Package org.assertj.core.util

Interface Summary
CollectionFilter<T> Filters elements in a collection.

Class Summary
Arrays Utility methods related to arrays.
ArrayWrapperList A list-like wrapper for arrays.
BigDecimalComparator A BigDecimal Comparator based on BigDecimal.compareTo(BigDecimal).
Is useful if ones wants to use BigDecimal assertions based on BigDecimal.compareTo(BigDecimal) instead of BigDecimal.equals(Object) method.
Closeables Utility methods related to Closeable.
Collections Utility methods related to Collections.
Dates Utility methods related to dates.
Files Utility methods related to files.
Flushables Utility methods related to Flushable.
Iterables Utility methods related to Iterables.
Lists Utility methods related to java.util.Lists.
Maps Utility methods related to maps.
Objects Utility methods related to objects.
Preconditions Verifies correct argument values and state.
Sets Utility methods related to Sets.
Strings Utility methods related to Strings.
Strings.StringsToJoin Knows how to join Strings using a given delimiter.
Strings.StringToAppend Knows how to append a given String to the given target, only if the target does not end with the given String to append.
SystemProperties System properties.
Throwables Utility methods related to Throwables.
TypeFilter<T> Filters elements of a collection by their data type.

Exception Summary
FilesException Exception thrown by Files.

Annotation Types Summary
VisibleForTesting Indicates that the visibility of a type or member has been relaxed to make the code testable.

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