



package experimental

Package for experimental features, which may have their API changed, be removed, etc.

Because its contents won't necessarily have the same level of stability and support as non-experimental, you must explicitly import this package to use its contents.

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. experimental
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package dataview
  2. package hierarchy

Type Members

  1. trait AffectsChiselPrefix extends AnyRef

    Generate prefixes from values of this type in the Chisel compiler plugin

    Generate prefixes from values of this type in the Chisel compiler plugin

    Users can mixin this trait to tell the Chisel compiler plugin to include the names of vals of this type when generating prefixes for naming Data and Mem instances. This is generally useful whenever creating a class that contains Data, Mem, or Module instances but does not itself extend Data or Module.

    1. import chisel3._
      import chisel3.experimental.AffectsChiselPrefix
      class MyModule extends Module {
        // Note: This contains a Data but is not a named component itself
        class NotAData extends AffectsChiselPrefix {
          val value = Wire(Bool())
        // Name with AffectsChiselPrefix:    "nonData_value"
        // Name without AffectsChiselPrefix: "value"
        val nonData = new NotAData
        // Name with AffectsChiselPrefix:    "nonData2_value"
        // Name without AffectsChiselPrefix: "value_1"
        val nonData2 = new NotAData
    See also

    See the compiler plugin documentation for more information on this process.

  2. final class Analog extends Element

    Data type for representing bidirectional bitvectors of a given width

    Data type for representing bidirectional bitvectors of a given width

    Analog support is limited to allowing wiring up of Verilog BlackBoxes with bidirectional (inout) pins. There is currently no support for reading or writing of Analog types within Chisel code.

    Given that Analog is bidirectional, it is illegal to assign a direction to any Analog type. It is legal to "flip" the direction (since Analog can be a member of aggregate types) which has no effect.

    Analog types are generally connected using the bidirectional attach mechanism, but also support limited bulkconnect <>. Analog types are only allowed to be bulk connected *once* in a given module. This is to prevent any surprising consequences of last connect semantics.


    This API is experimental and subject to change

  3. abstract class BaseModule extends HasId with IsInstantiable

    Abstract base class for Modules, an instantiable organizational unit for RTL.

  4. class BundleLiteralException extends ChiselException
  5. trait ChiselAnnotation extends AnyRef

    Interface for Annotations in Chisel

    Interface for Annotations in Chisel

    Defines a conversion to a corresponding FIRRTL Annotation

  6. trait ChiselMultiAnnotation extends AnyRef

    Enhanced interface for Annotations in Chisel

    Enhanced interface for Annotations in Chisel

    Defines a conversion to corresponding FIRRTL Annotation(s)

  7. sealed trait ChiselSubtypeOf[A, B] extends AnyRef

    Enforces that A is a Chisel subtype of B.

    Enforces that A is a Chisel subtype of B.

    A is a Chisel subtype of B if A contains all of B's fields (same names and same types). Only public fields that are subtypes of chisel3.Data are considered when checking for containment.

    In the following example A is a Chisel subtype of B:

    class A extends Bundle {
      val x = UInt(3.W)
      val y = UInt(3.W)
      val z = UInt(3.W)
    class B extends Bundle {
      val x = UInt(3.W)
      val y = UInt(3.W)
  8. type ClonePorts = internal.BaseModule.ClonePorts

    A record containing the results of CloneModuleAsRecord The apply method is retrieves the element with the supplied name.

  9. type Direction = ActualDirection
  10. case class DoubleParam(value: Double) extends Param with Product with Serializable
  11. abstract class ExtModule extends BaseBlackBox

    Defines a black box, which is a module that can be referenced from within Chisel, but is not defined in the emitted Verilog.

    Defines a black box, which is a module that can be referenced from within Chisel, but is not defined in the emitted Verilog. Useful for connecting to RTL modules defined outside Chisel.

    A variant of BlackBox, this has a more consistent naming scheme in allowing multiple top-level IO and does not drop the top prefix.

    1. Some design require a differential input clock to clock the all design. With the xilinx FPGA for example, a Verilog template named IBUFDS must be integrated to use differential input:

               .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT")) ibufds (

      To instantiate it, a BlackBox can be used like following:

      import chisel3._
      import chisel3.experimental._
      // Example with Xilinx differential buffer IBUFDS
      class IBUFDS extends ExtModule(Map("DIFF_TERM" -> "TRUE", // Verilog parameters
                                         "IOSTANDARD" -> "DEFAULT"
                           )) {
        val O = IO(Output(Clock()))
        val I = IO(Input(Clock()))
        val IB = IO(Input(Clock()))

    The parameters API is experimental and may change

  12. final class HWTuple10[+A <: Data, +B <: Data, +C <: Data, +D <: Data, +E <: Data, +F <: Data, +G <: Data, +H <: Data, +I <: Data, +J <: Data] extends Bundle

