Uses of Class

Packages that use Type
clojure.asm Provides a small and fast bytecode manipulation framework. 
clojure.asm.commons Provides some useful class and method adapters. 

Uses of Type in clojure.asm

Fields in clojure.asm declared as Type
static Type Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE
          The boolean type.
static Type Type.BYTE_TYPE
          The byte type.
static Type Type.CHAR_TYPE
          The char type.
static Type Type.DOUBLE_TYPE
          The double type.
static Type Type.FLOAT_TYPE
          The float type.
static Type Type.INT_TYPE
          The int type.
static Type Type.LONG_TYPE
          The long type.
static Type Type.SHORT_TYPE
          The short type.
static Type Type.VOID_TYPE
          The void type.

Methods in clojure.asm that return Type
static Type[] Type.getArgumentTypes(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
          Returns the Java types corresponding to the argument types of the given method.
static Type[] Type.getArgumentTypes(java.lang.String methodDescriptor)
          Returns the Java types corresponding to the argument types of the given method descriptor.
 Type Type.getElementType()
          Returns the type of the elements of this array type.
static Type Type.getObjectType(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the OBJECT type for the given internal class name.
static Type Type.getReturnType(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
          Returns the Java type corresponding to the return type of the given method.
static Type Type.getReturnType(java.lang.String methodDescriptor)
          Returns the Java type corresponding to the return type of the given method descriptor.
static Type Type.getType(java.lang.Class c)
          Returns the Java type corresponding to the given class.
static Type Type.getType(java.lang.String typeDescriptor)
          Returns the Java type corresponding to the given type descriptor.

Methods in clojure.asm with parameters of type Type
static java.lang.String Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type returnType, Type[] argumentTypes)
          Returns the descriptor corresponding to the given argument and return types.
static java.lang.String Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type returnType, Type[] argumentTypes)
          Returns the descriptor corresponding to the given argument and return types.

Uses of Type in clojure.asm.commons

Methods in clojure.asm.commons that return Type
 Type[] Method.getArgumentTypes()
          Returns the argument types of the method described by this object.
 Type GeneratorAdapter.getLocalType(int local)
          Returns the type of the given local variable.
 Type Method.getReturnType()
          Returns the return type of the method described by this object.

Methods in clojure.asm.commons with parameters of type Type
 void GeneratorAdapter.arrayLoad(Type type)
          Generates the instruction to load an element from an array.
 void GeneratorAdapter.arrayStore(Type type)
          Generates the instruction to store an element in an array.
 void type)
          Generates the instructions to box the top stack value.
 void GeneratorAdapter.cast(Type from, Type to)
          Generates the instructions to cast a numerical value from one type to another.
 void GeneratorAdapter.catchException(Label start, Label end, Type exception)
          Marks the start of an exception handler.
 void GeneratorAdapter.checkCast(Type type)
          Generates the instruction to check that the top stack value is of the given type.
 void GeneratorAdapter.getField(Type owner, java.lang.String name, Type type)
          Generates the instruction to push the value of a non static field on the stack.
 void GeneratorAdapter.getStatic(Type owner, java.lang.String name, Type type)
          Generates the instruction to push the value of a static field on the stack.
 void GeneratorAdapter.ifCmp(Type type, int mode, Label label)
          Generates the instructions to jump to a label based on the comparison of the top two stack values.
 void GeneratorAdapter.instanceOf(Type type)
          Generates the instruction to test if the top stack value is of the given type.
 void GeneratorAdapter.invokeConstructor(Type type, Method method)
          Generates the instruction to invoke a constructor.
 void GeneratorAdapter.invokeInterface(Type owner, Method method)
          Generates the instruction to invoke an interface method.
 void GeneratorAdapter.invokeStatic(Type owner, Method method)
          Generates the instruction to invoke a static method.
 void GeneratorAdapter.invokeVirtual(Type owner, Method method)
          Generates the instruction to invoke a normal method.
 void GeneratorAdapter.loadLocal(int local, Type type)
          Generates the instruction to load the given local variable on the stack.
 void GeneratorAdapter.math(int op, Type type)
          Generates the instruction to do the specified mathematical or logical operation.
 void GeneratorAdapter.newArray(Type type)
          Generates the instruction to create a new array.
 void GeneratorAdapter.newInstance(Type type)
          Generates the instruction to create a new object.
 int LocalVariablesSorter.newLocal(Type type)
          Creates a new local variable of the given type.
 void GeneratorAdapter.push(Type value)
          Generates the instruction to push the given value on the stack.
 void GeneratorAdapter.putField(Type owner, java.lang.String name, Type type)
          Generates the instruction to store the top stack value in a non static field.
 void GeneratorAdapter.putStatic(Type owner, java.lang.String name, Type type)
          Generates the instruction to store the top stack value in a static field.
protected  void GeneratorAdapter.setLocalType(int local, Type type)
protected  void LocalVariablesSorter.setLocalType(int local, Type type)
          Sets the current type of the given local variable.
 void GeneratorAdapter.storeLocal(int local, Type type)
          Generates the instruction to store the top stack value in the given local variable.
 void GeneratorAdapter.swap(Type prev, Type type)
          Generates the instructions to swap the top two stack values.
 void GeneratorAdapter.throwException(Type type, java.lang.String msg)
          Generates the instructions to create and throw an exception.
 void GeneratorAdapter.unbox(Type type)
          Generates the instructions to unbox the top stack value.

Constructors in clojure.asm.commons with parameters of type Type
GeneratorAdapter(int access, Method method, java.lang.String signature, Type[] exceptions, ClassVisitor cv)
          Creates a new GeneratorAdapter.
Method(java.lang.String name, Type returnType, Type[] argumentTypes)
          Creates a new Method.
Method(java.lang.String name, Type returnType, Type[] argumentTypes)
          Creates a new Method.

Uses of Type in clojure.lang

Methods in clojure.lang that return Type
 Type Compiler.ObjExpr.objtype()

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