Class PeProvisionerSimple

All Implemented Interfaces:
PeProvisioner, ResourceProvisioner

public class PeProvisionerSimple
extends ResourceProvisionerSimple
implements PeProvisioner
A best-effort PeProvisioner policy used by a Host to provide virtual PEs to VMs from its physical PEs:
  • if there is available MIPS on the physical PE, it allocates to a virtual PE;
  • otherwise, it fails.

Each host's PE must have its own instance of a PeProvisioner. When extending this class, care must be taken to guarantee that the field availableMips will always contain the amount of free MIPS available for future allocations.

CloudSim Toolkit 2.0
Anton Beloglazov, Manoel Campos da Silva Filho
  • Constructor Details

    • PeProvisionerSimple

      public PeProvisionerSimple()
      Instantiates a new PeProvisionerSimple. The Pe it will manage will be set just at Pe instantiation.
    • PeProvisionerSimple

      public PeProvisionerSimple​(Pe pe)
      Instantiates a new PeProvisionerSimple for a given Pe.
      pe -
  • Method Details

    • setPe

      public void setPe​(Pe pe)
      Description copied from interface: PeProvisioner
      Sets the Pe that this provisioner will manage.
      Specified by:
      setPe in interface PeProvisioner
      pe - the Pe to set
    • getUtilization

      public double getUtilization()
      Description copied from interface: PeProvisioner
      Gets the utilization percentage of the Pe in scale from 0 to 1.
      Specified by:
      getUtilization in interface PeProvisioner
      the utilization percentage from 0 to 1