Class MarkDuplicates

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

@DocumentedFeature public class MarkDuplicates extends AbstractMarkDuplicatesCommandLineProgram implements MarkDuplicatesHelper
A better duplication marking algorithm that handles all cases including clipped and gapped alignments.
  • Field Details


      public static final String DUPLICATE_TYPE_TAG
      The optional attribute in SAM/BAM/CRAM files used to store the duplicate type.
      See Also:

      public static final String DUPLICATE_TYPE_LIBRARY
      The duplicate type tag value for duplicate type: library.
      See Also:

      public static final String DUPLICATE_TYPE_SEQUENCING
      The duplicate type tag value for duplicate type: sequencing (optical & pad-hopping, or "co-localized").
      See Also:

      public static final String DUPLICATE_SET_INDEX_TAG
      The attribute in the SAM/BAM file used to store which read was selected as representative out of a duplicate set
      See Also:

      public static final String DUPLICATE_SET_SIZE_TAG
      The attribute in the SAM/BAM file used to store the size of a duplicate set
      See Also:

      @Argument(shortName="MAX_SEQS", doc="This option is obsolete. ReadEnds will always be spilled to disk.") public int MAX_SEQUENCES_FOR_DISK_READ_ENDS_MAP
      If more than this many sequences in SAM file, don't spill to disk because there will not be enough file handles.

      @Argument(shortName="MAX_FILE_HANDLES", doc="Maximum number of file handles to keep open when spilling read ends to disk. Set this number a little lower than the per-process maximum number of file that may be open. This number can be found by executing the \'ulimit -n\' command on a Unix system.") public int MAX_FILE_HANDLES_FOR_READ_ENDS_MAP

      @Argument(doc="This number, plus the maximum RAM available to the JVM, determine the memory footprint used by some of the sorting collections. If you are running out of memory, try reducing this number.") public double SORTING_COLLECTION_SIZE_RATIO

      @Argument(doc="Barcode SAM tag (ex. BC for 10X Genomics)", optional=true) public String BARCODE_TAG

      @Argument(doc="Read one barcode SAM tag (ex. BX for 10X Genomics)", optional=true) public String READ_ONE_BARCODE_TAG

      @Argument(doc="Read two barcode SAM tag (ex. BX for 10X Genomics)", optional=true) public String READ_TWO_BARCODE_TAG

      @Argument(doc="If a read appears in a duplicate set, add two tags. The first tag, DUPLICATE_SET_SIZE_TAG (DS), indicates the size of the duplicate set. The smallest possible DS value is 2 which occurs when two reads map to the same portion of the reference only one of which is marked as duplicate. The second tag, DUPLICATE_SET_INDEX_TAG (DI), represents a unique identifier for the duplicate set to which the record belongs. This identifier is the index-in-file of the representative read that was selected out of the duplicate set.", optional=true) public boolean TAG_DUPLICATE_SET_MEMBERS

      @Argument(doc="If true remove \'optical\' duplicates and other duplicates that appear to have arisen from the sequencing process instead of the library preparation process, even if REMOVE_DUPLICATES is false. If REMOVE_DUPLICATES is true, all duplicates are removed and this option is ignored.") public boolean REMOVE_SEQUENCING_DUPLICATES

      @Argument(doc="Determines how duplicate types are recorded in the DT optional attribute.") public MarkDuplicates.DuplicateTaggingPolicy TAGGING_POLICY
    • CLEAR_DT

      @Argument(doc="Clear DT tag from input SAM records. Should be set to false if input SAM doesn\'t have this tag. Default true") public boolean CLEAR_DT

      @Argument(doc="Treat UMIs as being duplex stranded. This option requires that the UMI consist of two equal length strings that are separated by a hyphen (e.g. \'ATC-GTC\'). Reads are considered duplicates if, in addition to standard definition, have identical normalized UMIs. A UMI from the \'bottom\' strand is normalized by swapping its content around the hyphen (eg. ATC-GTC becomes GTC-ATC). A UMI from the \'top\' strand is already normalized as it is. Both reads from a read pair considered top strand if the read 1 unclipped 5\' coordinate is less than the read 2 unclipped 5\' coordinate. All chimeric reads and read fragments are treated as having come from the top strand. With this option is it required that the BARCODE_TAG hold non-normalized UMIs. Default false.") public boolean DUPLEX_UMI

      @Argument(doc="SAM tag to uniquely identify the molecule from which a read was derived. Use of this option requires that the BARCODE_TAG option be set to a non null value. Default null.", optional=true) public String MOLECULAR_IDENTIFIER_TAG
    • flowBasedArguments

      @ArgumentCollection public MarkDuplicatesForFlowArgumentCollection flowBasedArguments
    • pairSort

      protected htsjdk.samtools.util.SortingCollection<ReadEndsForMarkDuplicates> pairSort
    • fragSort

      protected htsjdk.samtools.util.SortingCollection<ReadEndsForMarkDuplicates> fragSort
    • duplicateIndexes

      protected htsjdk.samtools.util.SortingLongCollection duplicateIndexes
    • opticalDuplicateIndexes

      protected htsjdk.samtools.util.SortingLongCollection opticalDuplicateIndexes
    • representativeReadIndicesForDuplicates

      protected htsjdk.samtools.util.SortingCollection<RepresentativeReadIndexer> representativeReadIndicesForDuplicates
    • libraryIdGenerator

      protected LibraryIdGenerator libraryIdGenerator
  • Constructor Details

    • MarkDuplicates

      public MarkDuplicates()
  • Method Details

    • doWork

      protected int doWork()
      Main work method. Reads the SAM file once and collects sorted information about the 5' ends of both ends of each read (or just one end in the case of pairs). Then makes a pass through those determining duplicates before re-reading the input file and writing it out with duplication flags set correctly.
      Specified by:
      doWork in class CommandLineProgram
      program exit status.
    • getReadDuplicateScore

      public short getReadDuplicateScore(htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord rec, ReadEndsForMarkDuplicates pairedEnds)
      Calculates score for the duplicate read
      Specified by:
      getReadDuplicateScore in interface MarkDuplicatesHelper
      rec - - read
      pairedEnds - - location of the read ends
    • buildReadEnds

      public ReadEndsForMarkDuplicates buildReadEnds(htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileHeader header, long index, htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord rec, boolean useBarcodes)
      Builds a read ends object that represents a single read.
      Specified by:
      buildReadEnds in interface MarkDuplicatesHelper
    • generateDuplicateIndexes

      public void generateDuplicateIndexes(boolean useBarcodes, boolean indexOpticalDuplicates)
      Goes through the accumulated ReadEndsForMarkDuplicates objects and determines which of them are to be marked as duplicates.
      Specified by:
      generateDuplicateIndexes in interface MarkDuplicatesHelper
    • handleChunk

      protected void handleChunk(List<ReadEndsForMarkDuplicates> nextChunk)
    • areComparableForDuplicates

      protected boolean areComparableForDuplicates(ReadEndsForMarkDuplicates lhs, ReadEndsForMarkDuplicates rhs, boolean compareRead2, boolean useBarcodes)
    • markDuplicateFragments

      protected void markDuplicateFragments(List<ReadEndsForMarkDuplicates> list, boolean containsPairs)
      Takes a list of ReadEndsForMarkDuplicates objects and removes from it all objects that should not be marked as duplicates. This will set the duplicate index for only list items are fragments.
      containsPairs - true if the list also contains objects containing pairs, false otherwise.