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple9

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple9

    Users may not instantiate this class directly. Instead they should use the implicit conversion from Tuple9 in chisel3.experimental.conversions

  13. final class HWTuple2[+A <: Data, +B <: Data] extends Bundle

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple2

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple2

    Users may not instantiate this class directly. Instead they should use the implicit conversion from Tuple2 in chisel3.experimental.conversions

  14. final class HWTuple3[+A <: Data, +B <: Data, +C <: Data] extends Bundle

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple3

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple3

    Users may not instantiate this class directly. Instead they should use the implicit conversion from Tuple3 in chisel3.experimental.conversions

  15. final class HWTuple4[+A <: Data, +B <: Data, +C <: Data, +D <: Data] extends Bundle

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple4

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple4

    Users may not instantiate this class directly. Instead they should use the implicit conversion from Tuple4 in chisel3.experimental.conversions

  16. final class HWTuple5[+A <: Data, +B <: Data, +C <: Data, +D <: Data, +E <: Data] extends Bundle

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple5

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple5

    Users may not instantiate this class directly. Instead they should use the implicit conversion from Tuple5 in chisel3.experimental.conversions

  17. final class HWTuple6[+A <: Data, +B <: Data, +C <: Data, +D <: Data, +E <: Data, +F <: Data] extends Bundle

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple6

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple6

    Users may not instantiate this class directly. Instead they should use the implicit conversion from Tuple6 in chisel3.experimental.conversions

  18. final class HWTuple7[+A <: Data, +B <: Data, +C <: Data, +D <: Data, +E <: Data, +F <: Data, +G <: Data] extends Bundle

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple7

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple7

    Users may not instantiate this class directly. Instead they should use the implicit conversion from Tuple7 in chisel3.experimental.conversions

  19. final class HWTuple8[+A <: Data, +B <: Data, +C <: Data, +D <: Data, +E <: Data, +F <: Data, +G <: Data, +H <: Data] extends Bundle

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple8

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple8

    Users may not instantiate this class directly. Instead they should use the implicit conversion from Tuple8 in chisel3.experimental.conversions

  20. final class HWTuple9[+A <: Data, +B <: Data, +C <: Data, +D <: Data, +E <: Data, +F <: Data, +G <: Data, +H <: Data, +I <: Data] extends Bundle

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple9

    Data equivalent of Scala's scala.Tuple9

    Users may not instantiate this class directly. Instead they should use the implicit conversion from Tuple9 in chisel3.experimental.conversions

  21. case class IntParam(value: BigInt) extends Param with Product with Serializable
  22. sealed trait NoSourceInfo extends SourceInfo
  23. trait OpaqueType extends AnyRef

    Indicates if this Record represents an "Opaque Type"

    Indicates if this Record represents an "Opaque Type"

    Opaque types provide a mechanism for user-defined types that do not impose any "boxing" overhead in the emitted FIRRTL and Verilog. You can think about an opaque type Record as a box around a single element that only exists at Chisel elaboration time. Put another way, if this trait is mixed into a Record, the Record may only contain a single element with an empty name and there will be no _ in the name for that element in the emitted Verilog.

    See also

    RecordSpec in Chisel's tests for example usage and expected output

  24. sealed abstract class Param extends AnyRef

    Parameters for BlackBoxes

  25. case class RawParam(value: String) extends Param with Product with Serializable

    Unquoted String

  26. trait SerializableModule[T <: SerializableModuleParameter] extends AnyRef

    Mixin this trait to let chisel auto serialize module, it has these constraints: 1.

    Mixin this trait to let chisel auto serialize module, it has these constraints: 1. Module should not be any inner class of other class, since serializing outer class is impossible. 2. Module should have and only have one parameter with type T:

    class FooSerializableModule[FooSerializableModuleParameter](val parameter: FooSerializableModuleParameter)

    3. user should guarantee the module is reproducible on their own.

  27. case class SerializableModuleGenerator[M <: SerializableModule[P], P <: SerializableModuleParameter](generator: Class[M], parameter: P)(implicit pTag: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse.TypeTag[P], mTag: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse.TypeTag[M]) extends Product with Serializable

    the serializable module generator:

    the serializable module generator:


    a non-inner class of module, which should be a subclass of SerializableModule


    the parameter of generator

  28. trait SerializableModuleParameter extends AnyRef

    Parameter for SerializableModule, it should be serializable via upickle API.

    Parameter for SerializableModule, it should be serializable via upickle API. For more information, please refer to

  29. sealed trait SourceInfo extends AnyRef

    Abstract base class for generalized source information.

  30. case class SourceLine(filename: String, line: Int, col: Int) extends SourceInfo with Product with Serializable

    For FIRRTL lines from a Scala source line.

