Interface Datacenter

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Comparable<SimEntity>, Identifiable, Nameable, PowerAware, java.lang.Runnable, SimEntity, TimeZoned
All Known Implementing Classes:
DatacenterSimple, NetworkDatacenter

public interface Datacenter
extends SimEntity, PowerAware, TimeZoned
An interface to be implemented by each class that provides Datacenter features. The interface implements the Null Object Design Pattern in order to start avoiding NullPointerException when using the NULL object instead of attributing null to Datacenter variables.
CloudSim Plus 1.0
Rodrigo N. Calheiros, Anton Beloglazov, Manoel Campos da Silva Filho
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • requestVmMigration

      void requestVmMigration​(Vm sourceVm, Host targetHost)
      Sends an event to request the migration of a Vm to a given target Host. If you want VM migrations to be performed automatically, use a VmAllocationPolicyMigration.
      sourceVm - the VM to be migrated
      targetHost - the target Host to migrate the VM to
      See Also:
    • getHostList

      <T extends Host> java.util.List<T> getHostList()
      Gets an unmodifiable host list.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The generic type
      the host list
    • getHost

      Host getHost​(int index)
      Gets a Host in a given position inside the Host List.
      index - the position of the List to get the Host
    • getActiveHostsNumber

      long getActiveHostsNumber()
      Gets the current number of Hosts that are powered on inside the Datacenter.
      See Also:
    • size

      long size()
      Gets the total number of existing Hosts in this Datacenter.
    • getHostById

      Host getHostById​(long id)
      Gets a Host from its id.
      id - the ID of the Host to get from the List.
      the Host if found or Host.NULL otherwise
    • addHostList

      <T extends Host> Datacenter addHostList​(java.util.List<T> hostList)
      Physically expands the Datacenter by adding a List of new Hosts (physical machines) to it. Hosts can be added before or after the simulation has started. If a Host is added during simulation execution, in case VMs are added dynamically too, they may be allocated to this new Host, depending on the VmAllocationPolicy.

      If an ID is not assigned to a Host, the method assigns one.

      hostList - the List of new hosts to be added
      See Also:
    • addHost

      <T extends Host> Datacenter addHost​(T host)
      Physically expands the Datacenter by adding a new Host (physical machine) to it. Hosts can be added before or after the simulation has started. If a Host is added during simulation execution, in case VMs are added dynamically too, they may be allocated to this new Host, depending on the VmAllocationPolicy.

      If an ID is not assigned to the given Host, the method assigns one.

      host - the new host to be added
      See Also:
    • removeHost

      <T extends Host> Datacenter removeHost​(T host)
      Removes a Host from its Datacenter.
      host - the new host to be removed from its assigned Datacenter
    • getVmAllocationPolicy

      VmAllocationPolicy getVmAllocationPolicy()
      Gets the policy to be used by the Datacenter to allocate VMs into hosts.
      the VM allocation policy
      See Also:
    • getSchedulingInterval

      double getSchedulingInterval()
      Gets the scheduling interval to process each event received by the Datacenter (in seconds). This value defines the interval in which processing of Cloudlets will be updated. The interval doesn't affect the processing of such cloudlets, it only defines in which interval the processing will be updated. For instance, if it is set a interval of 10 seconds, the processing of cloudlets will be updated at every 10 seconds. By this way, trying to get the amount of instructions the cloudlet has executed after 5 seconds, by means of Cloudlet.getFinishedLengthSoFar(Datacenter), it will not return an updated value. By this way, one should set the scheduling interval to 5 to get an updated result. As longer is the interval, faster will be the simulation execution.
      the scheduling interval (in seconds)
    • setSchedulingInterval

      Datacenter setSchedulingInterval​(double schedulingInterval)
      Sets the scheduling delay to process each event received by the Datacenter (in seconds).
      schedulingInterval - the new scheduling interval (in seconds)
      See Also:
    • getCharacteristics

      DatacenterCharacteristics getCharacteristics()
      Gets the Datacenter characteristics.
      the Datacenter characteristics
    • getDatacenterStorage

      DatacenterStorage getDatacenterStorage()
      Gets the storage of the Datacenter.
      the storage
    • setDatacenterStorage

      void setDatacenterStorage​(DatacenterStorage datacenterStorage)
      Sets the storage of the Datacenter.
      datacenterStorage - the new storage
    • getBandwidthPercentForMigration

      double getBandwidthPercentForMigration()
      Gets the percentage of the bandwidth allocated to a Host to migrate VMs. It's a value between [0 and 1] (where 1 is 100%). The default value is 0.5, meaning only 50% of the bandwidth will be allowed for migration, while the remaining will be used for VM services.
      See Also:
    • setBandwidthPercentForMigration

      void setBandwidthPercentForMigration​(double bandwidthPercentForMigration)
      Sets the percentage of the bandwidth allocated to a Host to migrate VMs. It's a value between [0 and 1] (where 1 is 100%). The default value is 0.5, meaning only 50% of the bandwidth will be allowed for migration, while the remaining will be used for VM services.
      bandwidthPercentForMigration - the bandwidth migration percentage to set
    • getPower

      double getPower()
      Gets an estimation of Datacenter power consumption in Watt-Second (Ws).

      To get actual power consumption, it's required to enable Host's StateHistory by calling Host.enableStateHistory() and use each Host PowerModel to compute power usage based on the CPU utilization got form the StateHistory.

      Specified by:
      getPower in interface PowerAware
      the estimated power consumption in Watt-Second (Ws)
      See Also:
    • addOnHostAvailableListener

      Datacenter addOnHostAvailableListener​(EventListener<HostEventInfo> listener)
      Adds a EventListener object that will be notified every time when the a new Hosts is available for the Datacenter during simulation runtime. If the addHost(Host) or addHostList(List) is called before the simulation starts, the listeners will not be notified.
      listener - the event listener to add
    • isMigrationsEnabled

      boolean isMigrationsEnabled()
      Checks if migrations are enabled.
      true, if migrations are enable; false otherwise
    • enableMigrations

      Datacenter enableMigrations()
      Enable VM migrations.
    • disableMigrations

      Datacenter disableMigrations()
      Disable VM migrations.
    • setPowerSupply

      void setPowerSupply​(DatacenterPowerSupply powerSupply)
      Sets a DatacenterPowerSupply to enable computing the Datacenter's power consumption, based on the consumption of its Hosts. Since this computation is expensive for large amount of Hosts and the researcher may not be interested in power consumption, the attribute is initialized with DatacenterPowerSupply.NULL. That avoids computing power consumption by default for every simulation, This way, the computation of power consumption must be explicitly enabled by the researcher by providing an instance to this attribute before the simulation starts.
      powerSupply - a DatacenterPowerSupply instance to enable the Datacenter to compute its power consumption (if null is given, it disables such a computation)
    • getPowerSupply

      DatacenterPowerSupply getPowerSupply()
      Gets the DatacenterPowerSupply that enables computing the current amount of power being consumed by the Hosts of a Datacenter.