Class VmAllocationPolicySimple

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class VmAllocationPolicySimple
extends VmAllocationPolicyAbstract
A VmAllocationPolicy implementation that chooses, as the host for a VM, that one with the fewest PEs in use. It is therefore a Worst Fit policy, allocating each VM into the host with most available PEs.

This is a really computationally complex policy since the worst-case complexity to allocate a Host for a VM is O(N), where N is the number of Hosts. Such an implementation is not appropriate for large scale scenarios.

NOTE: This policy doesn't perform optimization of VM allocation by means of VM migration.

CloudSim Toolkit 1.0
Rodrigo N. Calheiros, Anton Beloglazov, Manoel Campos da Silva Filho
See Also:
VmAllocationPolicyFirstFit, VmAllocationPolicyBestFit