Class Time

All Implemented Interfaces:
ASN1Choice, ASN1Encodable, Encodable

public class Time extends ASN1Object implements ASN1Choice
  • Constructor Details

    • Time

      public Time(ASN1Primitive time)
    • Time

      public Time(Date time)
      Creates a time object from a given date - if the date is between 1950 and 2049 a UTCTime object is generated, otherwise a GeneralizedTime is used.
      time - a date object representing the time of interest.
    • Time

      public Time(Date time, Locale locale)
      Creates a time object from a given date and locale - if the date is between 1950 and 2049 a UTCTime object is generated, otherwise a GeneralizedTime is used. You may need to use this constructor if the default locale doesn't use a Gregorian calender so that the GeneralizedTime produced is compatible with other ASN.1 implementations.
      time - a date object representing the time of interest.
      locale - an appropriate Locale for producing an ASN.1 GeneralizedTime value.
  • Method Details