  31. case class StringParam(value: String) extends Param with Product with Serializable
  32. class VecLiteralException extends ChiselException
  33. macro class dump extends internal.naming.dump
    @compileTimeOnly("macro annotation could not be expanded (since these are experimental, you must enable them with -Ymacro-annotations)")
  34. macro class treedump extends internal.naming.treedump
    @compileTimeOnly("macro annotation could not be expanded (since these are experimental, you must enable them with -Ymacro-annotations)")

Deprecated Type Members

  1. trait AutoCloneType extends AnyRef

    Indicates that the compiler plugin should generate cloneType for this type

    Indicates that the compiler plugin should generate cloneType for this type

    All user-defined Records should mix this trait in as it will be required for upgrading to Chisel 3.6.


    (Since version Chisel 3.6) AutoCloneType is now always enabled, no need to mix it in

  2. type ChiselEnum = chisel3.ChiselEnum

    (Since version Chisel 3.5) This type has moved to chisel3

  3. type EnumType = chisel3.EnumType

    (Since version Chisel 3.5) This type has moved to chisel3

Value Members

  1. val Direction: ActualDirection.type
  2. def FlatIO[T <: Record](gen: => T)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): T

    The same as IO except there is no prefix for the name of the val

  3. implicit def fromBigIntToIntParam(x: BigInt): IntParam
  4. implicit def fromDoubleToDoubleParam(x: Double): DoubleParam
  5. implicit def fromIntToIntParam(x: Int): IntParam
  6. implicit def fromLongToIntParam(x: Long): IntParam
  7. implicit def fromStringToStringParam(x: String): StringParam
  8. object Analog

    Object that provides factory methods for Analog objects

    Object that provides factory methods for Analog objects


    This API is experimental and subject to change

  9. object BaseModule
  10. object BundleLiterals
  11. object ChiselSubtypeOf
  12. object CloneModuleAsRecord
  13. case object DeprecatedSourceInfo extends NoSourceInfo with Product with Serializable

    For when source info isn't generated because the function is deprecated and we're lazy.

  14. object EnumAnnotations
  15. object SerializableModuleGenerator extends Serializable
  16. object SourceInfo
  17. object Trace

    The util that records the reference map from original Data/Module annotated in Chisel and final FIRRTL.

    The util that records the reference map from original Data/Module annotated in Chisel and final FIRRTL.

    1. class Dut extends Module {
        val a = WireDefault(Bool())
      val annos = (new ChiselStage).execute(Seq(ChiselGeneratorAnnotation(() => new Dut)))
      val dut = annos.collectFirst { case DesignAnnotation(dut) => dut }.get.asInstanceOf[CollideModule]
      // get final reference of `a` Seq(ReferenceTarget("Dut", "Dut", Seq.empty, "a", Seq.empty))
      val firrtlReferenceOfDutA = finalTarget(annos)(dut.a)
  18. case object UnlocatableSourceInfo extends NoSourceInfo with Product with Serializable

    For when source info can't be generated because of a technical limitation, like for Reg because Scala macros don't support named or default arguments.

  19. object VecLiterals

    This class provides the Lit method needed to define a Vec literal

  20. object annotate
  21. object attach
  22. object doNotDedup

    Marks that a module to be ignored in Dedup Transform in Firrtl pass

    Marks that a module to be ignored in Dedup Transform in Firrtl pass

    1.  def fullAdder(a: UInt, b: UInt, myName: String): UInt = {
         val m = Module(new Module {
           val io = IO(new Bundle {
             val a = Input(UInt(32.W))
             val b = Input(UInt(32.W))
             val out = Output(UInt(32.W))
           override def desiredName = "adder_" + myNname
           io.out := io.a + io.b
         doNotDedup(m) := a := b
      class AdderTester extends Module
       with ConstantPropagationTest {
       val io = IO(new Bundle {
         val a = Input(UInt(32.W))
         val b = Input(UInt(32.W))
         val out = Output(Vec(2, UInt(32.W)))
       io.out(0) := fullAdder(io.a, io.b, "mod1")
       io.out(1) := fullAdder(io.a, io.b, "mod2")
  23. object noPrefix

    Use to eliminate any existing prefixes within the provided scope.

    Use to eliminate any existing prefixes within the provided scope.

    1. val x1 = noPrefix {
        // Anything generated here will not be prefixed by anything outside this scope
  24. object prefix

    Use to add a prefix to any components generated in the provided scope.

    Use to add a prefix to any components generated in the provided scope.

    1. val x1 = prefix("first") {
        // Anything generated here will be prefixed with "first"
      val x2 = prefix(mysignal) {
        // Anything generated here will be prefixed with the name of mysignal
  25. object requireIsChiselType

    Requires that a node is a chisel type (not hardware, "unbound")

  26. object requireIsHardware

    Requires that a node is hardware ("bound")

Deprecated Value Members

  1. val DataMirror: reflect.DataMirror.type

    (Since version Chisel 3.6) This value has moved to chisel3.reflect

  2. val suppressEnumCastWarning: chisel3.suppressEnumCastWarning.type

    (Since version Chisel 3.5) This type has moved to chisel3

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
