

package rdd

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ADAMContext extends Serializable with Logging

  2. trait ADAMSaveAnyArgs extends SaveArgs

  3. abstract class AvroGenomicRDD[T, U <: AvroGenomicRDD[T, U]] extends ADAMRDDFunctions[T] with GenomicRDD[T, U]

  4. abstract class AvroReadGroupGenomicRDD[T, U <: AvroReadGroupGenomicRDD[T, U]] extends AvroGenomicRDD[T, U]

  5. sealed trait BroadcastRegionJoin[T, U, RT] extends RegionJoin[T, U, RT, U]

    Contains multiple implementations of a 'region join', an operation that joins two sets of regions based on the spatial overlap between the regions.

  6. case class FullOuterShuffleRegionJoin[T, U](sd: SequenceDictionary, partitionSize: Long, sc: SparkContext) extends ShuffleRegionJoin[T, U, Option[T], Option[U]] with Product with Serializable

    Extends the ShuffleRegionJoin trait to implement a full outer join.

  7. case class GenomeBins(binSize: Long, seqLengths: Map[String, Long]) extends Serializable with Product

    Partition a genome into a set of bins.

  8. case class GenomicPositionPartitioner(numParts: Int, seqLengths: Map[String, Long]) extends Partitioner with Logging with Product with Serializable

    GenomicPositionPartitioner partitions ReferencePosition objects into separate, spatially-coherent regions of the genome.

  9. trait GenomicRDD[T, U <: GenomicRDD[T, U]] extends AnyRef

  10. case class GenomicRegionPartitioner(partitionSize: Long, seqLengths: Map[String, Long], start: Boolean = true) extends Partitioner with Logging with Product with Serializable

  11. trait InFormatter[T, U <: GenomicRDD[T, U], V <: InFormatter[T, U, V]] extends Serializable

    Formats data going into a pipe to an invoked process.

  12. trait InFormatterCompanion[T, U <: GenomicRDD[T, U], V <: InFormatter[T, U, V]] extends AnyRef

  13. case class InnerBroadcastRegionJoin[T, U]() extends BroadcastRegionJoin[T, U, T] with Product with Serializable

    Extends the BroadcastRegionJoin trait to implement an inner join.

  14. case class InnerShuffleRegionJoin[T, U](sd: SequenceDictionary, partitionSize: Long, sc: SparkContext) extends ShuffleRegionJoin[T, U, T, U] with Product with Serializable

    Extends the ShuffleRegionJoin trait to implement an inner join.

  15. case class InnerShuffleRegionJoinAndGroupByLeft[T, U](sd: SequenceDictionary, partitionSize: Long, sc: SparkContext) extends ShuffleRegionJoin[T, U, T, Iterable[U]] with Product with Serializable

    Extends the ShuffleRegionJoin trait to implement an inner join followed by grouping by the left value.

  16. case class LeftOuterShuffleRegionJoin[T, U](sd: SequenceDictionary, partitionSize: Long, sc: SparkContext) extends ShuffleRegionJoin[T, U, T, Option[U]] with Product with Serializable

    Extends the ShuffleRegionJoin trait to implement a left outer join.

  17. abstract class MultisampleAvroGenomicRDD[T, U <: MultisampleAvroGenomicRDD[T, U]] extends AvroGenomicRDD[T, U] with MultisampleGenomicRDD[T, U]

  18. trait MultisampleGenomicRDD[T, U <: MultisampleGenomicRDD[T, U]] extends GenomicRDD[T, U]

  19. trait OutFormatter[T] extends Serializable

    Deserializes data coming out of a pipe from an invoked process.

  20. case class ReferencePartitioner(sd: SequenceDictionary) extends Partitioner with Product with Serializable

    Repartitions objects that are keyed by a ReferencePosition or ReferenceRegion into a single partition per contig.

  21. trait RegionJoin[T, U, RT, RU] extends AnyRef

  22. case class RightOuterBroadcastRegionJoin[T, U]() extends BroadcastRegionJoin[T, U, Option[T]] with Product with Serializable

    Extends the BroadcastRegionJoin trait to implement a right outer join.

  23. case class RightOuterShuffleRegionJoin[T, U](sd: SequenceDictionary, partitionSize: Long, sc: SparkContext) extends ShuffleRegionJoin[T, U, Option[T], U] with Product with Serializable

    Extends the ShuffleRegionJoin trait to implement a right outer join.

  24. case class RightOuterShuffleRegionJoinAndGroupByLeft[T, U](sd: SequenceDictionary, partitionSize: Long, sc: SparkContext) extends ShuffleRegionJoin[T, U, Option[T], Iterable[U]] with Product with Serializable

    Extends the ShuffleRegionJoin trait to implement a right outer join followed by grouping by all non-null left values.

  25. sealed trait ShuffleRegionJoin[T, U, RT, RU] extends RegionJoin[T, U, RT, RU]

  26. trait Unaligned extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object ADAMContext extends Serializable

  2. object FileMerger extends Logging

    Helper object to merge sharded files together.

  3. object GenomicPositionPartitioner extends Serializable

  4. object GenomicRegionPartitioner extends Serializable

  5. package contig

  6. package features

  7. package fragment

  8. package read

  9. package variation
