Class DERIA5String

All Implemented Interfaces:
ASN1Encodable, ASN1String, Encodable
Direct Known Subclasses:
NetscapeRevocationURL, VerisignCzagExtension

public class DERIA5String extends ASN1IA5String
DER IA5String object - this is a ISO 646 (ASCII) string encoding code points 0 to 127.

Explicit character set escape sequences are not allowed.

  • Constructor Details

    • DERIA5String

      public DERIA5String(String string)
      Basic constructor - without validation.
      string - the base string to use..
    • DERIA5String

      public DERIA5String(String string, boolean validate)
      Constructor with optional validation.
      string - the base string to wrap.
      validate - whether or not to check the string.
      IllegalArgumentException - if validate is true and the string contains characters that should not be in an IA5String.