Interface IObjectiveManager<V extends Variable>

  • Type Parameters:
    V - type of objective variable
    All Superinterfaces:
    IBoundsManager, ICause, Serializable

    public interface IObjectiveManager<V extends Variable>
    extends IBoundsManager, ICause
    interface to monitor the bounds of the objective variable.
    Jean-Guillaume Fages, Charles Prud'homme, Arnaud Malapert
    • Method Detail

      • getObjective

        V getObjective()
        the objective variable
      • updateBestSolution

        boolean updateBestSolution​(Number n)
        Informs the manager that a new solution has been found
      • updateBestSolution

        boolean updateBestSolution()
        Informs the manager that a new solution has been found
      • setCutComputer

        void setCutComputer​(Function<Number,​Number> cutComputer)
        Set a user-defined cut computer to avoid "worse" solutions
      • setStrictDynamicCut

        void setStrictDynamicCut()
        Define a strict cut computer where in the next solution to find should be strictly greater (resp. lesser) than the best solution found so far when maximizing (resp. minimizing) a problem.
      • setWalkingDynamicCut

        void setWalkingDynamicCut()
        Define a walking cut computer where in the next solution to find should be greater than (resp. less than) or equal to the best solution found so far when maximizing (resp. minimizing) a problem.