Uses of Class

Packages that use Method
clojure.asm.commons Provides some useful class and method adapters. 

Uses of Method in clojure.asm.commons

Methods in clojure.asm.commons that return Method
static Method Method.getMethod(Constructor<?> c)
          Creates a new Method.
static Method Method.getMethod(Method m)
          Creates a new Method.
static Method Method.getMethod(String method)
          Returns a Method corresponding to the given Java method declaration.
static Method Method.getMethod(String method, boolean defaultPackage)
          Returns a Method corresponding to the given Java method declaration.

Methods in clojure.asm.commons with parameters of type Method
 void GeneratorAdapter.invokeConstructor(Type type, Method method)
          Generates the instruction to invoke a constructor.
 void GeneratorAdapter.invokeInterface(Type owner, Method method)
          Generates the instruction to invoke an interface method.
 void GeneratorAdapter.invokeStatic(Type owner, Method method)
          Generates the instruction to invoke a static method.
 void GeneratorAdapter.invokeVirtual(Type owner, Method method)
          Generates the instruction to invoke a normal method.

Constructors in clojure.asm.commons with parameters of type Method
GeneratorAdapter(int access, Method method, MethodVisitor mv)
          Creates a new GeneratorAdapter.
GeneratorAdapter(int access, Method method, String signature, Type[] exceptions, ClassVisitor cv)
          Creates a new GeneratorAdapter.

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