
  • Class
    Dummy class representing a mated read fragment at a particular start position to be used for accounting when deciding whether to duplicate unmatched fragments.
    Class representing a single read fragment at a particular start location without a mapped mate.
    Class representing a single read fragment at a particular start location without a mapped mate.
    A common interface for the data types that represent reads for mark duplicates spark.
    Class representing a pair of reads together with accompanying optical duplicate marking information.
    Serializers for each subclass of PairedEnds which rely on implementations of serializations within each class itself
    Struct-like class to store information about the paired reads for mark duplicates.
    Dummy class used for preserving reads that need to be marked as non-duplicate despite not wanting to perform any processing on the reads.
    A common class for holding the fields in PhysicalLocation that we don't want to be serialized by kryo.