Class VmAllocationPolicyFirstFit

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class VmAllocationPolicyFirstFit
extends VmAllocationPolicyAbstract
implements VmAllocationPolicy
A First Fit VM allocation policy which finds the first Host having suitable resources to place a given VM. This is a high time-efficient policy with a best-case complexity O(1) and a worst-case complexity O(N), where N is the number of Hosts. Additionally, such a policy is resource efficient, because it performs server consolidation by trying to place the maximum number of VMs into the same Host in order to increase Host's resource usage.


  • This policy doesn't perform optimization of VM allocation by means of VM migration.
  • It has a low computational complexity but may return and inactive Host that will be activated, while there may be active Hosts suitable for the VM.

CloudSim Plus 1.0.0
Manoel Campos da Silva Filho
See Also:
VmAllocationPolicyBestFit, VmAllocationPolicySimple
  • Constructor Details

    • VmAllocationPolicyFirstFit

      public VmAllocationPolicyFirstFit()
  • Method Details