Class ResourceProvisionerSimple

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ResourceProvisionerSimple
extends ResourceProvisionerAbstract
A best-effort ResourceProvisioner policy used by a Host to provide a resource to VMs:
  • if there is available amount of the resource on the host, it provides;
  • otherwise, it fails.
Rodrigo N. Calheiros, Anton Beloglazov, Manoel Campos da Silva Filho
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • allocateResourceForVm

      public boolean allocateResourceForVm​(Vm vm, long newTotalVmResourceCapacity)
      Description copied from interface: ResourceProvisioner
      Allocates an amount of the physical resource for a VM, changing the current capacity of the virtual resource to the given amount.
      vm - the virtual machine for which the resource is being allocated
      newTotalVmResourceCapacity - the new total amount of resource to allocate to the VM, changing the allocate resource to this new amount. It doesn't increase the current allocated VM resource by the given amount, instead, it changes the VM allocated resource to that specific amount
      $true if the resource could be allocated; $false otherwise
    • allocateResourceForVm

      public boolean allocateResourceForVm​(Vm vm, double newTotalVmResource)
      Description copied from interface: ResourceProvisioner
      Allocates an amount of the physical resource for a VM, changing the current capacity of the virtual resource to the given amount.

      This method is just a shorthand to avoid explicitly converting a double to long.

      vm - the virtual machine for which the resource is being allocated
      newTotalVmResource - the new total amount of resource to allocate to the VM, changing the allocate resource to this new amount. It doesn't increase the current allocated VM resource by the given amount, instead, it changes the VM allocated resource to that specific amount
      $true if the resource could be allocated; $false otherwise
      See Also:
      ResourceProvisioner.allocateResourceForVm(Vm, long)
    • deallocateResourceForVm

      public boolean deallocateResourceForVm​(Vm vm)
      Description copied from interface: ResourceProvisioner
      Releases all the allocated amount of the resource used by a VM.
      vm - the vm
      true if the resource was deallocated; false if the related resource has never been allocated to the given VM.
    • deallocateResourceForVmAndSetAllocationMapEntryToZero

      protected long deallocateResourceForVmAndSetAllocationMapEntryToZero​(Vm vm)
      Description copied from class: ResourceProvisionerAbstract
      Deallocate the resource for the given VM, without removing the VM fro the allocation map. The resource usage of the VM entry on the allocation map is just set to 0.
      Specified by:
      deallocateResourceForVmAndSetAllocationMapEntryToZero in class ResourceProvisionerAbstract
      vm - the VM to deallocate resource
      the amount of allocated VM resource or zero if VM is not found
    • isSuitableForVm

      public boolean isSuitableForVm​(Vm vm, long newVmTotalAllocatedResource)
      Description copied from interface: ResourceProvisioner
      Checks if it is possible to change the current allocated resource for a given VM to a new amount, depending on the available physical resource remaining.
      vm - the vm to check if there is enough available resource on the host to change the allocated amount for the VM
      newVmTotalAllocatedResource - the new total amount of resource to allocate for the VM.
      true, if it is possible to allocate the new total VM resource; false otherwise