

package cli

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ADAM2Vcf extends BDGSparkCommand[ADAM2VcfArgs] with DictionaryCommand with Logging

  2. class ADAM2VcfArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetArgs

  3. class Adam2Fastq extends BDGSparkCommand[Adam2FastqArgs]

  4. class Adam2FastqArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetLoadSaveArgs

  5. class AlleleCount extends BDGSparkCommand[AlleleCountArgs] with Logging

  6. class AlleleCountArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetArgs

  7. class BuildInformation extends BDGCommand

  8. class CalculateDepth extends BDGSparkCommand[CalculateDepthArgs]

  9. class CalculateDepthArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetArgs

  10. class CountContigKmers extends BDGSparkCommand[CountContigKmersArgs] with Logging

  11. class CountContigKmersArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetArgs

  12. class CountReadKmers extends BDGSparkCommand[CountReadKmersArgs] with Logging

  13. class CountReadKmersArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetArgs

  14. trait DictionaryCommand extends AnyRef

  15. class Fasta2ADAM extends BDGSparkCommand[Fasta2ADAMArgs] with Logging

  16. class Fasta2ADAMArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetSaveArgs

  17. class Features2ADAM extends BDGSparkCommand[Features2ADAMArgs]

  18. class Features2ADAMArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetSaveArgs

  19. class FlagStat extends BDGSparkCommand[FlagStatArgs]

  20. class FlagStatArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetArgs

  21. class Flatten extends BDGSparkCommand[FlattenArgs] with Logging

  22. class FlattenArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetSaveArgs

  23. class ListDict extends BDGSparkCommand[ListDictArgs]

  24. class ListDictArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetArgs

  25. class PluginExecutor extends BDGSparkCommand[PluginExecutorArgs]

  26. class PluginExecutorArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetArgs

  27. class PrintADAM extends BDGSparkCommand[PrintADAMArgs]

  28. class PrintADAMArgs extends Args4jBase

  29. class PrintGenes extends BDGSparkCommand[PrintGenesArgs] with Serializable

  30. class PrintGenesArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetArgs with Serializable

  31. class PrintTags extends BDGSparkCommand[PrintTagsArgs]

  32. class PrintTagsArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetArgs

  33. class Transform extends BDGSparkCommand[TransformArgs] with Logging

  34. class TransformArgs extends Args4jBase with ADAMSaveAnyArgs with ParquetArgs

  35. class Vcf2ADAM extends BDGSparkCommand[Vcf2ADAMArgs] with DictionaryCommand with Logging

  36. class Vcf2ADAMArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetSaveArgs

  37. class VcfAnnotation2ADAM extends BDGSparkCommand[VcfAnnotation2ADAMArgs] with Logging

  38. class VcfAnnotation2ADAMArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetSaveArgs

  39. class View extends BDGSparkCommand[ViewArgs]

    The adam view command implements some of the functionality of samtools view, specifically the -f, -F, -c, and -o options, in an optionally distributed fashion.

    The adam view command implements some of the functionality of samtools view, specifically the -f, -F, -c, and -o options, in an optionally distributed fashion.

    It is agnostic to its input and output being SAM, BAM, or ADAM files; when printing to stdout it prints SAM.

  40. class ViewArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetArgs with ADAMSaveAnyArgs

  41. class Wig2BedArgs extends Args4jBase

  42. class WigFix2Bed extends BDGCommand

Value Members

  1. object ADAM2Vcf extends BDGCommandCompanion

  2. object ADAMMain extends Logging

  3. object Adam2Fastq extends BDGCommandCompanion

  4. object AlleleCount extends BDGCommandCompanion

  5. object AlleleCountHelper extends Serializable

  6. object BuildInformation extends BDGCommandCompanion

  7. object CalculateDepth extends BDGCommandCompanion

    CalculateDepth (accessible as the command 'depth' through the CLI) takes two arguments, an Read file and a VCF (or equivalent) file, and calculates the number of reads (the 'depth') from the Read file which overlap each of the variants given by the VCF.

    CalculateDepth (accessible as the command 'depth' through the CLI) takes two arguments, an Read file and a VCF (or equivalent) file, and calculates the number of reads (the 'depth') from the Read file which overlap each of the variants given by the VCF. It then reports, on standard out, the location and name of each variant along with the calculated depth.

  8. object CountContigKmers extends BDGCommandCompanion

  9. object CountReadKmers extends BDGCommandCompanion

  10. object Fasta2ADAM extends BDGCommandCompanion

  11. object Features2ADAM extends BDGCommandCompanion

  12. object FlagStat extends BDGCommandCompanion

  13. object Flatten extends BDGCommandCompanion

  14. object ListDict extends BDGCommandCompanion

  15. object PluginExecutor extends BDGCommandCompanion

    This set of classes executes a plugin along with the associated input location.

    This set of classes executes a plugin along with the associated input location.

    Example usage: adam plugin org.bdgenomics.adam.plugins.Take10Plugin reads12.sam

    org.bdgenomics.adam.plugins.Take10Plugin is a simple example plugin. The org.bdgenomics.adam.plugins.ADAMPlugin interface defines the class that will run using this command.

  16. object PrintADAM extends BDGCommandCompanion

  17. object PrintGenes extends BDGCommandCompanion with Serializable

  18. object PrintTags extends BDGCommandCompanion

    Reads in the tagStrings field of every record, and prints out the set of unique tags found in those fields along with the number of records that have each particular tag.

  19. object Transform extends BDGCommandCompanion

  20. object Vcf2ADAM extends BDGCommandCompanion

  21. object VcfAnnotation2ADAM extends BDGCommandCompanion

  22. object View extends BDGCommandCompanion

  23. object WigFix2Bed extends BDGCommandCompanion

    WigFix2Bed (accessible as the command "wigfix2bed" through the CLI) takes fixed wiggle file and converts it to a BED formatted file.

    WigFix2Bed (accessible as the command "wigfix2bed" through the CLI) takes fixed wiggle file and converts it to a BED formatted file. The wiggle file is a text based format that implements run-length encoding, without any guarantees where the sync markers are. This makes it difficult to use as a "splittable" format, and necessitates processing the file locally.
