Class Matched<X,​Y>

  • Type Parameters:
    X - Type of item in first iterator.
    Y - Type of item in second iterator.
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class Matched<X,​Y>
    extends Object
    implements Iterator<X>
    Matched iterator. Iterates over 2 iterators at the same time and verify that elements with the same position has correlation by the function. The function might be equals, endsWith, greaterThen, nonNull, empty, negative, positive, etc.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Matched

        public Matched​(BiFunc<? super X,​? super Y,​Boolean> fnc,
                       Iterator<? extends X> fst,
                       Iterator<? extends Y> snd)
        fnc - The function to detect the correlation between elements.
        fst - The first part of duplex iterator.
        snd - The second part of duplex iterator.
    • Method Detail

      • hasNext

        public boolean hasNext()
        Specified by:
        hasNext in interface Iterator<X>
      • next

        public X next()
        Specified by:
        next in interface Iterator<X>