Interface PodSecurityContextProps

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    @Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.75.0 (build 63bb957)",
    public interface PodSecurityContextProps
    Properties for `PodSecurityContext`.
    • Method Detail

      • getEnsureNonRoot

        default Boolean getEnsureNonRoot()
        Indicates that the container must run as a non-root user.

        If true, the Kubelet will validate the image at runtime to ensure that it does not run as UID 0 (root) and fail to start the container if it does.

        Default: true

      • getFsGroup

        default Number getFsGroup()
        Modify the ownership and permissions of pod volumes to this GID.

        Default: - Volume ownership is not changed.

      • getFsGroupChangePolicy

        default FsGroupChangePolicy getFsGroupChangePolicy()
        Defines behavior of changing ownership and permission of the volume before being exposed inside Pod.

        This field will only apply to volume types which support fsGroup based ownership(and permissions). It will have no effect on ephemeral volume types such as: secret, configmaps and emptydir.

        Default: FsGroupChangePolicy.ALWAYS

      • getGroup

        default Number getGroup()
        The GID to run the entrypoint of the container process.

        Default: - Group configured by container runtime

      • getSysctls

        default List<Sysctl> getSysctls()
        Sysctls hold a list of namespaced sysctls used for the pod.

        Pods with unsupported sysctls (by the container runtime) might fail to launch.

        Default: - No sysctls

      • getUser

        default Number getUser()
        The UID to run the entrypoint of the container process.

        Default: - User specified in image metadata