Class SlaMetricDimension

  • public final class SlaMetricDimension
    extends Object
    Represents a value for a specific metric of a SLA contract, following the format defined by the AWS CloudWatch.

    Each dimension contains the name of the metric, the minimum and maximum acceptable values, and the metric unit. Each metric may have multiple dimensions.

    For more details, check Raysa Oliveira's Master Thesis (only in Portuguese).

    • Constructor Detail

      • SlaMetricDimension

        public SlaMetricDimension()
      • SlaMetricDimension

        public SlaMetricDimension​(double value)
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
      • getValue

        public double getValue()
        Gets the value of the dimension, in absolute or percentage, according to the getUnit().

        When the unit is "Percent", the values are defined in scale from 0 to 100%, but they are stored in this class in scale from 0 to 1, because everywhere percentage values are defined in this scale.

      • isMaxValue

        public boolean isMaxValue()
      • isMinValue

        public boolean isMinValue()
      • isPercent

        public boolean isPercent()
        Checks if the unit is defined in percentage values.
      • getUnit

        public String getUnit()
        Gets the unit of the dimension, if "Percent" or "Absolute". When the unit is "Percent", the values are defined in scale from 0 to 100%, but they are stored in this class in scale from 0 to 1, because everywhere percentage values are defined in this scale.