Interface PeProvisioner

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public interface PeProvisioner
extends ResourceProvisioner
An interface that represents the provisioning policy used by a host to provide virtual PEs to its virtual machines. It gets a physical PE and manage it in order to provide this PE as virtual PEs for VMs. In that way, a given PE might be shared among different VMs.
CloudSim Plus 1.1
Manoel Campos da Silva Filho
  • Field Details

    • NULL

      static final PeProvisioner NULL
      An attribute that implements the Null Object Design Pattern for PeProvisioner objects.
  • Method Details

    • setPe

      void setPe​(Pe pe)
      Sets the Pe that this provisioner will manage.
      pe - the Pe to set
    • allocateResourceForVm

      boolean allocateResourceForVm​(Vm vm, long mipsCapacity)
      Allocates an amount of MIPS from the physical Pe to a new virtual PE for a given VM. The virtual PE to be added will use the total or partial MIPS capacity of the physical PE.
      Specified by:
      allocateResourceForVm in interface ResourceProvisioner
      vm - the virtual machine for which the new virtual PE is being allocated
      mipsCapacity - the MIPS to be allocated to the virtual PE of the given VM
      $true if the virtual PE could be allocated; $false otherwise
    • getAllocatedResourceForVm

      long getAllocatedResourceForVm​(Vm vm)
      Gets the amount of allocated MIPS from the physical Pe to a virtual PE of a VM.
      Specified by:
      getAllocatedResourceForVm in interface ResourceProvisioner
      vm - the virtual machine to get the allocated virtual Pe MIPS
      the allocated virtual Pe MIPS
    • deallocateResourceForVm

      boolean deallocateResourceForVm​(Vm vm)
      Releases the virtual Pe allocated to a given VM.
      Specified by:
      deallocateResourceForVm in interface ResourceProvisioner
      vm - the vm to release the virtual Pe
      true if the resource was deallocated; false if the related resource has never been allocated to the given VM.
    • deallocateResourceForAllVms

      void deallocateResourceForAllVms()
      Releases all virtual PEs allocated to all VMs.
      Specified by:
      deallocateResourceForAllVms in interface ResourceProvisioner
    • getTotalAllocatedResource

      long getTotalAllocatedResource()
      Gets the total allocated MIPS from the physical Pe.
      Specified by:
      getTotalAllocatedResource in interface ResourceProvisioner
      the total allocated MIPS
    • getUtilization

      double getUtilization()
      Gets the utilization percentage of the Pe in scale from 0 to 1.
      the utilization percentage from 0 to 1