Interface ASN1String

All Known Implementing Classes:
ASN1BitString, ASN1BMPString, ASN1GeneralString, ASN1GraphicString, ASN1IA5String, ASN1NumericString, ASN1PrintableString, ASN1T61String, ASN1UniversalString, ASN1UTF8String, ASN1VideotexString, ASN1VisibleString, BERBitString, DERBitString, DERBMPString, DERGeneralString, DERGraphicString, DERIA5String, DERNumericString, DERPrintableString, DERT61String, DERUniversalString, DERUTF8String, DERVideotexString, DERVisibleString, DirectoryString, DLBitString, NetscapeCertType, NetscapeRevocationURL, ReasonFlags, VerisignCzagExtension

public interface ASN1String
General interface implemented by ASN.1 STRING objects for extracting the content String.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return a Java String representation of this STRING type's content.
  • Method Details

    • getString

      String getString()
      Return a Java String representation of this STRING type's content.
      a Java String representation of this STRING.