Class DERSequence

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<ASN1Encodable>, ASN1Encodable, Encodable, Iterable<ASN1Encodable>

public class DERSequence extends ASN1Sequence
Definite length SEQUENCE, encoding tells explicit number of bytes that the content of this sequence occupies.

For X.690 syntax rules, see ASN1Sequence.

  • Constructor Details

    • DERSequence

      public DERSequence()
      Create an empty sequence
    • DERSequence

      public DERSequence(ASN1Encodable element)
      Create a sequence containing one object
      element - the object to go in the sequence.
    • DERSequence

      public DERSequence(ASN1EncodableVector elementVector)
      Create a sequence containing a vector of objects.
      elementVector - the vector of objects to make up the sequence.
    • DERSequence

      public DERSequence(ASN1Encodable[] elements)
      Create a sequence containing an array of objects.
      elements - the array of objects to make up the sequence.
  • Method Details