
class Reader(dataInput: DataInput, val header: Header) extends Closeable
See also

<a href="">DBF specification</a>

trait Closeable
trait AutoCloseable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def canSeek: Boolean
override def close(): Unit
Definition Classes
Closeable -> AutoCloseable
def nextRecord(): Array[Object]

Reads and returns the next row in the Dbf stream

Reads and returns the next row in the Dbf stream


The next row as an Object array.

def seekToRecord(n: Int): Unit

Attempt to seek to a specified record index. If successful the record can be read by calling [[DbfReader#nextRecord()]].

Attempt to seek to a specified record index. If successful the record can be read by calling [[DbfReader#nextRecord()]].

Value Params

The zero-based record index.

Concrete fields