given value at the given index.

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
value - the value to look for.
index - the index where the value should be stored in the given array.
AssertionError - if the given array is null or empty.
NullPointerException - if the given Index is null.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the value of the given Index is equal to or greater than the size of the given array.
AssertionError - if the given array does not contain the given value at the given index.


public void assertDoesNotContain(AssertionInfo info,
                                 short[] actual,
                                 short value,
                                 Index index)
Verifies that the given array does not contain the given value at the given index.

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
value - the value to look for.
index - the index where the value should be stored in the given array.
AssertionError - if the given array is null.
NullPointerException - if the given Index is null.
AssertionError - if the given array contains the given value at the given index.


public void assertContainsOnly(AssertionInfo info,
                               short[] actual,
                               short[] values)
Asserts that the given array contains only the given values and nothing else, in any order.

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
values - the values that are expected to be in the given array.
NullPointerException - if the array of values is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if the array of values is empty.
AssertionError - if the given array is null.
AssertionError - if the given array does not contain the given values or if the given array contains values that are not in the given array.


public void assertContainsOnlyOnce(AssertionInfo info,
                                   short[] actual,
                                   short[] values)
Asserts that the given array contains only once the given values.

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
values - the values that are expected to be in the given array.
NullPointerException - if the array of values is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if the array of values is empty.
AssertionError - if the given array is null.
AssertionError - if the given array does not contain the given values or if the given array contains more than once values.


public void assertContainsSequence(AssertionInfo info,
                                   short[] actual,
                                   short[] sequence)
Verifies that the given array contains the given sequence of values, without any other values between them.

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
sequence - the sequence of values to look for.
AssertionError - if the given array is null.
NullPointerException - if the given sequence is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if the given sequence is empty.
AssertionError - if the given array does not contain the given sequence of values.


public void assertContainsSubsequence(AssertionInfo info,
                                      short[] actual,
                                      short[] subsequence)
Verifies that the given array contains the given subsequence of values (possibly with other values between them).

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
subsequence - the subsequence of values to look for.
AssertionError - if the given array is null.
NullPointerException - if the given subsequence is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if the given subsequence is empty.
AssertionError - if the given array does not contain the given subsequence of values.


public void assertDoesNotContain(AssertionInfo info,
                                 short[] actual,
                                 short[] values)
Asserts that the given array does not contain the given values.

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
values - the values that are expected not to be in the given array.
NullPointerException - if the array of values is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if the array of values is empty.
AssertionError - if the given array is null.
AssertionError - if the given array contains any of given values.


public void assertDoesNotHaveDuplicates(AssertionInfo info,
                                        short[] actual)
Asserts that the given array does not have duplicate values.

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
NullPointerException - if the array of values is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if the array of values is empty.
AssertionError - if the given array is null.
AssertionError - if the given array contains duplicate values.


public void assertStartsWith(AssertionInfo info,
                             short[] actual,
                             short[] sequence)
Verifies that the given array starts with the given sequence of values, without any other values between them. Similar to assertContainsSequence(AssertionInfo, short[], short[]), but it also verifies that the first element in the sequence is also the first element of the given array.

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
sequence - the sequence of values to look for.
NullPointerException - if the given argument is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if the given argument is an empty array.
AssertionError - if the given array is null.
AssertionError - if the given array does not start with the given sequence of values.


public void assertEndsWith(AssertionInfo info,
                           short[] actual,
                           short[] sequence)
Verifies that the given array ends with the given sequence of values, without any other values between them. Similar to assertContainsSequence(AssertionInfo, short[], short[]), but it also verifies that the last element in the sequence is also the last element of the given array.

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
sequence - the sequence of values to look for.
NullPointerException - if the given argument is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if the given argument is an empty array.
AssertionError - if the given array is null.
AssertionError - if the given array does not end with the given sequence of values.


public void assertIsSorted(AssertionInfo info,
                           short[] actual)
Concrete implementation of ArraySortedAssert.isSorted().

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.


public void assertIsSortedAccordingToComparator(AssertionInfo info,
                                                short[] actual,
                                                Comparator<? super Short> comparator)
Concrete implementation of ArraySortedAssert.isSortedAccordingTo(Comparator).

info - contains information about the assertion.
actual - the given array.
comparator - the Comparator used to compare array elements

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