Interface Pe

  • All Superinterfaces:
    ChangeableId, Identifiable, Resource, ResourceCapacity, ResourceManageable
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Pe
    extends ChangeableId, ResourceManageable
    A interface to be implemented by each class that provides the basic features of a virtual or physical Processing Element (PE) of a PM or VM. Each Pe represents a virtual or physical processor core.

    It also implements the Null Object Design Pattern in order to start avoiding NullPointerException when using the NULL object instead of attributing null to Pe variables.

    CloudSim Plus 1.0
    Manzur Murshed, Rajkumar Buyya, Manoel Campos da Silva Filho
    • Field Detail

      • NULL

        static final Pe NULL
        An attribute that implements the Null Object Design Pattern for Pe objects.
    • Method Detail

      • getCapacity

        long getCapacity()
        Gets the capacity of this Pe in MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second).
        Specified by:
        getCapacity in interface ResourceCapacity
        the MIPS capacity
      • setCapacity

        boolean setCapacity​(long mipsCapacity)
        Sets the capacity of this Pe in MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second).
        Specified by:
        setCapacity in interface ResourceManageable
        mipsCapacity - the MIPS capacity to set
        true if mipsCapacity is greater than 0, false otherwise
        See Also:
      • setCapacity

        boolean setCapacity​(double mipsCapacity)
        Sets the capacity of this Pe in MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second).

        It receives the amount of MIPS as a double value but converts it internally to a long. The method is just provided as a handy-way to define the PE capacity using a double value that usually is generated from some computations.

        mipsCapacity - the MIPS capacity to set
        true if mipsCapacity is greater than 0, false otherwise
      • setPeProvisioner

        Pe setPeProvisioner​(PeProvisioner peProvisioner)
        Sets the getPeProvisioner() that manages the allocation of this physical PE to virtual machines. This method is automatically called when a PeProvisioner is created passing a Pe instance. Thus, the PeProvisioner for a Pe doesn't have to be set manually.
        peProvisioner - the new PE provisioner
      • getPeProvisioner

        PeProvisioner getPeProvisioner()
        Gets the PE provisioner that manages the allocation of this physical PE to virtual machines.
        the PE provisioner
      • getStatus

        Pe.Status getStatus()
        Gets the status of the PE.
        the PE status
      • setStatus

        boolean setStatus​(Pe.Status status)
        Sets the status of the PE.
        status - the new PE status
        true if the status was set, false otherwise
      • isWorking

        boolean isWorking()
        Checks if the PE is working (not failed).
      • isFailed

        boolean isFailed()
        Checks if the PE is failed.
      • isFree

        boolean isFree()
        Checks if the PE is free to be used (it's idle).
      • isBuzy

        boolean isBuzy()
        Checks if the PE is buzy to be used (it's being used).