Interface Resource

    • Field Detail

      • NULL

        static final Resource NULL
        An attribute that implements the Null Object Design Pattern for Resource objects.
    • Method Detail

      • isObjectSubClassOf

        static boolean isObjectSubClassOf​(Object object,
                                          Class classWanted)
        Checks if a given object is instance of a given class.
        object - the object to check
        classWanted - the class to verify if the object is instance of
        true if the object is instance of the given class, false otherwise
      • isObjectSubClassOf

        default boolean isObjectSubClassOf​(Class classWanted)
        Checks if this object is instance of a given class.
        classWanted - the class to verify if the object is instance of
        true if the object is instance of the given class, false otherwise
      • getAvailableResource

        long getAvailableResource()
        Gets the amount of the resource that is available (free).
        the amount of available resource
      • getAllocatedResource

        long getAllocatedResource()
        Gets the current total amount of allocated resource.
        amount of allocated resource
      • isAmountAvailable

        default boolean isAmountAvailable​(Resource resource)
        Checks if there the capacity required for the given resource is available (free) at this resource. This method is commonly used to check if there is a specific amount of resource free at a physical resource (this Resource instance) that is required by a virtualized resource (the given Resource).
        resource - the resource to check if its capacity is available at the current resource
        true if the capacity required by the given Resource is free; false otherwise
        See Also:
      • isAmountAvailable

        boolean isAmountAvailable​(long amountToCheck)
        Checks if there is a specific amount of resource available (free).
        amountToCheck - the amount of resource to check if is free.
        true if the specified amount is free; false otherwise
      • isAmountAvailable

        default boolean isAmountAvailable​(double amountToCheck)
        Checks if there is a specific amount of resource available (free), where such amount is a double value that will be converted to long.

        This method is just a shorthand to avoid explicitly converting a double to long.

        amountToCheck - the amount of resource to check if is free.
        true if the specified amount is free; false otherwise
        See Also:
      • isFull

        default boolean isFull()
        Checks if the resource is full or not.
        true if the storage is full, false otherwise
      • getPercentUtilization

        default double getPercentUtilization()
        Gets the current percentage of resource utilization in scale from 0 to 1. It is the percentage of the total resource capacity that is currently allocated.
        current resource utilization (allocation) percentage in scale from 0 to 1