Uses of Class

Packages that use AFn
clojure.lang Clojure language implementation. 

Uses of AFn in clojure.lang

Subclasses of AFn in clojure.lang
 class AFunction
 class AMapEntry
 class APersistentMap
 class APersistentSet
 class APersistentVector
static class APersistentVector.SubVector
 class ATransientMap
 class ATransientSet
static class EdnReader.CharacterReader
static class EdnReader.CommentReader
static class EdnReader.DiscardReader
static class EdnReader.DispatchReader
static class EdnReader.ListReader
static class EdnReader.MapReader
static class EdnReader.MetaReader
static class EdnReader.SetReader
static class EdnReader.StringReader
static class EdnReader.TaggedReader
static class EdnReader.UnmatchedDelimiterReader
static class EdnReader.UnreadableReader
static class EdnReader.VectorReader
 class FnLoaderThunk
static class LispReader.CharacterReader
static class LispReader.CommentReader
static class LispReader.ConditionalReader
static class LispReader.CtorReader
static class LispReader.DeprecatedWrappingReader
static class LispReader.DiscardReader
static class LispReader.DispatchReader
static class LispReader.EvalReader
static class LispReader.FnReader
static class LispReader.ListReader
static class LispReader.MapReader
static class LispReader.MetaReader
static class LispReader.RegexReader
static class LispReader.SetReader
static class LispReader.StringReader
static class LispReader.SyntaxQuoteReader
static class LispReader.UnmatchedDelimiterReader
static class LispReader.UnreadableReader
static class LispReader.VarReader
static class LispReader.VectorReader
static class LispReader.WrappingReader
 class MapEntry
 class MultiFn
 class PersistentArrayMap
          Simple implementation of persistent map on an array

Note that instances of this class are constant values i.e.

 class PersistentHashMap
 class PersistentHashSet
static class PersistentList.Primordial
 class PersistentStructMap
 class PersistentTreeMap
          Persistent Red Black Tree Note that instances of this class are constant values i.e.
 class PersistentTreeSet
 class PersistentVector
 class RestFn
 class Symbol
static class Var.Unbound

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