Interface NetworkTopology

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface NetworkTopology
    Implements a network layer by reading the topology from a file in a specific format that is defined by each implementing class.
    CloudSim Plus 1.0
    Rodrigo N. Calheiros, Anton Beloglazov, Manoel Campos da Silva Filho
    See Also:
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static NetworkTopology NULL
      An attribute that implements the Null Object Design Pattern for NetworkTopology objects.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addLink​(long srcId, long destId, double bw, double lat)
      Adds a new link in the network topology.
      double getDelay​(long srcID, long destID)
      Calculates the delay between two nodes.
      TopologicalGraph getTopologycalGraph()  
      boolean isNetworkEnabled()
      Checks if the network simulation is working.
      void mapNode​(long cloudSimEntityID, int briteID)
      Maps a CloudSim entity to a BRITE node in the network topology.
      void unmapNode​(long cloudSimEntityID)
      Unmaps a previously mapped CloudSim entity to a BRITE node in the network topology.
    • Method Detail

      • addLink

        void addLink​(long srcId,
                     long destId,
                     double bw,
                     double lat)
        Adds a new link in the network topology. The CloudSim entities that represent the source and destination of the link will be mapped to BRITE entities.
        srcId - ID of the CloudSim entity that represents the link's source node
        destId - ID of the CloudSim entity that represents the link's destination node
        bw - Link's bandwidth
        lat - link's latency
      • mapNode

        void mapNode​(long cloudSimEntityID,
                     int briteID)
        Maps a CloudSim entity to a BRITE node in the network topology.
        cloudSimEntityID - ID of the entity being mapped
        briteID - ID of the BRITE node that corresponds to the CloudSim
      • unmapNode

        void unmapNode​(long cloudSimEntityID)
        Unmaps a previously mapped CloudSim entity to a BRITE node in the network topology.
        cloudSimEntityID - ID of the entity being unmapped
      • getDelay

        double getDelay​(long srcID,
                        long destID)
        Calculates the delay between two nodes.
        srcID - ID of the CloudSim entity that represents the link's source node
        destID - ID of the CloudSim entity that represents the link's destination node
        communication delay between the two nodes
      • isNetworkEnabled

        boolean isNetworkEnabled()
        Checks if the network simulation is working. If there were some problem during creation of network (e.g., during parsing of BRITE file) that does not allow a proper simulation of the network, this method returns false.
        $true if network simulation is working, $false otherwise
      • getTopologycalGraph

        TopologicalGraph getTopologycalGraph()
        the graph