Bouncy Castle Cryptography 1.46

Interface ASN1Choice

All Known Implementing Classes:
AttCertIssuer, CertOrEncCert, CertStatus, CMPCertificate, DeclarationOfMajority, DirectoryString, DisplayText, DistributionPointName, EncryptedKey, Evidence, GeneralName, Iso4217CurrencyCode, KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier, NameOrPseudonym, OriginatorIdentifierOrKey, OtherHash, PKIArchiveOptions, PKIBody, POPOPrivKey, ProofOfPossession, RecipientIdentifier, RecipientInfo, RequestedCertificate, ResponderID, SignerIdentifier, Target, Time, Time, TypeOfBiometricData, X500Name, X962Parameters

public interface ASN1Choice

Marker interface for CHOICE objects - if you implement this in a role your own object any attempt to tag the object implicitly will convert the tag to an explicit one as the encoding rules require.

If you use this interface your class should also implement the getInstance pattern which takes a tag object and the tagging mode used.

Bouncy Castle Cryptography 1.46